HPM Directory

Howard Ainsley

Health Policy and Management


Ricky Allen

Health Policy and Management


Jacqueline Banos

Health Policy and Management

Alison Barkoff
Alison Barkoff

Health Policy and Management

Hirsh Health Law & Policy Associate Professor and Director of the Hirsh Health Law & Policy Program

Milken Institute School of Public Health 950 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington DC 20052
Emily Bass
Emily Bass

Health Policy and Management

Research Associate

2175 K Street 2175 K Street, NW, Suite 250 Washington DC 20052
J. Zoe Beckerman
J. Zoe Beckerman

Health Policy and Management

Teaching Professor and Vice Chair for Academics

Milken Institute School of Public Health 950 New Hampshire Avenue, NW #614 Washington DC 20052
Selam Bedada
Selam Bedada

Health Policy and Management

Research Specialist, AFHE

Brian L. Biles

Health Policy and Management

Professor Emeritus

2175 K Street 2175 K Street, NW, Office: 219 Washington DC 20052
Mandar Bodas

Health Policy and Management

Robert Bonar
Robert Bonar

Health Policy and Management

Gordon A. Friesen Professor of Healthcare Administration, Director of Master of Health Administration Program

Milken Institute School of Public Health 950 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Office: 617 - Floor 6 Washington DC 20052
Liz Borkowski
Liz Borkowski

Health Policy and Management

Senior Research Scientist

Milken Institute School of Public Health 950 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Office: Floor 6 Washington DC 20052
David Brown

Health Policy and Management

Professorial Lecturer

Guenevere Burke
Guenevere Burke

Health Policy and Management

Associate Professor

2175 K Street Suite 250 Washington DC 20052
Robert E. Burke
Robert E. Burke

Health Policy and Management

Professor Emeritus of Health Policy and Management

2175 K Street 2175 K Street, NW, Office: 602 - Floor 6 Washington DC 20052
Taylor Burke
Taylor Burke

Health Policy and Management

Professorial Lecturer

Milken Institute School of Public Health 950 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington DC 20052