Master Teacher Academy

GWSPH Master Teacher Academy Overview


The Master Teacher Academy (MTA) is a faculty-driven collective of educational leaders who have been selected by their peers to cultivate a culture of teaching and learning excellence within GWSPH, and in the broader academic public health community.  MTA membership is both an acknowledgement of teaching excellence and an opportunity to engage collaboratively with faculty colleagues in promoting individual teaching growth and schoolwide faculty development activities.

MTA Core Activities:

1) Contribute ongoing pedagogical expertise to GWSPH faculty, staff, and/or students regarding teaching excellence.

Example Activities:

  • Hosting of faculty webinars and teaching-related opportunities (i.e. academic integrity seminars, inclusive teaching, handling “hot moments” course, advice for hybrid teaching, utility and advice in developing grading rubrics, etc.)
  • Serving as key advisors for the SPH Dean’s Office in testing and adopting innovative teaching practices (i.e. inclusive teaching implementation, congruence of course policies [i.e. grading scales], testing teaching modalities, development of inclusive teaching statement, etc.)
  • Providing one-on-one or small-group coaching and technical assistance to faculty peers through reviews of teaching, new/evolving classroom practices, educational technologies, as requested

2) Strengthen and build each MTA members’ own pedagogical expertise and provide opportunities for their growth and advancement.

Example Activities:

  • Participation in peer review of teaching/internal mentorship opportunities.
  • Selection of and participation in expert speaker seminars.

3) Participate in educational/pedagogical research and disseminate GWSPH pedagogical knowledge to the wider academic and public health communities.

Example Activities:

  • MTA members mentoring annual class of MTA Fellows
  • Participation in GW Teaching Day
  • Developing and disseminating MTA members’ internal scientific experiments / peer-reviewed articles regarding pedological excellence and innovation.
MTA Membership Expectations & Application Requirements

The expectation is that the MTA will meet monthly (minimally quarterly) on matters relating to faculty development, pedagogical innovation, delivery of teaching-related programming, or engagement in teaching advancement activities.  Meetings will routinely take place via Zoom, with in-person meetings scheduled for special situations.

Membership will be divided into four categories: Active, Emeritus/Advisory, Ex Officio, and those approved for a Leave of Absence (up to 1 academic year).  

MTA Membership Expectations & Application Requirements

Emeritus/Advisory and Leave of Absence Status:

Emeritus/Advisory status is indicative of a senior member who still maintains Master Teacher Academy status, but may wish to reduce their time and engagement with the MTA. Emeriti are encouraged to continue their involvement (including, but not limited to, chairing programming, mentoring fellows, and attending meetings) and may be explicitly asked to weigh in on important cases, decisions, and voting opportunities. This status provides the Emeriti the ability to pursue other endeavors while still maintaining membership status, and creates space in the academy for new active membership. This request should be emailed to the MTA Chair and Ex Officio members by the first day of the academic year (e.g. for the 2024-25 academic year, this would be due by Thursday, August 22nd, 2024.)  Emeritus/Advisory status is optional and not automatic; this represents a permanent shift in the status of the member.

Individuals who foresee that they will not be able to actively contribute to MTA meetings and programming, but who wish to fully reengage in the future, should consider applying for a Leave of Absence (up to 1 academic calendar year.)  LOA applications should be sent directly to the MTA Chair and Ex Officio members.

Membership Requirements and Selection: 

Prospective members must have taught for GWSPH for three years academic years prior to applying. Membership is designed for faculty members (both full- and part-time) who have consistently demonstrated teaching excellence, pedagogical innovation, and teaching-related service to GWSPH. Any information related to teaching awards, recognitions, and course evaluations (quantitative and qualitative) should be shared in the application form and accompanying 1-page recommendation letter from a departmental or program chair.  Self-nominations are accepted, with a required supporting recommendation letter from the individual’s department chair or program director.

The 2025 MTA Member class application cycle will open on Monday, September 23rd (application link will be emailed to all faculty) and will close on Sunday, October 20th, 2024; new members will be notified/inducted by the week of Thanksgiving break and will begin their MTA tenure in January 2025.

The application form can be found here: MTA New Member Application Form

In addition to completing the application form, applicants are required to obtain a letter of recommendation from their Chair or Program Director to support their application. Recommendation letters should be emailed (either by the applicant or the recommender) to [email protected] by the application due date.

Members are expected to maintain Active status for at least three academic years at which time they become eligible to opt-in to Emeritus/Advisory status, see eligibility dates below.  Note: 2019 and 2022 inductees will be eligible for Emeritus status based on the date this membership category was introduced/allowed for the first 2018 cohort.  As such, new embers inducted in January 2025 will be eligible for Emeritus/Advisory status in January 2028.

Current MTA Members
Current MTA Roster

Past Programming Videos/Resources:

"Cheating Lessons" with Dr. James M. Lang (part 1: 09/16/22 & part 2: 09/30/22)

"Inclusive Teaching 101, Workshop #1 - Introducing the GWSPH Inclusive Classroom Toolkit", with Daphna Atias, GW Instructional Core (10/14/22):

"Inclusive Teaching 101, Workshop #2 - Guiding Inclusive Discussions & Handling Hot Moments" (11/11/22):

"Managing DSS Accommodations: Faculty/Staff Q&A" with Ann Bodnar, GW Disability Support Services (10/20/23):

"All About Rubrics: Strategies for Creation and Successful Implementation" with Daphna Atias & Robin Pokorski, GW Instructional Core (01/26/24):

MTA Fellows Presentations, featuring Dr. Wendy Ellis & Dr. Juan Klopper (04/11/24): 
Passcode: Mb8!wi!u

“Academic Integrity: Current Challenges & Future Planning” with Christy Anthony, Director of GW Student Rights & Responsibilities (05/21/24) 

“Gen AI for the Public Health Classroom" with Jason Torres, GW Instructional Core & Drs. Juan Klooper and Andy Wiss, GWSPH (09/06/24)

Coming Soon:

"Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom" with Drs. Kelly A. Hogan & Viji Sathy (09/20/24) 

GWSPH Academic Affairs and the GWSPH Master Teacher Academy are excited to welcome pedagogical experts/authors Drs. Kelly A. Hogan and Viji Sathy, as they join us for a virtual seminar to discuss the principles and practices shared in their book, "Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom." Written by and for college educators, this book provides tips and advice on how to intentionally and thoughtfully use course design, sturcture, and classroom interactions to make all students feel welcome, included, and engaged.

Virtual (Zoom) Seminar: Septemer 20, 2024, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ET. Please register here!

"Rubics Revisited" with Daphna Atias & Robin Pokorski, GW Instructional Core (11/22/24) from 10:00 - 11:15 a.m. ET via Zoom