Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Department Laboratories

The B1 level of the Milken Institute School of Public Health houses six academic laboratories and teaching spaces for the Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences. These labs facilitate an unparalleled student hands-on experience across multiple core curriculum courses as students prepare for careers in exercise physiology, nutrition, public health, medicine, clinical and allied health, physical therapy, athletic training, and sports performance. The integration of laboratory and classroom spaces within the same facility helps professors transform their course material into creative learning scenarios that provide students with opportunities to participate in practical experiences related to their fields of study. Both our undergraduate and graduate students engage in hands-on practical experiences across all of the following laboratory facilities throughout their academic curriculum:

  • Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory
  • Exercise Physiology Laboratory
  • 2 Body Composition and Resting Metabolism Laboratories
  • Kinesiology and Neuromuscular Performance Laboratory
  • Health and Human Performance Laboratory