Research Integrity, Compliance, & Ethics


The Research Integrity, Compliance, and Ethics (RICE) unit's mission is to uphold integrity in research, ensure compliance with relevant laws and policies, and promote the highest ethical standards in research conducted by SPH-affiliated investigators. RICE aims to enhance understanding and implementation of research integrity, compliance, and ethics within SPH through various means such as information dissemination, training workshops, and seminars. Additionally, RICE continually develops new tools and strategies to ensure compliance in ongoing research.

The unit manages the ethics and compliance functions at GWSPH for GW and is crucial in establishing regulatory and ethics-related processes at GWSPH. It assesses all research-related standard operating procedures, works to reinforce responsible research conduct, and enhances the internal capacity for ethics review within GWSPH.

The RICE Unit oversees student projects, including coordinating the submission portal.

For any questions or additional information, please email [email protected].

RICE Initiatives

Policies & Guidance



The following categories include relevant GW University policies that impact research. Policies are categorized by when a researcher may need to reference a policy during the sponsored projects lifecycle. Certain policies may be duplicated as they pertain to multiple phases of the lifecycle.

Pre-Award Policies

The pre-award phase of the sponsored projects lifecycle includes proposal development and submission followed by award negotiation and acceptance.


There are currently no GW policies that directly impact research at this early stage in the grant life cycle.

Find Funding

Federal Sponsors

Funding Databases

International Funding

Intramural Funding

Proposal Development and Submission

Allegations of Research Misconduct

Animal Care and Use

Categorization of External Funding

Classified Research - GW's stance on conducting classified research

Compliance Regarding Select Agents and Pathogens

Compliance with Laws when Conducting University Activities Overseas

Conflict of Interest for Non-Faculty Employees

Conflicts of Interest & Commitment for Faculty and Investigators

Direct Charging of Administrative Costs Associated with Sponsored Projects

FCOI Supplemental Disclosure Form

Internal Questionnaire Administration

Privacy of Personal Information Policy

Protection of Minors

Signing of Contracts and Agreements - describes which roles at the university have signing authority

Treatment of Human Research Subjects

Award Negotiation & Acceptance

Material Transfer Agreement

Post-Award Policies

The post-award phase of the sponsored project lifecycle includes award set-up, award administration and management, and award closeout. Issues related to research integrity generally occur during post-award administration, and a separate section is included to address the relevant policies.

Award Set-Up

Administrative Establishment - allows temporary set up of an award before final execution of award documents

Award Administration & Management

Allegations of Research Misconduct

Animal Care and Use

Award Management and Closeout

Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control

Chemical Hygiene (Laboratory Safety)

Compliance Regarding Select Agents and Pathogens

Compliance with Laws when Conducting University Activities Overseas

Conflict of Interest for Non-Faculty Employees


Cost Sharing on Sponsored Projects

Cost Transfers on Sponsored Projects

Conflicts of Interest & Commitment for Faculty and Investigators

Direct Charging of Administrative Costs Associated with Sponsored Projects

Export Control

General Safety

Hazardous Waste Management

Health Information Privacy

Information Security

Patents and Scholarly Works

Privacy of Personal Information Policy

Personal Protective Equipment

Protection of Minors

Public Access to NIH-Funded Publications

Media - outlines best practices for engaging with the media

Records Management

Respiratory Protection

Signing of Contracts and Agreements

Social Media

Sub-recipient Monitoring

Treatment of Human Research Subjects

Use of Radioactive Materials

Award Closeout

Cost Transfers on Sponsored Projects

Liquidating Funds - disencumbering purchase orders

Research Integrity

Allegations of Research Misconduct

Animal Care and Use

Compliance with Laws when Conducting University Activities Overseas

Conflict of Interest for Non-Faculty Employees

Conflicts of Interest & Commitment for Faculty and Investigators

Privacy of Personal Information Policy

Protection of Minors

Treatment of Human Research Subjects


The following policies are internal to the Milken Institute School of Public Health and may be more specific than the University counterpart.

SPH Policies

Conflict of Interest FAQs

Conduct of Human Subjects Research by Milken Institute SPH Students Without Prior IRB Review

HIPAA Training​


The Office of Research Excellence (ORE) oversees student projects to ensure compliance with federal regulations, GWU policies concerning human research protections, and ethical standards. To streamline this process, ORE has developed a portal for SPH students to submit their project proposals for review and clearance. All student projects outside of activities limited to the classroom must be entered into the portal. This includes CE projects, practicum, field lab placements, independent studies, and other projects for school credit. The oversight process enables the Dean's Office of Research Excellence (ORE) to support students' educational journey while ensuring compliance with GWU policies. It helps ORE keep track of our students' great work.

To comply with federal regulations and GWU policies regarding human research protections, SPH students may not begin their projects until they have received a determination by email from ORE that they are approved to do so. To submit project proposals, students should use the Student Project Oversight Portal. ORE has provided a detailed Guidance Document for Faculty Advisors to help students navigate the processes. Additionally, ORE has prepared a Guidance Document for students that offers detailed instructions on preparing and submitting their proposals through the portal. Certain types of projects are exempted from submission through the portal. ORE issues blanket determinations (memos) for such student research activities, and these memos can be obtained by emailing [email protected]. If you have any questions regarding the oversight of student projects, please contact [email protected].

To ensure compliance with federal regulations and GWU policies concerning human research protections, you may not begin your project until you have received a determination by email from ORE that you are approved to do so.

Link: Student Project Oversight Portal

Download: Student Guidance Ethics Oversight Document

Download: Faculty Guidance Ethics Oversight Document

Additional Resources:

Link: Student Initiated Research

Download: Student Initiated Research Policy

Questions: [email protected] 


The Bioethics Interest Group is dedicated to fostering a dynamic and inclusive dialogue on ethical decision-making in public health. Chaired by Dr. Adnan A. Hyder (Senior Associate Dean for Research and Innovation and Professor of Global Health), Professor. Melissa Goldstein (Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management), and Dr. Paul Ndebele (Assistant Director Office of Research Excellence (ORE), BIG unites students, faculty, staff, and experts to explore critical ethical issues in public health practice, research, policy, and management.

Our Mission:

  • Promote Ethical Discourse: We are committed to creating vibrant platforms for discussion, debate, and discourse on ethical challenges in public health. Our goal is to embed ethics in all facets of GWSPH's functions, including teaching, learning, research, and service.
  • Enhance Ethical Understanding: At BIG, we strive to deepen the GWSPH community's understanding of ethics in public health, highlighting its practical implications in decision-making and practice.
  • Resource Development: Our focus is on developing and sharing comprehensive educational materials on all aspects of health ethics, providing invaluable resources for our faculty, staff, and students.
  • Safe Space for Sensitive Issues: We offer a secure and open environment for tackling sensitive and pertinent issues in public health ethics.

Key Objectives:

  • Facilitate active discourse on ethics in various domains of public health, including practice, research, policy, and management.
  • Assist our community in understanding and applying ethics in public health.
  • Develop learning materials covering a wide range of health ethics topics.
  • Provide a platform for discussing sensitive and crucial public health issues.

Activities and Initiatives:

  • Research and Grants: We encourage and support our members in writing grants focused on bioethics and integrating ethical considerations into broader research initiatives.
  • Ethics Research Agenda: BIG actively promotes a public health ethics research agenda within GWSPH.
  • Ethics Consultation Service: In collaboration with the Office of Research Excellence (ORE), we provide an ethics consult service to GWSPH members.
  • Student Engagement: We offer students opportunities to engage with ethics experts and collaborate on seminars and papers.

GWSPH Students can submit their Professional Enhancement Activity Forms to [email protected] following each attended event.

For any questions or additional information, please email [email protected], copying Dr. Paul Ndebele ([email protected]).

Upcoming Webinar Events

Save the date for upcoming Ethics and Public Health webinars. After registering, you will receive an email with a link to join.

Spring 2025

Date: Wednesday, March 19th, 2025, from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Topic: Ethics in Animal Research

Animal research has been crucial in advancing scientific and medical discoveries for human and animal health. However, it raises important ethical considerations. Ethical animal research follows the 3 R's principle - replacement, reduction, and refinement. Oversight committees evaluate proposed studies to ensure scientific justification and minimize animal welfare concerns. Although controversial, animal research has facilitated biomedical breakthroughs. Ethical review and commitment to the 3 R's principle are crucial for humane animal research. REGISTRATION

Panelist: Rebecca L. Walker, PhD
Professor, Department of Philosophy
Center for Bioethics
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

PanelistDavid DeGrazia, PhD
Elton Professor of Philosophy, 
Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, 
The George Washington University

Moderator: Melissa Goldstein, JD
Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management,
Milken Institute School of Public Health,
The George Washington University

Moderator: Paul Ndebele, PhD
Assistant Director Office of Research Excellence (ORE),
Professorial Lecturer, Department of Global Health,
Milken Institute School of Public Health,
The George Washington University

Upcoming Forum Events

Spring 2024

Date: Tuesday, April 1st, 2025, from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Topic: Clinical Ethics Consultation Service (CECS) 

Join us for our upcoming Bioethics Interest Group Forum Hybrid Meeting to discuss Clinical Ethics Consultation Services.

Clinical ethics consultation services help healthcare professionals, patients, and families address complex ethical dilemmas in medical settings. These services facilitate discussions about important issues such as patient autonomy, informed consent, end-of-life care, and equitable treatment. These consultations aim to promote ethical decision-making, improve patient care, and foster respect and communication in healthcare institutions by bringing together ethicists, clinicians, and legal experts. Ultimately, they ensure that all voices are heard and that decisions align with ethical principles as well as the wishes of patients and their families. REGISTER HERE

Guest Speaker: Dale Lupu, MPH PhD
Research Professor, School of Nursing,
& Professorial Lecturer, Department of Health Policy and Management, Milken Institute School of Public Health,
The George Washington University

Moderator:Melissa M. Goldstein, JD
Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, 
Milken Institute School of Public Health, 
The George Washington University

Moderator: Paul Ndebele, PhD
Assistant Director Office of Research Excellence,
Professorial Lecturer, Department of Global Health,
Milken Institute School of Public Health,
The George Washington University


This forum is an assemblage of GW faculty, staff, and students to discuss strategies and initiatives to strengthen Bioethics within GW through teaching, learning, research, collaboration, and service. After registering, you will receive an email with a link to join.

2025 Research Webinars
March 2025

"Ethics Of Animal Research"

Rebecca L. Walker, PhD
Professor, Department of Philosophy
Center for Bioethics
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

David DeGrazia, PhD
Elton Professor of Philosophy, 
Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, 
The George Washington University

Ethics Of Animal Research

February 2025

Research Ethics in Humanitarian and Priority Settings"

Doris Schopper, MD DPH
Professor, Medical Faculty,
Director of the Center for Education and Research in Humanitarian Action,
Former Chair, MSF Ethics Review Board,
University of Geneva

Ramin Asgary, MD MPH FASTMH
Professor, Department of Global Health,
Milken Institute School of Public Health,
The George Washington University

Research Ethics in Humanitarian and Priority Settings





2024 Research Webinars
November 2024

"Ethics in Sexual Reproductive Health"

Rebecca Cook, CM JD JSD FRSC
Professor Emerita in the Faculty of Law, Medicine and the Joint Centre for Bioethics,
Co-Director, International Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Program,
University of Toronto

Mary Ellsberg, PhD
Professor and Founding Director of the Global Women's Institute,
Professor, Department of Global Health,
Milken Institute School of Public Health,
The George Washington University

Julia Strasser, MPH DrPH 
Assistant Research Professor and Director of Jacobs Institute,
Department of Health Policy and Institute,
Milken Institute School of Public Health,
The George Washington University

Ethics in Sexual Reproductive Health

October 2024

“Ethical Challenges in Public Health Practice"

Lisa Lee, MA MS PhD
Interim Senior Associate Vice President for Research and 
Innovation, Co-Interim Director, Office of Sponsored Programs, 
Director Scholarly Integrity and Research Compliance, Research 
Professor, Population Health Sciences, Virginia Tech

Joshua Sharfstein, MD
Vice Dean, Public Health Practice and Community Engagement
Director of the Bloomberg American Health Initiative and Professor 
of the Practice in Health Policy and Management





Ethical Challenges in Public Health Practice

September 2024


“Diversity Plans for Improving Enrollment of Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Populations in Clinical Trials" 

Bridgette Rice, PhD MDiv APRN FAAN
Associate Dean for Research and Innovation,
Richard and Marianne Kreider Endowed Professor in Nursing for Vulnerable Populations,
M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing,
Villanova University

Daniel Mullins, PhD
Professor and Executive Director,
The PATIENTS Program, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy

Melvin Echols, MD FACC FASPC
Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer,
American College of Cardiology
Associate Professor of Medicine,
Associate Director (Clinical Research), Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI)
Morehouse School of Medicine








Diversity Plans for Improving Enrollment of Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Populations in Clinical Trials

April 2024






“The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence”

Dr. Alex John London
K&L Gates Professor of Ethics and Computational Technologies,
Director, Center for Ethics and Policy
Chief Ethicist, Block Center for Technology and Society, Carnegie Mellon University

Dr. Qing Zeng
Director, Biomedical Informatics Center
Professor, Clinical Research and Leadership
School of Medicine and Health Sciences, George Washington University


March 2024







“Translational Bioethics and Public Health”

Mark A. Rothstein, JD
Director, Translational Bioethics
Institute for Clinical and Translational Science
University of California, Irvine

Dr. Samar A. Nasser, PhD, MPH, PA-C
Program Director of MSHS, Clinical Translational Sciences
Program Director, BSHS in Health Sciences Program
Program Director, PhD in Translational Health Sciences Program
Associate Professor of Clinical Research and Leadership




Translational Bioethics
and Public Health


2023 Research Webinars
November 2023

“Ethics and Public Health: Diversity in Research Training”

Dr. Payam Sheikhattari
Director of Prevention Sciences Research Center &
Professor, School of Community Health & Policy,
Morgan State University.

Dr. Wanda K. Nicholson
Senior Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion &
Professor of Prevention and Community Health,
Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University.

Diversity in Research
October 2023

“Ethics and Public Health: Ethics and Statistics Education”

Rameela Ramana
Associate Professor of Biostatistics, Health Policy, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and Nursing
Department of Biostatistics, School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

Dr. Keith A. Crandall
Professor, Director of Computational Biology
Institute, Director of Genomics Core.

Ethics and Statistics


2022 Research Webinars
August 2022

“Ethics and Public Health: Ethics and Monkeypox”

Dr. Tara Palmore
Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, George Washington University (GW)
Medical Faculty Associates and GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Dr. Michael Ulrich
Assistant Professor, Center for Health Law, Ethics and Human Rights,
Boston University, School of Public Health

Ethics and Monkeypox
April 2022

“Ethics and COVID-19: Regional Perspective - Latin America”

Carla Saenz, PhD
Regional Bioethics Advisor, Department of Health Systems and Services, 
Pan American Health Organization
Sofia Salas Ibarra, MD
Research Professor, Center for Bioethics
Faculty of Medicine, Clínica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo

Regional Perspective:
Latin America
March 2022

“Ethics and COVID-19: Strategic Lessons from COVID19 for Global Health”

Olusoji Adeyi, MD, MBA, DrPH
President, Resilient Health Systems and Senior Associate,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Ana B. Amaya, DrPH, MPH
Assistant Professor, Health Science Program, College of Health Professions- Pace University
Associate Research Fellow, United Nations University – CRIS

Strategic Lessons from
COVID19 for Global
January 2022

“Ethics and COVID-19: Omicron and Quarantine Ethics”

Mark Aulisio, PhD
Susan E. Watson Professor and Chair, Department of Bioethics,
Case Western Reserve University - School of Medicine and
Director, Center for Biomedical Ethics MetroHealth Medical Center
Renuga Vivekanandan, MD
Associate Professor, Division Chief of Infectious Disease
Assistant Dean for Strategy and Accreditation CUSOM and
Medical Director for Antimicrobial Stewardship & Hospital Epidemiology,
CHI Health - Creighton University

Omicron and
Quarantine Ethics


2021 Research Webinars
November 2021

“Ethics and COVID-19: Global Vaccine Equity”

Louise Ivers, MB, Bch, MD, MPH, DTM&H
Executive Director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Global Health
Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
Emily R. Smith, ScD, MPH
Assistant Professor, Departments of Global Health & Exercise & Nutrition Sciences,
Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University.

Global Vaccine Equity
October 2021

“Ethics and COVID-19: Vaccine Misinformation”

Nahid Bhadelia, MD, MALD
Founding Director, Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases Policy & Research (CEID)
Associate Professor, Section of Infectious Diseases, Boston University School of Medicine.
David A. Broniatowski, PhD, FPsyS
Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering,
George Washington University.

Vaccine Misinformation
July 2021

“Ethics and COVID-19: Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination for Healthcare Personnel”

Khurram Nasir, MD, MPH
Professor of Cardiology, Academic Institute,
Chief, Division of Cardiovascular Prevention and Wellness,
Co-director of Center for Outcomes Research,
Houston Methodist and Weil Cornell Medical College.

Bryan Thomas, BA(Hons), MA, BCL/JD, SJD
Senior Researcher and Adjunct Professor,
University of Ottawa's Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics.
Preeti.R.John, MD, MPH, FACS, HEC-C
Critical Care and Palliative Care Surgeon,
Certified Health Care Ethics Consultant, VA Maryland Health Care System
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Maryland School of Medicine.

Mandatory Covid-19
Vaccination for
Healthcare Personnel
May 2021

“Ethics and COVID-19: Gender & COVID-19”

Roopa Dhatt, MD, MPA
Executive Director and Co-Founder of Women in Global Health
Mary Ellsberg, PhD
Founding Director of the Global Women's Institute and
Professor of Global Health, George Washington University
Member of the Core Technical Team of the 
Multi-County Study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence against Women.

Gender & COVID-19
April 2021

“Ethics and COVID-19: Regional Perspectives - Africa”

Bartholomew Dicky Akanmori, PhD
Regional Advisor for Vaccine Regulation, Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases (UCN)
Cluster, & the Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPD) Program at WHO, Regional Office for Africa.
Yimtubezinash Woldeamanuel Mulate, MD, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Parasitology, 

Addis Ababa University (AAU) School of Medicine, College of Health Sciences

Regional Perspectives -
March 2021

“Ethics and COVID-19: Vaccine Ethics (Part 3 - Human Challenge Trials)”

Holly Fernandez Lynch, JD, MBE
John Russell Dickson, MD Presidential Assistant
Professor of Medical Ethics in the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy,
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Josh Morrison, JD
Executive Director of 1Day Sooner, an advocacy group for research participants, 
including those in COVID-19 challenge studies
Founder of Waitlist Zero and the Rikers Debate Project
Paul Ndebele, PhD
Senior Research Regulatory Specialist, Office of Research Excellence 
Professorial Lecturer, Department of Global Health, 
Milken Institute School of Public Health, The George Washington University

Vaccine Ethics (Part 3 -
Human Challenge
February 2021

“Ethics and COVID-19: Christianity & Buddhism”

Karma Lekshe Tsomo, PhD
Co-founder of Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women
Founding Director of the Jamyang Foundation 
Professor, Theology and Religious Studies, University of San Diego
Rev. Dr. Isaac Mwase, PhD
Associate Pastor of Youth, Children, and Missions & Outreach, 
University Baptist Church, Baltimore, Maryland

Christianity & Buddhism
January 2021

“Ethics and COVID-19: Vaccine Ethics (Part 2)”

Melissa Goldstein, JD
Associate Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management,
Milken Institute School of Public Health, The George Washington University
Advisory Board Member of the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF)
Member of the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics
Jerome Singh, LLB LLM MHSc PhD
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Public Health, 
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Canada
Director of the Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues (ELSI) Advisory Services on 
Global Health Research and Development

Vaccine Ethics (Part 2)


2020 Research Webinars
December 2020

“Ethics and COVID-19: Islam & Judaism”

Zainab Chaudry, PharmD
Director of Maryland Outreach at the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Member of the Advisory Board of the Interfaith Action for Human Rights
Liaison to Shoulder-to-Shoulder,
an interfaith campaign founded to counter anti-Muslim bigotry in America
Laurie Zoloth, PhD
Margaret E. Burton Professor and Dean at the University of Chicago Divinity School
Author of Health Care and the Ethics of Encounter: A Jewish Discussion of Social Justice
Co-Founder of The Ethics Practice

Islam & Judaism
November 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Regional Perspectives - West Africa”

Morenike Ukpong-Folayan
Professor of Pediatric Dentistry, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria
Convener for 2020 Nigeria Bioethics Conference
Member Guttmacher Institute Institutional Review Board
Seydou Doumbia, MD PhD
Dean, Medical School and Dentistry
Director of University Clinical Research Center (UCRC)
University of Sciences, Technique, and Technology of Bamako (USTTB), Mali

Regional Perspectives - West Africa
November 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Mental Health”

Shekhar Saxena, MD FRCPsych DAB MRC
Psych Director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
at World Health Organization's Headquarters Office in Geneva, Switzerland (2010-2018)
Professor of the Practice of Global Mental Health at the Department of Global Health
and Population at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
Charmaine Chitiyo, BSc, MSc
Project Coordinator and Community Volunteer
Trainer for the Friendship Bench, Department of Psychiatry
University of Zimbabwe

Mental Health
October 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Regional Perspective - South Asia”

Anant Bhan, PhD Researcher
Bioethics and Global Health Senior Research Consultant,
ESC Program for Global Health Adjunct
Visiting Professor in the Department of Community Medicine,
Yenepoya Medical College and Centre for Ethics, Yenepoya University, Mangaluru, India
Farhat Moazam, MD FACS PhD
Professor and Chairperson, Center of Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC), Karachi, Pakistan

Regional Perspective - South Asia
October 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Adolescent Health”

Founding Director, Institute for Global Health and Development
Founding Director, Center of Excellence in Women and Child Health,
the Aga Khan University South Central Asia, East Africa & United Kingdom
Ann Strode, BA LLB LLM PhD
Professor, School of Socio Legal Studies,
Pietermaritzburg, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Adolescent Health
September 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Publication Ethics”

Dr. Laragh Gollogly 
Editor in Chief, Bulletin of the World Health Organization
Prof Keymanthri Moodley
Professor and Director, Centre for Medical Ethics and Law,
WHO Collaborating Centre in Bioethics
Department of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Publication Ethics
September 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Regional Perspectives - East Asia”

Calvin W.L. Ho, JSD LLM MSc LLB
Associate Professor of Law, University of Hong Kong
Yonghui Ma, PhD
Associate Director of the Centre for Bioethics,
Medical College, Xiamen University, Associate Professor

Regional Perspectives - East Asia
September 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Refugee Populations”

Ron Waldman, MD
Professor of Global Health
Milken Institute School of Public Health, The George Washington University
Serena Parekh, PhD
Associate Professor, Director of the Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (PPE) Program
Co-Editor, Feminist Philosophy Quarterly, Northeastern University

Refugee Populations
August 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: International Context”

Katherine Litter
Co-Lead, Global Health Ethics and GovernmentUnit,
Research for Health Department World Health Organization (WHO)
Carla Saenz, PhD
Regional Bioethics Advisor, Department of Health Systems and Services,
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

International Context
August 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Digital Privacy”

Ross Upshur, MA MD MSc
Dalla Lana Chair in Clinical Public Health
Head, Division of Clinical Public Health, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
Scientific Director, Bridgepoint Collaboratory for Research and Innovation
Associate Director, Lunenfeld Tanenbaum Research Institute, Sinai
Health Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine,
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Melissa Goldstein, JD
Associate Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management,
Milken Institute School of Public
Health, The George Washington University

Digital Privacy
July 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Domestic and Family Violence”

Nicole V. Lang, MD
President and CEO, Washington Pediatric Associates, Premier Pediatric Concierge Care
Assistant Professor of Pediatric Medicine, School of Medicine and Health Sciences,
The George Washington University
Joan S. Meier, Esq.
Professor of Clinical Law and Director of the National Family Violence Law Center,
The George Washington University School of Law

Domestic and Family Violence
July 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Ethnic and Racial Disparity”

Jim Lavery, PhD
Conrad N. Hilton Chair in Global Health Ethics
Professor, Hubert Department of Global Health,
Rollins School of Public Health Faculty, Center for Ethics, Emory University
Ruqaiijah Yearby, JD MPH
Professor, School of Law, Saint Louis University,
Co-Director, Center for Equity, Saint Louis University
Co-Founder, Institute for Healing Justice and Equity, Saint Louis University

Ethnic and Racial Disparity
June 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Vaccine Ethics (Part 1)”

Director of the Yale Institute for Global Health
Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology at
Schools of Medicine and Public Health, Yale University
Alexandra Phelan, SJD LLM LLB
Assistant Professor, Center for Global Health Sciences and
Security Assistant Professor, Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology,
Georgetown University
Adjunct Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center

Vaccine Ethics
June 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Research Ethics”

Debra Paxton, MS CIP
Director of the Office of Human Research, The George Washington University
Julia Slutsman, PhD
Director of Research Affairs, Children's National Hospital
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics,
School of Medicine and Health Sciences, The George Washington University

Research Ethics
May 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Maternal and Child Health”

Leana Wen, MD MSc
Visiting Professor, The George Washington University,
Distinguished Fellow at the Fitzhugh Mullan Institute of Health Workforce Equity
Amita Vyas, PhD MHS
Associate Professor, The George Washington University

Maternal and Child Health
May 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Scarce Resource Allocation”

Sarah Vittone, DBe MSN RN
Assistant Professor, Georgetown University
Bioethicist at Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University

Govind Persad, JD PhD
Assistant Professor, The University of Denver Sturm College of Law
Greenwall Foundation Faculty Scholar in Bioethics

Scarce Resource Allocation
April 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Clinical Ethics”

Melissa Goldstein, JD
Teaching Associate Professor, The George Washington University
Vanessa Madrigal, MD MSCE
Director, Ethics Program 
Critical Care Specialist, Children's National
Katalin Roth, MD JD
Professor of Medicine, The George Washington University 
Director of the Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine

Clinical Ethics
April 2020

“Ethics & COVID-19: Introduction”

Melissa Goldstein, JD
Teaching Associate Professor, The George Washington University
Paul Ndebele, PhD
GWSPH Compliance & Professorial Lecturer in Global Health Research
Regulatory Specialist

Ethics and Covid-19: Introduction


Research Guidance & Resources