John Lachin


John Lachin


Emeritus Research Professor of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, and of Statistics


School: Milken Institute School of Public Health

Department: Biostatistics and Bioinformatics


Email: John Lachin
Office Phone: 301-881-9260
Fax: 301-881-3742
Biostatistics Center , 6110 Executive Blvd, Rockville, MD 20852

Dr. Lachin is Research Professor of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, and of Statistics, formerly with tenure 1987-2014; and former Director of The Biostatistics Center from 1988-2000 and 2010-12. Dr. Lachin was the founding director of the GWU graduate program in Biostatistics and Epidemiology and mentored 15 doctoral students in Statistics, Biostatistics or Epidemiology. Dr. Lachin no longer teaches.

Dr. Lachin is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, the Royal Statistical Society, and the Society for Clinical Trials for which he also served as President.

Dr. Lachin authored 5 books including Biostatistical Methods (Wiley, Second Edition, 2011) and Randomization in Clinical Trials (co-author, Wiley, Second Edition, 2016) that won the American Association of Publishers' award for "Outstanding professional and scholarly title of 2002 in mathematics and science." He has also authored 90 methodological papers (67 peer-reviewed), and over 260 peer-reviewed scientific papers. As of September 29, 2019 his h-Index was 80, meaning that 80 of his peer reviewed authored papers had been cited at least 80 times. His papers had received 79,135 citations.

Dr. Lachin is currently principal investigator of Biostatistical Research Center for the study of the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC), and is Co-principal investigator for the Glycemia Reduction Approaches for Diabetes Effectiveness: A Comparative Effectiveness Study (GRADE), both funded by the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases. In 1994, he was a co-recipient of the American Diabetes Association's Charles H. Best Medal for Distinguished Service in the Cause of Diabetes, which was awarded to the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) Research Group.

His recent co-authored medical papers include the demonstration that intensive treatment of type 1 diabetes leading to near normal levels of glucose can reduce mortality and the progression or retinal and renal microvascular complications during the EDIC study, the phenomenon of metabolic memory that was first reported in a landmark paper in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in 2000 for which Dr. Lachin was the lead author. He is an author of 18 papers in the NEJM.

Recent methodological publications include description of the Wei-Lachin multivariate one-directional test for multiple outcomes; and its application to composite outcomes.

Additional information about Dr. Lachin is available on the Biostatistic Center's web site





Doctor of Science (Biostatistics), University of Pittsburgh, 1972 Bachelor of Science, Tulane University, 1965


Introduction to Biostatistics (Statistics 1127), lecturer

Data Analysis (Statistics 6210), developer and lecturer

Design of Medical Studies (formerly Statistics 224, now PH 6247), developer and lecturer;

Biostatistical Methods (formerly Statistics 225, now PH 6266), developer and lecturer

Advanced Biostatistical Methods (formerly Statistics 226), lecturer

Survival Analysis (Statistics 6227), developer and lecturer.

Dr. Lachin no longer teaches.


Professor Lachin has served on the Data and Safety Monitoring Board of numerous clinical trials, including ones sponsored by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, the National Institute of Diabetes, Digest and Kidney Diseases and the pharmaceutical industry. He has served on the editorial board of Controlled Clinical Trials and as a board member and committee chairman at the Society for Clinical Trials, prior to assuming the presidency.


Biostatistics Center

Dr. Lachin in the Principal Investigator on two grants from the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases: • Glycemia Reduction Approaches for Diabetes Effectiveness: A Comparative Effectiveness Study (GRADE) 07/2017 – 07/2022, P.I., Coordinating Center, NIDDK Cooperative Agreement 1 U01 DK-098246, $115,406,642. • Epidemiology of Diabetes Intervention and Complications: 7/2017 - 04/2022, P.I., Coordinating Center, NIDDK Grant U01-DK094176-02, $15,998,739. Dr. Lachin's recent publications have focused on applications of the Wei-Lachin multivariate test and analyses to the assessment of multiple outcomes in a comparative effectiveness study, and its application to the analysis of composite outcomes. Dr. Lachin was also a co-author of reports from the EDIC study on various long-term benefits of a period of intensive diabetes management to reduce glucose levels including reductions in cardiovascular disease and mortality, and reports on patient characteristics (risk factors) that determine the risk of advanced microvascular outcomes and cardiovascular disease.

As of April, 2019 Dr. Lachin had published 5 books and 368 research articles. Publications from January 2018 to August 2019 are presented below. .

Bebu I, Lachin JM. Properties of composite time to first event versus joint marginal analyses of multiple outcomes. Statistics in Medicine. 2018; 37:3918-30.

Bebu I, Lachin JM. Optimal screening schedules for disease progression with application to diabetic retinopathy. Biostatistics. 2018;19(1):1-13.

Hainsworth DP, Bebu I, Aiello LP, Sivitz W, Gubitosi-Klug R, Malone J, White NH, Danis R, Wallia A, Gao X, Barkmeier AJ, Das A, Patel S, Gardner TW, Lachin JM, Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) Research Group. Risk factors for retinopathy in type 1 diabetes: The DCCT/EDIC Study. Diabetes Care. 2019 Mar . doi:10.2337/dc18-2308. PMID: 30833368.

Budoff M, Backlund JC, Bluemke DA, Polak J, Bebu I, Schade D, Strowig S, Raskin P, Lachin JM,The association of coronary artery calcification with subsequent incidence of cardiovascular disease in type 1 diabetes: The DCCT/EDIC Trials,JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 2019 Mar,

Bebu I, Braffett BH, Orchard TJ, Lorenzi GM, Lachin JM, and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Mediation of the effect of glycemia on the risk of CVD outcomes in type 1 diabetes: The DCCT/EDIC Study. Diabetes Care. 2019 Mar . doi:10.2337/dc18-1613. PMID: 30894365.

Perkins BA, Bebu I, de Boer IH, Molitch M, Tamborlane W, Lorenzi G, Herman W, White NH, Pop-Busui R, Paterson AD, Orchard T, Cowie , Lachin JM, on behalf of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)-Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) Research Group. Risk factors for kidney disease in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care Feb 2019, dc182062; DOI: 10.2337/dc18-2062

Braffett BH, Dagogo-Jack S, Bebu I, Sivitz WI, Larkin M, Kolterman O, Lachin JM, and The DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Association of insulin dose, cardiometabolic risk factors, and cardiovascular disease in type 1 diabetes during 30 years of follow-up in the DCCT/EDIC Study. Diabetes Care 2019, 42(4): 657-664

Schade DS, Lorenzi GM, Braffett BH, Gao X, Bainbridge KE, Barnie A, Cruickshanks KJ, Dalton D, Diminick L, Gubitosi-Klug R, Kramer JR, Lachin JM, Larkin ME, Cowie CC, and The DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Hearing impairment and type 1 diabetes in the DCCT/EDIC cohort. Diabetes Care 2018, 41(12):2495-2501. DOI: 10.2337/dc18-0625. PMC6245203.

Wilson Tang WH, McGee P, Lachin JM, Li DY, Hoogwerf B, Hazen SL, DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Oxidative stress and cardiovascular risk in type 1 diabetes mellitus: insights from the DCCT/EDIC study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2018;7:e008368. DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.117.008368

Herman WH, Braffett BH, Kuo S, Lee JM, Brandle M, Jacobson AM, Prosser LA, Lachin JM, Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (DCCT/EDIC) Research Group. What are the clinical, quality-of-life, and cost consequences of 30 years of excellent vs. poor glycemic control in type 1 diabetes?. Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 2018, 32: 911–915

Herman WH, Braffett BH, Kuo S, Lee JM, Brandle M, Jacobson AM, Prosser LA, Lachin JM, Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (DCCT/EDIC) Research Group The 30-year cost-effectiveness of alternative strategies to achieve excellent glycemic control in type 1 diabetes: an economic simulation informed by the results of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (DCCT/EDIC). Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 2018; 32: 934–939.

Claggett B, Lachin J, Hantel S, Fitchett D, Inzucchi S.E., Woerle H.J., George J.T., Zinman B. Long-Term Benefit of Empagliflozin on Life Expectancy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Established Cardiovascular Disease: Survival Estimates from the EMPA-REG OUTCOME Trial . Circulation. 2018;138(15):1599-1601.

Fitchett D, Inzucchi SE, Lachin JM, Wanner C, van de Borne P, Mattheus M, Johansen OE, Woerle HJ, Broedl UC, George JT, Zinman B; EMPA-REG OUTCOME investigators. Cardiovascular mortality reduction with empagliflozin in patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  J Am Coll Cardiol 2018;71:364–67. 

Inzucchi SE, Zinman B, Fitchett D, Wanner C, Ferrannini E, Schumacher M, Schmoor C, Ohneberg K, Johansen OE, George JT, Hantel S. How Does Empagliflozin Reduce Cardiovascular Mortality? Insights From a Mediation Analysis of the EMPA-REG OUTCOME Trial. Diabetes Care. 2018 Feb 1;41(2):356-63.

Fitchett, D., Butler, J., van de Borne, P., Zinman, B., Lachin, J., Wanner, C., Woerle, H., Hantel, S., George, J., Johansen, O., & Inzucchi, S. Effects of Empagliflozin on Risk for Cardiovascular Death and Heart Failure Hospitalization Across the Spectrum of Heart Failure Risk in the EMPA-REG OUTCOME® Trial.. European Heart Journal, 2018;39(5):363-370. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehx511.

Wanner C, Lachin JM, Inzucchi SE, Fitchett D, Mattheus M, George JT, Woerle HJ, Broedl UC, von Eynatten M, Zinman B. Empagliflozin and clinical outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes, established cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease. Circulation. 2018; 137: 119-29.