Ionut Bebu

Ionut Bebu

Ionut Bebu

M.S., Ph.D.

Research Professor

School: Milken Institute School of Public Health

Department: Biostatistics and Bioinformatics


Email: Ionut Bebu
Office Phone: 301-881-9260
6110 Executive Blvd Rockville MD 20852

Ionut Bebu, PhD., Research Professor joined the Biostatistics Center in March 2014. He received his Ph.D. in Statistics from University of Maryland, Baltimore County in 2006, and then was a postdoctoral fellow at Georgetown University. Dr. Bebu is currently Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) of the Data Coordinating Center (DCC) for the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Interventions and Complications (DCCT/EDIC) study, Co-PI of the DCC for the DISCOVERY of Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes in Youth consortium, and provides statistical leadership and expertise for the Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes (GRADE), all funded by NIH/NIDDK. His research interests are focused on deciphering correlations, associations, and causality in multivariate dynamic biological processes, more specifically statistical inference for observational studies, joint models, survival analysis, mediation, cost-effectiveness, bioassays, and adaptive phase II & III clinical trials. Dr. Bebu currently serves as Associate Editor for Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research.



  • B.S.,   Mathematics, University of Bucharest, 10/1992–5/1996
  • M.S.,   Mathematics, University of Bucharest, 10/1996–5/1998
  • Ph.D., Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1/2002–4/2006
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow, Georgetown University, 4/2006–8/2008

Articles in Refereed Journals (Students Mentored by IB are Underlined)

  1. Gonzalez JS, Bebu I, Krause-Steinrauf H, Hoogendoorn CJ, Crespo-Ramos G, Presley C, Naik AD, Hill Golden S, Kuo S, Johnson ML, Wexler D, Crandall JP, Bantle AE, Arends V, Cherrington A, and the GRADE Research Group. Differential Effects of Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Regimen on Diabetes Distress and Depressive Symptoms in GRADE: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Diabetes Care, accepted, 2024.
  2. Kirkman MS, Tripputi M, Krause-Steinrauf H, Bebu I, Abouassi H, Burch H, Duran-Valdez E, Florez H, Garvey WT, Hsia DS, Salam M, Pop-Busui R, for the GRADE Research Group. Comparative effects of randomized second-line therapy for type 2 diabetes on a composite outcome incorporating glycemic control, body weight, and hypoglycemia: An analysis of the Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Type 2 Diabetes - A Comparative Effectiveness (GRADE) Study, Diabetes Care, dc231332., 2024.
  3. Cherrington A, Bebu I, Krause-Steinrauf H, Hoogendoorn C, Crespo-Ramos G, Presley C, Naik A, Balasubramanyam A, Gramzinski M, Killean T, Arends V, Gonzalez J. Does emotional distress predict worse glycemic control over time? Results from the Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness Study, Diabetes Care, accepted, 2023.
  4. Gregory NS, Burghardt AJ, Backlund J-YC, Rubin MR, Bebu I, Braffett BH, Kenny DJ, Link TM, Kazakia GJ, Barnie A, Lachin JM, Gubitosi-Klug R, de Boer IH, Schwartz AV, and DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Diabetes Risk Factors and Bone Microarchitecture as Assessed by High-Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (HR-pQCT) in Older Adults with Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes Care, Nov 29:dc230839. doi: 10.2337/dc23-0839. Online ahead of print, 2023
  5. Crespo-Ramos G, Bebu I, Hoogendoorn CJ, Fang R, Presley C, Ehrmann D, Naik A, Katona A, Pham K, Golden S, Walker E, Krause-Steinrauf H, Cherrington A, Gonzalez JS. Emotional Distress and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus participating in the Emotional Distress GRADE Substudy, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 203:110808, 2023.
  6. Arsham A, Bebu I, Mathew T. Cost-effectiveness analysis under multiple effectiveness outcomes: A probabilistic approach, Statistics in Medicine, 42(22):3936-3955, 2022.
  7. Habes M, Jacobson AM, Braffett BH, Rashid T, Ryan CM, Shou H, Cui Y, Davatzikos C, Luchsinger JA, Biessels GJ, Bebu I, Gubitosi-Klug RA, Bryan RN, Nasrallah IM, and the DCCT/EDIC Study Group. Patterns of Regional Brain Atrophy Demonstrate Premature Brain Aging But Not AD-like Atrophy in Middle-Aged and Older Adults with Type 1 Diabetes, JAMA Network Open, 6(6):e2316182, 2023.
  8. Bebu I, Diao G, Hamasaki T. Generalized fiducial inference for the restricted mean survival time, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 32(5):1010-1020, 2023.
  9. Wexler DJ, de Boer IH, Ghosh A, Younes N, Bebu I, Inzucchi SE, McGill JB, Mudaliar S, Schade D, Steffes MW, Tamborlane W, Tan M, Ismail-Beigi F, and the GRADE Research Group, Comparative effects of glucose-lowering medications on kidney outcomes in the Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Type 2 Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness (GRADE) Randomized Clinical Trial, JAMA Internal Medicine, 183(7):705-714, 2023.
  10. Bebu I, Braffett BH, de Boer IH, Aiello LA, Bantle JP, Lorenzi GM, Herman WH, Gubitosi-Klug RA, Perkins BA, Lachin JM, Molitch ME, and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Relationships Between the Cumulative Incidences of Long-term Complications in Type 1 Diabetes: the DCCT/EDIC Study, Diabetes Care, 46, 361-368, 2023.
  11. Gonzalez JS, Krause-Steinrauf H, Bebu I, Crespo-Ramos G, Hoogendoorn CJ, Naik AD, Waltje A, Walker E, Ehrmann D, Brown-Friday J, Cherrington A. Emotional Distress, Self-Management, and Glycemic Control among Participants enrolled in the Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness Study (GRADE) Emotional Distress Substudy, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 196:110229, 2023.
  12. Malone JI, Gao X, Raskin P, White NH, Hainsworth D, Das A, Tamborlane W, Lorenzi G, Wallia A, Aiello LP, Bebu I, and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Retinopathy during the First 5 Years of Type 1 Diabetes and Subsequent Risk of Advanced Retinopathy, Diabetes Care, 46(4):680-686, 2023.
  13. Perkins BA, Bebu I, de Boer IH, Molitch ME, Zinman B, Bantle JP, Lorenzi GM, Nathan DM, Lachin JM and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Optimal Frequency of Urinary Albumin Screening in Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes Care, 45(12):2943–2949, 2022.
  14. Braffett BH, Bebu I, Ghormli L, Cowie CC, Sivitz WI, Pop-Busui R, Larkin ME, Gubitosi-Klug RA, Nathan DM, Lachin JM, Dagogo-Jack S, and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Incident Cardiovascular Disease Events in Women vs. Men with Diabetes in the DCCT/EDIC Study, JAMA Network Open, 5(9):e2230710, 2022.
  15. Lachin JM, Bebu I, Gao X, Nathan DM, Zinman B, and The DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Association of Time-in-range Glucose Levels versus HbA1c with Progression of Microvascular Complications in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, Diabetes Care, 45:2445-2448, 2022.
  16. GRADE Study Research Group (writing group: Nathan DM, Lachin JM, Bebu I, Burch HB, Buse JB, Cherrington AL, Fortmann SP, Green JB, Kahn SE, Kirkman S, Krause-Steinrauf H, Larking ME, Phillips LS, Pop-Busui R, Steffes M, Tiktin M, Triputti M, Wexler DJ, Younes N). Glycemia Reduction in Type 2 Diabetes: Microvascular and Cardiovascular Outcomes, The New England of Medicine, 387:1075-88, 2022.
  17. Martin CL, Herman WH, Lee P, Backlund J-YC, Trapani VR, Braffett BH, Jacobson AM, Hazuda H, Bebu I, Lachin JM, and the DCCT/EDIC Study Group.  Physical Function in Middle-aged and Older Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: Long-term Follow-up of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Study, Diabetes Care, 45(9):2037-2045, 2022.
  18. Jacobson AM, Braffett BH, Erus G, Luchsinger JA, Biessels GJ, Ryan CM, Bebu I, Gubitosi-Klug RA, Desiderio L, Lorenzi GM, Trapani VR, Lachin JM, Bryan RN, Nasrallah YM, and the DCCT/EDIC Study Group. Brain Structure Among Middle-aged and with Long-standing Type 1 Diabetes in the DCCT/EDIC Study, Diabetes Care, 45(8):1779-1787, 2022.
  19. Schwartz AV, Backlund J-YC, de Boer IH, Rubin MR, Barnie A, Farrell K, Trapani VR, Sinha Gregory N, Wallia A, Bebu I, Lachin JM, Braffett BH, Gubitosi-Klug R, and DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Risk Factors for Lower Bone Mineral Density in Older Adults with Type 1 Diabetes, The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 10(7):509-518, 2022.
  20. Sandoval GJ, Bebu I, Lachin JM. Cost-Efficient Multiply Matched Case-Control Study Designs, American Journal of Epidemiology, 191(11):1970–1974, 2022.
  21. Perkins BA (primary author), Bebu I (co-primary author), Gao X, Karger AB, Hirsch IB, Karanchi H, Molitch ME, Zinman B, Lachin JM, de Boer IH, and The DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Early Trajectory of Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate and Long-term Advanced Kidney and Cardiovascular Complications in Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes Care, 45(3):585-593, 2022.
  22. Gubitosi-Klug RA, Braffett BH, Bebu I, Johnson ML, Farrell K, Kenny D, Trapani VR, Meadema-Mayer L, Soliman EZ, Pop-Busui R, Lachin JM, Bergenstal RM, Tamborlane WV, and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Adults with Long-standing Type 1 Diabetes from the DCCT/EDIC Study, Diabetes Care, 45(3):659-665, 2022.
  23. Monnier VM, Sell DR, Gao X, Genuth S, Lachin JM, Bebu I, and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Plasma Advanced Glycation Endproducts and the Subsequent Risk of Microvascular Complications in Type 1 Diabetes: the DCCT/EDIC Study, BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, 10(1):e002667, doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2021-002667, 2022.
  24. Lachin JM, Bebu I, Nathan DM, for the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. The Beneficial Effects of Early versus Later Implementation of Intensive Therapy in Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes Care, 44(10):2225–2230, 2021.
  25. Polak JF, Backlund J-Y, Budoff M, Raskin P, Bebu I, Lachin JM, and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Coronary Artery Disease Events and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness (IMT) in Type 1 Diabetes: the DCCT/EDIC cohort, Journal of the American Heart Association, Volume 10, Issue 24,, 2021.
  26. Pop-Busui R, Soliman E, Backlund J, Bebu I, Braffett BH, Lorenzi G, White N, Lachin JM. Utility of Using ECG Measures of Heart Rate Variability as a Measure of Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy in Type 1 Diabetes, Journal of Diabetes Investigation, 13(1):125--133, 2022.
  27. Katki HA, Bebu I. A simple framework to identify optimal cost-effective risk thresholds for a single screen: Comparison to Decision Curve Analysis, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 184, 887-903, 2021.
  28. Arsham A, Bebu I, Mathew T. A bivariate regression based cost-effectiveness analysis, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 16, 27, 2021.
  29. Jenkins AJ, Braffett BH, Basu A, Bebu I, Dagogo-Jack S, Orchard TJ, Wallia A, Lopes-Virella MF, Garvey TW, Lachin JM, Lyons TJ, and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Serum Urate and Cardiovascular Events in the DCCT/EDIC Study, Scientific Reports, 11:14182, 2021.
  30. Bebu I, Keshavarzi S, Gao X, Braffett B, Canty A, Herman W, Orchard T, Dagogo-Jack S, Nathan D, Lachin JM, Paterson A, and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Genetic Risk Factors for CVD in Type 1 Diabetes: the DCCT/EDIC Study, Diabetes Care, 44(6): 1309-1316, 2021.
  31. Jacobson AM, Ryan CM, Braffett BH, Gubitosi-Klug RA, Lorenzi GM, Luchsinger JA, Trapani VR, Bebu I, Chaytor N, Hitt SM, Farrell K, Lachin JM, and the DCCT/EDIC Study Group. Cognitive Performance Declines in Older Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: Results from an Average of 32 Years of Follow-up, The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 9, 436-445, 2021. 
  32. Gubitosi-Klug R, Gao X, Pop-Busui R, de Boer I, White N, Aiello L, Miller R, Palmer J,  Tamborlane W, Wallia A, Kosiborod M, Lachin JM, Bebu I, and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group, Associations of Microvascular Complications with the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes Care, 44, 1499-1505, 2021.
  33. Sandoval GJ, Bebu I, Lachin JM. Cost-Effectiveness clinical studies with continuous time survival outcomes, Statistics in Medicine, 40, 3682-3694, 2021.
  34. Cherrington AL, Krause-Steinrauf H, Bebu I, Naik AD, Walker E, Golden S, Gonzalez J. Study of Emotional Distress in a Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Diabetes Treatments: Rationale and Design, Controlled Clinical Trials, 107, 106366, 2021.
  35. Cronin J, Nelson J, Farquhar I, Braffett BH, Bebu I, Pestieau S, Geng-Ramos G, Heitmiller E, Deutsch N. Anesthetic Outcomes in Pediatric Patients with COVID-19: A Matched Cohort Study, Pediatric Anesthesia, 31, 733--735, 2021.
  36. Bebu I, Braffett BH, Orchard TO, Lorenzi GM, Nathan DM, Herman WH, Lachin JM. Moderation of the Effect of HbA1c on the Risk of CVD Outcomes in Type 1 Diabetes: the DCCT/EDIC Study, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 171:108591, 2021.
  37. Zhao J, Mathew T, Bebu I. Accurate confidence intervals for inter-laboratory calibration and common mean estimation, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 208:104218, 2021. The paper received the American Statistical Association 2021 W.J. Youden Award in Interlaboratory Testing.
  38. Hainsworth DP, Gao X, Bebu I, Das A, de Koo LO, Barkmeier AJ, Tamborlane W, Lachin JM, Aiello LP, and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Refractive Error and Retinopathy Outcomes in Type 1 Diabetes: the DCCT/EDIC Study, Ophthalmology, 128(4):554-560, 2021.
  39. Skol AD, Jung S, Sokovic AM, Chen S, Fazal S, Sosina O, Lin A, Sverdlov M, Borkar P, Cao D, Swaroop A, Bebu I, DCCT/ EDIC Study Group, Stranger BE, Grassi MA. Mendelian randomization identifies FLCN expression as a mediator of diabetic retinopathy, eLife, 9:e59980 doi: 10.7554/eLife.59980, 2020.
  40. Bebu I, Braffett BH, Schade D, Sivitz W, Malone J, Pop-Busui R, Lorenzi GM, Lee P, Trapani VR, Wallia A, Herman WH, Lachin JM, and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. An Observational Study of the Equivalence of Age and Duration of Diabetes to Glycemic Control Relative to the Risk of Complications in the Combined Cohorts of the DCCT/EDIC Study, Diabetes Care, 43(10): 2478-2484, 2020.
  41. Bebu I, Braffett BH, Lachin JM. The minimum intensity of a mixed exposure that increases the risk of an outcome, Statistics in Medicine, 39:4016–4024, 2020.
  42. Jaffa MA, Bebu I, Luttrell D, Braffett BH, Lachin JM, Hunt K, Lopes-Virella M, Luttrell L, Lyons TJ, Jaffa AA, and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group,  Longitudinal plasma kallikrein levels and their association with the risk of cardiovascular disease outcomes in type 1 diabetes in DCCT/EDIC, Diabetes, 69(11): 2440-2445, 2020.
  43. Mather KJ, Bebu I, Baker C, Cohen RM, Crandall JP, DeSouza C, Green J, Kirkman MS,  Krause-Steinrauf H, Larkin M, Pettus j, Seaquist ER, Soliman EZ, Schroeder EB, Wexler DJ, Pop-Busui R, and the GRADE Research Group. Baseline Prevalence of Microvascular and Macrovascular Disease in the Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes - A Comparative Effectiveness (GRADE) Study Cohort, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 165: 108234, 2020.
  44. Lachin JM, Bebu I, Braffett B. Models to assess the association of a semi-quantitative exposure with outcomes, American Journal of Epidemiology, 189, 1573-1582, 2020.
  45. The DCCT/EDIC Research Group (writing group: Bebu I, Schade D, Braffett B, Kosiborod M, Lopes_Virella M, Soliman SZ, Herman WH, Bluemke DA, Wallia A, Orchard T, Lachin JM), Risk factors for first and sub-sequent CVD events in type 1 diabetes: the DCCT/EDIC Study, Diabetes Care, 43(4):867-874, 2020.
  46. Lachin JM, Bebu I. Closed testing of each group versus the others combined in a multiple group analysis, Clinical Trials, 17(1), 77-86, 2020.
  47. Bebu I, Braffett BH, Orchard TJ, Lorenzi GM, Lachin JM. Mediation of the effect of HbA1c on the risk of CVD outcomes in type 1 diabetes: the DCCT/EDIC Study, Diabetes Care, 42(7), 1284-1289, 2019.
  48. Gubitosi-Klug RA, Bebu I, White NH, Malone J, Miller R, Lorenzi GM, Hainsworth DP, Trapani VR, Lachin JM, and Tamborlane WV for DCCT/EDIC. Screening eye exams in youth with type 1 diabetes under 18 years of age: once may be enough?, Pediatric Diabetes, 20(6), 743-749, 2019.
  49. Larkin ME, Nathan DM, Bebu I, Krause-Steinrauf H, Herman WH, Higgins JM, Tiktin M, Cohen RM, Stevens C, Bergenstal RM, Johnson ML. Rationale and Design for a GRADE Sub-study of Continuous Glucose Monitoring, Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 21(12):682-690, 2019.
  50. Aqeel SB, Ye M, Wysocki J, Sanchez A, Khattab A, Lores E, Rademaker A, Gao X, Bebu I, Nelson RG, Molitch M, Batlle D. Urinary Angiotensinogen antedates the development of Stage 3 CKD in patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Physiological Reports, 7(19):e14242, 2019.
  51. Basu A (primary author), Bebu I (co-primary author), Jenkins AJ (co-primary author), Stoner JA, Zhang Y, Klein RL, Lopes-Virella MF, Garvey TW, Budoff M, Alaupovic P, Lyons TJ. Serum apolipoproteins and apolipoprotein-defined lipoprotein subclasses (ADLS) and cardiovascular events in type 1 diabetes, Journal of Lipid Research, 60(8), 1432-1439, 2019.
  52. Lopes-Virella MF, Bebu I, Hunt KJ, Virella G, Baker NL, Braffett B, Gao X, Lachin JM. Immune complexes and the risk of CVD in type 1 diabetes, Diabetes, 68(9), 1853-1860, 2019.
  53. Lachin JM, Bebu I, Larsen M, Younes N. Extension of the Closed Testing Principle, PLoS One, 14(7):e0219520, 2019.
  54. Perkins BA (primary author), Bebu I (co-primary author), de Boer IH, Molitch M, Tamborlane W, Lorenzi G, Herman W,  White N, Pop-Busui R, Paterson A, Orchard T, Cowie C, Lachin JM. Risk Factors for Kidney Disease in Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes Care, 42(5):883-890, 2019.
  55. Molitch ME, Gao X, Bebu I, de Boer IH, Lachin JM, Paterson A, Perkins B., Saenger AK, Steffes M, Zinman B and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Early Glomerular Hyperfiltration and Long Term Kidney Outcomes in Type 1Diabetes: The DCCT/EDIC Experience, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 14(6), 854-861, 2019.
  56. Hainsworth DP, Bebu I, Aiello LP, Sivitz W, Gubitosi-Klug R, Malone J, White NH, Danis R, Wallia A, Gao X, Barkmeier AJ, Das A, Patel S, Gardner TW, Lachin JM. Risk factors for retinopathy in type 1 diabetes: the DCCT/EDIC study, Diabetes Care, 42(5):875-882, 2019.
  57. Braffett BH, Dagogo-Jack S, Bebu I, Sivitz WI, Larkin M, Kolterman O, Lachin JM and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Association of Insulin Dose, Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, and Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1 Diabetes during 30 Years of Follow-up in the DCCT/EDIC Study, Diabetes Care,  42(4), 657-664, 2019.
  58. Budoff M, Backlund J-Y, Bluemke DA, Bebu I, Polak J, Schade D, Strowig S, Raskin P, Lachin JM and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. The Association of Coronary Artery Calcification (CAC) With Subsequent Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) in DCCT/EDIC, JACC Cardiovascular Imaging, 12(7 Pt 2), 1341-1349, 2019.
  59. Bebu I, Lachin JM. Properties of Composite Time-to-First-Event versus Joint Marginal Analyses of Multiple Outcomes, Statistics in Medicine, 37(27):3918-393, 2018.
  60. Bebu I, Lachin JM. Optimal Screening Schedules For Disease Progression, With Application to Diabetic Retinopathy, Biostatistics, 19, 1-13, 2018.
  61. Nathan D, Bebu I, Hainsworth D, Klein R, Tamborlane W, Lorenzi G, Gubitosi-Klug R, Lachin JM. Evidence-based screening frequency for retinopathy in type 1 diabetes, New England Journal of Medicine, 376, 1507-1516, 2017.
  62. Bebu I, Braffet BH, Pop-Busui R, Orchard TJ, Nathan DM, Lachin JM. The relationship of blood glucose with cardiovascular disease is mediated over time by traditional risk factors in type 1 diabetes: the DCCT/EDIC study, Diabetologia, 60, 2084-2091, 2017.
  63. Lachin JM, Bebu I, Bergenstal RM, Pop-Busui R, Service J, Zinman B, Nathan .M. Association of Glycemic Variation with Progression of Microvascular Outcome in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, Diabetes Care, 40, 777-783, 2017.
  64. Sack, D, Bebu I, Lachin JM. Refining measurement of hemoglobin A1c, Clinical Chemistry, 63, 1433-1435, 2017.
  65. Soliman EZ, Backlund JC, Bebu I, Orchard TJ, Zinman B, Lachin JM, DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Electrocardiographic Abnormalities and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Type 1 Diabetes: The Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) Study, Diabetes Care, 40, 793-799, 2017.
  66. Flouri M, Zhai S, Mathew T, Bebu I. Tolerance limits for ratios of normal random variables, Biometrical Journal, 59, 550-566, 2017.
  67. de Boer I, Gao X, Bebu I, Hoofnagle AN, Lachin JM, Paterson A, Perkins BA, Saenger A, Steffes MW, Zinman B, Molitch ME. Biomarkers of tubulointerstitial damage and function in type 1 diabetes, BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, 5:e000461. doi:10.1136, 2017.
  68. Bebu I, Mathew T, Lachin JM. Probabilistic measures of cost-effectiveness, Statistics in Medicine, 35, 3976-3986, 2016.
  69. Bebu I, Mathew T. Environmental data analysis based on the gamma distribution: Compliance assessment using tolerance limits and exceedance fractions, Environmetrics, 27, 370-376, 2016.
  70. Lachin JM, Bebu I, Nathan DM, Zinman B, Cleary P, Brillon D, Backlund JY, Orchard TJ and the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Mortality in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in the DCCT/EDIC Versus the General Population, Diabetes Care, 39, 1378-1383, 2016.
  71. Braffett BH, Dagogo-Jack S, Larkin M, Sivitz W, Bebu I, Kolterman O, Genuth S, Lachin JM. Coprogression of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Type 1 Diabetes during 30 Years of Follow-up in the DCCT/EDIC Study, Diabetes Care, 39(9), 1621-1630, 2016.
  72. De Boer IH, Gao X, Clearly PA, Bebu I, Lachin JM, Molitch ME, Orchard T, Paterson A, Perkins BA, Steffes MW, Zinman B. Albuminuria changes and cardiovascular and renal outcomes in type 1 diabetes: the DCCT/EDIC Study, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 11, 1969-1977, 2016.
  73. Darabian S, Backlund JY, Clearly P, Bebu I, Lachin J, Budoff M. Significance of Epicardial and Intrathoracic Adipose Tissue Volume among Type 1 Diabetes Patients in the DCCT/EDIC: A Pilot Study, PLoS ONE, 11(7), e0159958. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0159958, 2016
  74. Bebu I, Luta G, Mathew T, Agan BK. Generalized confidence intervals and fiducial intervals for some epidemiological measures, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, special issue “Methodological Innovations and Reflections”, 13, 605; doi:10.3390/ijerph13060605, 2016.
  75. Soliman E, Backlund JY, Bebu I, Li Y, Zhang ZM, Cleary P, Lachin JM. Progression of Electrocardiographic Abnormalities in Type 1 Diabetes During 16 Years of Follow-up: The Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) Study, Journal of the American Heart Association, 5:e002882, 2016.
  76. Nathan DM, Bebu I, Braffett B, Orchard TJ, Cowie CC, Lopes-Virella M, Schutta M, Lachin JM. Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes, 65(5), 1370--1379, 2016.
  77. Freiberg MS, Bebu I, Tracy R, So-Armah K, Okulicz J, Ganesan A, Armstrong A, O’Bryant T, Rimland D, Justice AC, Agan BK. D-Dimer Levels before HIV Seroconversion Remain Elevated Even after Viral Suppression and Are Associated with an Increased Risk of Non-AIDS Events. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0152588. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152588, 2016.
  78. Kim C, Bebu I, Braffett B, Cleary PA, Arends V, Steffes MW, Wessells H, Orchard T, Sarma AV. Testosterone and cardiac mass and function in men with type 1 diabetes in the Epidemiology of Diabetes interventions and Complications Study (EDIC), Clinical Endocrinology, 84, 693-699, 2016.
  79. Weiner L, Zhang Y-W, Nasto R, Varghese R, Jablonski S, Ilya Serebriiskii Y, Surana R, Calvert V, Bebu I, Murray J, Jin L, Johnson M, Riggins R, Ressom H, Petricoin E, Clarke R, Golemis E. Acquisition of estrogen independence induces TOB1-related mechanisms supporting breast cancer cell proliferation, Oncogene, 35, 1643-1656, 2016.
  80. Bebu I, Lachin JM. Large Sample Inference for a Composite Analysis Based on Prioritized Components, Biostatistics, 17, 178–187, 2016.
  81. Deiss RG, Mesner O, Agan BK, Ganesan A, Okulicz JF, Bavaro M, Talani L, O’Bryan TA, Bebu, I, Macalino GE. Characterizing the association between alcohol and HIV virologic failure in a military cohort on antiretroviral therapy, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40, 522–535, 2016.
  82. Bebu I, Luta G, Mathew T, Kennedy PA, Agan B. Parametric Cost-Effectiveness Inference with Skewed Data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 94, 210–220, 2016.
  83. Lachin JM, Bebu I. Application of the Wei-Lachin Multivariate One-Sided Test to Multiple Event-Time Outcomes, Clinical Trials, 12, 627–633, 2015.
  84. Bebu I, Mathew T, Agan B. Inference for Surrogate Endpoint Validation in the Binary Case, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 25, 1272-1284, 2015.
  85. Kim C, Pop-Busui R, Braffett B, Cleary PA, Bebu I, Wessells H, Orchard T, Sarma AV, for the DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Testosterone Concentrations and Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy in Men with Type 1 Diabetes in the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Study (EDIC), Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12, 2153-2159, 2015.
  86. Weintrob A, Bebu I, Agan B, Diem A, Johnson E, Lalani T, Wang X, Bavaro M, Ellis M, Menda K, Crum-Cianflone N. Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study on Decolonization Procedures for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among HIV-Infected Adults, PLoS ONE, 10(5): e0128071, 2015.
  87. Wogu AF, Loffredo CA, Bebu I, Luta G. Gestational Age-Mediated Effect of Congenital Heart Defects on Infant Birth-Weight, BMC Research Notes, 7:926, 2014.
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  102. Bebu I. A new proof for a fixed point theorem in compact metric spaces, Sci. Bull. U.P.B., Series A, Vol. 63(2), 43–46, 2001.
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