GWSPH Research Day 2025

Research Day 2025: A forum for all students (undergraduate, master's doctoral), postdoc, research staff, and alumni to showcase their exceptional work through poster presentations.
"Research Day is an event that celebrates the achievements of our students and their mentors. This event perfectly exemplifies GWSPH's commitment to providing students with opportunities to engage in creative endeavors and focused inquiry. It helps them develop skills in creative thinking, scientific reasoning, and analyzing information. Participating in Research Day enhances communication skills and helps students connect with people from diverse cultures. It is a great platform for developing leadership skills." 

        Lynn R. Goldman, MD, MS, MPH 
        Michael and Lori Milken Dean of Public Health 
        Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health


"The importance of public health has never been higher than it is today. The Milken Institute School of Public Health is a renowned leader in the field, recognized for their exceptional research and contributions. This event provides a unique opportunity to learn about the latest advancements, participate in meaningful discussions, and establish valuable collaborations. The research conducted by the institute covers a broad range of areas, from immunization to exercise and nutritional sciences to health policy and management."

       Adnan A. Hyder, MD, MPH, PhD 
       Senior Associate Dean for Research and Innovation
       Professor of Global Health 
       Director, Center on Commercial Determinants of Health 



GWSPH Research Day 2025
Wednesday, April 16, 2025; 12:00 - 4:00 PM EST
The Convening Center
Milken Institute School of Public Health

7:00    -   11:00 AM     Poster Presentation Setup @GWSPH Convening Center
12:00  -   4:00 PM       Judging of Posters & Posters Viewing @GWSPH Convening Center
12:00  -   3:00 PM       Research Center/Institute Showcase @GWSPH 2nd Floor
2:00    -   3:00 PM       Light Refreshments & Networking @GWSPH 2nd Floor
3:00    -   4:00 PM       Speaker Presentation & Awards Ceremony @ GWSPH Ground Floor Auditorium
4:00    -   4:30 PM       Poster Removal

Email [email protected] for more information!


Abstracts are due by March 28, 2025, at 5:00 PM EST.

Our call for abstracts has various program areas that are intentionally broad to encourage submissions from across the diverse, innovative, and collaborative field of academic public health.

  1. GWSPH Research: any experiences that occurred while you were a student at GWSPH.
  2. Equity: submissions that educate and empower citizen leaders committed to eradicating racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic inequity globally.
  3. Gender Equality: submissions that incorporate a gender or feminist perspective and make significant contributions to the promotion of gender equality and women's rights.
  4. Inclusivity: submissions that prioritize a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and empowered. 
  5. Interdisciplinary (Climate Change and Maternal and Child Health): recognizes submissions that address topics at the intersection of climate change and its effects on maternal and child health.
  6. Maternal and Child Health: submissions that address critical public health challenges impacting women and children across their lifespan.
  7. Climate and Health: submissions that leverage the power of novel geospatial climate and environmental datasets, co-design research with action-oriented stakeholders, and address health and equity impacts of climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions.
  8. Health, Education & Community Outcomes:  submissions that prioritize the development of school-connected strategies for better health and education outcomes for PreK-12 children and their families. 
  9. Health Workforce Equity: presentations that prioritize how care is provided to the most disadvantaged sectors of our society.
  10. Healthy Foods: presentations that outline strategies for equitable access to affordable, healthy foods through better production, storage, distribution, or pricing, especially those with positive impacts on climate change.
  11. Scientific Advancements: presentations on innovative research that can improve health, the environment, and quality of life.
  12. Advanced sequencing technologies and bioinformatics tools: presentations that promote personalized medicine, evolutionary biology, and genetic disease understanding, while supporting targeted agricultural therapies for global health and food security.
  13. Department Research: any experiences that occurred while you were a student affiliated with the departments listed below at GWSPH.

Please click on the Research Day Prize Categories below for a description of each prize.

Abstracts should reflect research or evidence-based projects that have been completed or partially completed, be between 150 - 400 words, and include the following components:

  1. Background & Significance of the Study
  2. The Purpose of Your Research (which can include your research question or hypothesis)
  3. Methods
  4. (Preliminary) Findings & Conclusions
  5. The Implications of Your Findings and/or Revisiting the Significance of the Research

The deadline for submission is March 28, 2025, at 5:00 PM EST

Please refer to the Abstract Submission Template and Sample below as a guide to submitting your abstracts via email to [email protected].

Extension requests for Abstract Submissions will be considered but not guaranteed. If you need to request an extension after the deadline, please email [email protected].


After you submit your abstract, information on poster development and digitally archiving your poster PDFs, which can be linked to your CV or Resume, will be shared upon confirmation and after the event presentation.

Poster Size

Any poster templates can be used as long as the dimensions do not exceed 42'' by 42''.

Please ensure that your materials are clearly associated with GW and comply with GW Visual Identity Elements, as well as GW’s Identity Standards and Guidelines (PDF). For additional assistance in creating a unique appearance for your materials, contact GW Office of Communications and Marketing.

Poster Printing and Display

Poster printing and display are the responsibilities of the poster presenter.

All posters are expected to be hung on the morning of April 16 before 11 AM. After the event, please remove your poster by 4:30 PM.

Posters may be printed without charge using the large format printing capabilities in the Create Digital Studio in the GW Libraries. Additionally, please ensure that your name is prominently included on your poster.

Poster Design Webinar and Resources

Recorded Webinar

Tips for Optimizing Your Poster Design & Layout

How to Present your Poster and Wow the Judges

Please visit the Libraries & Academic Innovation website and look for helpful information. For personal poster consultation with the CREATE Digital Studio Team, please book a session on our Calendly page


GWSPH Research Prize

Any practice experience that must have taken place while you are a student at GWSPH. This could include your APEx, UHP experience, independent internship, field experience, volunteering, etc.

Each submitted poster competes for the following prizes based on their category (Undergraduate, Master's, Doctoral, Research Staff/Alumni/Postdoc):

  • 1st place prize $200
  • 2nd place runner-up $100
  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $150
  • 1st place prize $400
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
  • 1st place prize $400
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
Equity Prize

The Equity Prize aims to recognize and celebrate presentations that prioritize the dissemination of actionable new knowledge. These presentations should educate and empower citizen leaders who are committed to eradicating racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic inequity in the United States and across the globe.

  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
Global Women's Institute Prize

The Global Women's Institute Prize is designed to honor presentations that incorporate a gender or feminist perspective in their analysis while making significant contributions to the promotion of gender equality and women's rights. This prestigious award seeks to celebrate research, projects, or initiatives prioritizing women's advancement and dismantling gender-based discrimination.

  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
Inclusive Excellence Prize

The Inclusive Excellence Prize aims to recognize and celebrate presentations that prioritize a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and empowered. These presentations should involve embracing unique perspectives and talents, promoting innovation, and addressing systemic barriers and biases, benefiting everyone by creating a more just and enriching environment.

  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
Interdisciplinary Prize (Climate Change and Maternal and Child Health) 

The Climate Change and Maternal and Child Health Research Award is jointly awarded by the GW Center of Excellence in Maternal & Child Health and the Research and Engagement for Action on Climate and Health (REACH) Center. This award recognizes submissions that address topics at the intersection of climate change and its effects on maternal and child health. These could include, but are not limited to, associations of climate-related effects on maternal and child health outcomes, and/or solutions and opportunities to mitigate the harm of climate change on maternal and child health.

OPEN CATEGORY (Undergraduate, Masters, Doctoral, Research Staff/Postdoc)
  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
Maternal and Child Health Prize

The GW Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health honors outstanding research submissions that address critical public health challenges impacting women and children across their lifespan. Eligible topics span a broad range of issues, including maternal and infant health, adolescent well-being, women’s health, reproductive health, mental health, violence against women, and chronic diseases. This award aims to recognize research that benefits special populations, such as infants, children, adolescents, women, and families, and advances the field of maternal and child health.

  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $150
Climate and Health Prize

The Climate and Health Research Award is awarded by the Research and Engagement for Action on Climate and Health (REACH) Center. The award recognizes outstanding research in climate change and human health with priority given to submissions that leverage the power of novel geospatial climate and environmental datasets, co-design research with action-oriented stakeholders, and address health and equity impacts of climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions.

OPEN CATEGORY (Undergraduate, Masters, Doctoral, Research Staff/Postdoc)
  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
Health, Education & Community Outcomes Prize

The Center for Health and Health Care in Schools Prize aims to recognize and celebrate presentations that prioritize the development of school-connected strategies for better health and education outcomes for PreK-12 children and their families. These presentations should highlight program, initiatives, or approaches that effectively integrate health, education and community partnerships to support students' overall well-being.

  • 1st place prize $200
  • 2nd place runner-up $100
  • 1st place $200
  • 2nd place runner-up $100
Health Workforce Equity Prize

The Fitzhugh Mullan Institute for Health Workforce Equity (Mullan Institute) aims to recognize and celebrate presentations that prioritize how care is provided to the most disadvantaged sectors of our society. These presentations should focus on the “who, where, to whom, how, and under what conditions” health workers deliver services.

OPEN CATEGORY (Undergraduate, Masters, Doctoral, Research Staff/Postdoc)
  • 1st place prize $600
  • 2nd place runner-up $400
Global Food Institute Prize

The Global Food Institute Prizes recognize presentations that describe how to achieve equitable access to affordable healthy foods through improved production, storage, distribution or pricing. We will prioritize strategies that have the added benefit of a positive impact on climate change.

OPEN CATEGORY (Undergraduate, Masters, Doctoral, Research Staff/Postdoc)
  • 1st place prize $400
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
Bioinformatics Prize

The Computational Biology Institute (CBI) Prize honors presentations that highlight innovative research promoting scientific advancements improving our health, environment, and overall quality of life, with the potential to benefit millions.

OPEN CATEGORY (Undergraduate, Masters, Doctoral, Research Staff/Postdoc)
  • 1st place prize $400
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
Genomics Prize

The Genomics Core Prize honors presentations that utilize advanced sequencing technologies and bioinformatics tools to explore DNA, RNA, and protein interactions. These presentations will contribute to discoveries in personalized medicine, evolutionary biology, and the understanding of genetic diseases. They also could support targeted therapies in agriculture, ultimately addressing global health and food security challenges.

OPEN CATEGORY (Undergraduate, Masters, Doctoral, Research Staff/Postdoc)
  • 1st place prize $400
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
Exercise and Nutrition Science Prize

The Department of Exercise and Nutrition Science is dedicated to acknowledging and celebrating exceptional research submissions. These recognitions are specifically awarded to presenters primarily affiliated with our department.

OPEN CATEGORY (Undergraduate, Masters, Doctoral, Research Staff/Postdoc)
  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
Global Health Prize

The Department of Global Health is dedicated to acknowledging and celebrating exceptional research submissions. These recognitions are specifically awarded to presenters primarily affiliated with our department.

OPEN CATEGORY (Undergraduate, Masters, Doctoral, Research Staff/Postdoc)
  • 1st place prize $400
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Prize

The Biostatistics & Bioinformatics Prize recognizes outstanding presentations submitted by students and staff members of the Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics.

  • 1st place prize $400
  • 1st place prize $400
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
  • 1st place prize $400
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
Environmental and Occupational Health Prize

The Environmental and Occupational Health Research Award is awarded by the GWSPH Department of Environmental and Occupational Health. This award recognizes submissions that address topics in environmental and occupational health. These could include, but are not limited to, health hazards associated with exposure to pollutants, chemicals, antibiotic resistance, and workplace hazards.

OPEN CATEGORY (Undergraduate, Masters, Doctoral, Research Staff/Postdoc)
  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200
Epidemiology Prize

The global significance of infectious diseases has grown in recent decades, emphasizing the importance of epidemiological research. The Department of Epidemiology Prize recognizes exceptional presentations by master's and doctoral students that illustrate the impact of diseases and social/medical factors on community health.

OPEN CATEGORY (Masters and Doctoral)
  • 1st place prize $300
  • 2nd place runner-up $200

*All cash prizes are issued as gift cards.*

Additional Information for Presenters

  • All Individuals are entered into the GWSPH Prize Category. Individuals may submit multiple abstracts but cannot submit the same abstract to more than one award category.
  • All abstracts must be submitted using the approved template via email to [email protected], and a confirmation email must be received before proceeding to develop your posters.
  • After you submit your abstract, information on poster development and digitally archiving your poster PDFs, which can be linked to your CV or Resume, will be shared upon confirmation and after the event presentation.
  • After the review committee confirms your abstract submission, you will be eligible to receive 4 Hours of Professional Enhancement Credits upon presenting at the event.
  • In addition to winning prizes, you may also be selected to represent GWSPH at the prestigious GW Research Day University Wide Showcase. This is your chance to make a difference in the academic world and boost your career in research.
  • Winners will be honored at the Academic Awards Ceremony and will have an opportunity to network with GWSPH Leadership. Additionally, Winner’s research will be showcased on the GWSPH Student, Faculty, and Staff Newsletter and the GWSPH Research Brief platforms, thereby enhancing the visibility of their work and professional reputation within the university and beyond.

For questions and additional information, please contact The Office of Research Excellence at [email protected]

GWSPH Research Day Archives

2024 Archives
2023 Archives
Research Showcase Archives