MPH in Biostatistics Practice Experience
MPH in Biostatistics Practice Experience
Students in the GW MPH programs gain practical skills and knowledge through their practice experiences. It is important for MPH Biostatistics graduates to feel confident in their skills and gain real-world experience during their studies. Students in the Biostatistics MPH program complete
both an Applied Practice Experience (Practicum) and a Culminating Experience (CE) to practice their knowledge and skills in real-world settings.
Practicum – PUBH 6000.10
In the Department of Biostatistics, the Practicum consists of a Practice Activity - defined as a planned, supervised, and evaluated experience in a public health organization. The Practice Activity can be related to either primary research or public health practice and include activities such as conducting
literature reviews, proposal writing, data collection and analysis.
The Practice Activity enables the student to apply new skills in the context of public health, and must not be directly related to the student's day-to-day work. If the student does conduct the Practice Activity at his/her place of employment, this must be a separate activity for which the student is not remunerated.
Please visit the Milken Institute School of Public Health's practicum web pages for more information.
Practicum FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the Practicum?
The Practicum is a Practice Activity of a planned, supervised, and evaluated experience in a public health organization. It can be external to GW or university affiliated. Students are expected to complete at least 120 hours of activities producing at least 2 work products or deliverables that benefit a community, people, or population and that meet 3 SPH Program Competencies and 2 Biostatistics Program Track Competencies. GW affiliated projects must also focus on community engagement and cannot serve to benefit the PI or university.
- What are some examples of work products or deliverables?
Work products can include but are not limited to data collection and analysis, conducting a literature review, concept paper writing, proposal writing, and summarizing results from statistical analyses.
- What are the SPH Program and Biostatistics Track Competencies?
You can access the SPH Program Competencies and Biostatistics Program Track Competencies here. Students are expected to meet 3 SPH Program Competencies and 2 Biostatistics Program Track Competencies.
- How can I sign up for the Practicum?
You can enroll in the Practicum during any semester by Registration Transaction Form. The semester’s corresponding CRN is found in the Schedule of Classes.
- How many course credits is the Practicum?
It is a 0 credit course.
- When do I take the Practicum?
Students are encouraged to complete the Practicum during their last year of study, typically during the 2nd to last semester.
- Can I extend my Practicum to another semester?
Yes, it is possible to extend your Practicum. You will receive credit for the semester in which you complete your Practicum.
- Can I link my Practicum to the CE?
Although it is not required, some students choose to link their Practicum and Culminating Experience so that the content of the selected Practicum is linked to the planning and interpretation aspects of the CE. Students may also choose to conduct a Practicum that is independent of their CE; in this case, a separate project needs to be identified for the CE. Students can opt to do the Practicum and CE concurrently. If,
however, they choose to do the two courses sequentially, the Practicum must come first.- Can I get compensated for the Practicum?
The Practicum can be a volunteer or paid experience, depending on the organization. Regardless, the student can gain rewarding applied skills and experiences while benefiting a community, people, or population as it relates to public health. International students must contact the ISO for guidance before proceeding to pursue the Practicum. Eligibility includes completion of one year of full time course work.
- I have work experience already. Can I apply for exemption from the Practicum?
We strongly encourage all MPH in Biostatistics students to complete the Practicum as the applied experience is tailored towards your graduate studies. If you have 5 years or beyond of public health work experience in a field related to Biostatistics after completing your undergraduate degree or 3 years or beyond in a field related to Biostatistics after finishing your graduate degree, you may be eligible for exemption by applying for an Expedited Portfolio Review. If eligible, please contact the Practicum Director for details.
- I’m ready to enroll in the Practicum. What are my initial steps?
- Please attend a Practicum and CE orientation at least one semester prior to enrolling in the Practicum. The search and placement process can take several weeks to an entire semester.
- Set up an initial consultation with your Practicum Director (PD) prior to the semester you plan to begin your Practicum. If you are planning to take the Practicum in the Fall, schedule an initial consultation with your Program Director during the Spring semester. If you aim to complete the Practicum in the Summer, make an initial appointment with your PD during the Spring semester. If you anticipating to take the Practicum in the Spring, set up an initial meeting with your PD during the Fall semester .
- Prepare to think about a few public health organizations you wish to work with.
- If you are encountering challenges in identifying relevant organizations, the PD can discuss options with you.
- Once you identify a site and Preceptor, please contact your PD for guidelines on how to move forward.
- Do I receive a grade for the Practicum?
The Practicum is a credit/no credit course. Upon successful completion, the student will receive a grade of credit. Students are expected to enter their Practicum experience into the Handshake portal. The forms of assessment include a midpoint evaluation filled out when the student reaches 60 hours and a final evaluation form once the student reaches 120 hours of their Practicum.
Please find additional Practicum resources here:
● Syllabus: Biostatistics Practicum (PubH 6000.10)
● SPH and DBB Competencies
● Coming soon - Practicum Student Checklist
Culminating Experience – PUBH 6015.10
The Culminating Experience (CE) integrates the knowledge and skills students acquire through their academic work and the practice activity. It is a graded course in which students identify and define a specific public health issue and formulate questions to address that issue. Students work with data obtained through primary research or from an existing dataset. The process of proposal development, data analysis, interpretation and extrapolation of the results, culminates in a written report or manuscript, and an oral presentation.
Although it is not required, some students choose to link their Practicum and Culminating Experience so that the content of the selected Practicum is linked to the planning and interpretation aspects of the CE. Students may also choose to conduct a Practicum that is independent of their CE; in this case, a separate project needs to be identified for the CE. Students can opt to do the Practicum and CE concurrently. If, however, they choose to do the two courses sequentially, the Practicum must come first.
Culminating Experience FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the CE?
The Culminating Experience (CE) integrates the knowledge and skills students acquire through their academic work and the practice activity. It is a graded course in which students identify and define a specific public health issue and formulate questions to address that issue. Students work with data obtained through primary research or from an existing dataset. The process of proposal development, data analysis, interpretation and extrapolation of the results, culminates in a written report or manuscript, and an oral presentation.
- What are the deliverables or work products for the CE?
Students are expected to deliver a concept paper, proposal, manuscript, and a final presentation. The anticipated timeline can be found here. Preparations for the CE usually occur prior to the semester the student enrolls in the CE.
- What are some examples of previous research topics from the CE?
Some previous CE research topics in the MPH Biostatistics program include:
- Cancer
o Inflammatory Breast Cancer
o Disparities in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
o Associations between Behavioral Factors and Cancer - HIV/AIDS
o Use of Technology in the Care of HIV
o Infected Individuals
o Care of Pediatric and Adolescent HIV-Infected Patients
o Adherence to Antiretroviral Medications
o Development of Resistance to Antiretroviral Medications - Infectious Disease
o Listeria at Meat Packaging Plants
o Food Contamination and Surveillance - Other
o Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Low Birth Weight
o Use of Standardized Case Definitions in Adverse Events following Immunization Surveillance
- Cancer
- How can I sign up for the CE?
You can enroll in the Culminating Experience during any semester by Registration Transaction Form. The semester’s corresponding CRN is found in the Schedule of Classes. Typically the CE is completed during one’s last semester of studies. At times, it can be completed simultaneously with the Practicum.
- How many course credits is the CE?
2 credits
- When do I take the CE?
Students are encouraged to complete the CE during their last semester of study. The CE is offered every semester, including the summer. Preparations for the CE usually occur one semester in advance to enrollment in the CE.
- Can I link my Practicum to the CE?
Although it is not required, some students choose to connect their Practicum and Culminating Experience so that the content of the selected Practicum is linked to the planning and interpretation aspects of the CE. A Concept Paper and a Proposal can be completed for the required deliverables concurrent with the Practicum.
Students can opt to do the Practicum and CE concurrently. The two experiences can be linked or independent. If independent, a separate project needs to be identified for the CE. If, however, they choose to do the two courses sequentially, the Practicum must come first.
- Can I extend my CE to another semester?
Please try to complete your CE during the same semester of enrollment.
- Can I apply for exemption from the CE?
All MPH in Biostatistics students are required to complete the Culminating Experience.
- I’m ready to enroll in the CE. What are my initial steps?
Consult with your PD for guidelines. Preparations for the CE usually occur one semester before you enroll in the CE. This includes drafting a concept paper and searching for an advisor.
- Do I receive a grade for the CE?
The CE is a 2 credit course. Upon successful delivery of a concept paper, proposal, manuscript, and presentation, the GW faculty advisor will perform a final evaluation and assign the student an overall grade. This grade will be recorded as credit/no credit.
Please find additional CE Resources here:
● Syllabus: Biostatistics Culminating Experience (PubH 6015.10)
● SPH and DBB Competencies
● Coming soon - CE Student Checklist
● Culminating Experience and Final Project Requirements (Reqs) and Timeline
DBB Practicum and CE Orientation Session Information
All DBB MPH in Biostatistics students planning to work on their Practicum and Culminating Experience are strongly encouraged to attend a Practicum and CE Orientation Session one semester prior to enrollment in the Practicum and CE.
If you are planning to take the Practicum or CE in the Fall, attend orientation during the Spring semester. If you aim to complete the Practicum in the Summer, attend orientation during the Spring semester. If you anticipate taking the Practicum in the Spring, attend orientation during the Fall
Specific dates and time for the orientation are announced on the DBB listserv.
If you are unable to attend the orientation session, please schedule an appointment with the Practicum Director for consultation.
Links to Other Practicum Resources
● Milken Institute School of Public Health Practicum website
● CITI Training Instructions
● University Policy - International Travel
● GW Writing Center
Practicum and Culminating Experience Team
To arrange a meeting with the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Practicum and Culminating Experience Director, please contact:
Stephanie Lee, MPA, MA
800 22 nd Street, NW, Suite 7000
Tel: (202) 994-1435
Email: [email protected]
Office Hrs: By appt