Catherine Arsenault

Catherine Arsenault
Assistant Professor
Full-time Faculty
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
Department: Global Health
Catherine Arsenault is Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Health at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health. Dr. Arsenault’s research focuses on health system quality, health inequalities and on the use of routine health data for improved monitoring. Prior to joining George Washington, Dr. Arsenault worked as Research Scientist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in the Department of Global Health and Population and obtained a PhD in Epidemiology from McGill University. During her time at Harvard, she was a member of the Lancet Global Health Commission on High Quality Health Systems in the SDG era and of the Fenot project aimed at strengthening the primary health care system of Ethiopia. Recently she was principal investigator of a Grand Challenges International COVID-19 Data Alliance initiative driver project that assessed the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on health systems in 10 countries (Chile, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, Laos, Mexico, Nepal, South Africa, South Korea and Thailand). She is currently leading research on associations between health systems and vaccine hesitancy.
- Derseh Mebratie A, Nega A, Gage A, Haile Mariam D, Kassa Eshetu M, Arsenault C. Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on health service utilization across regions of Ethiopia: an interrupted time series analysis of health information system data from 2019-2020. PLoS Global Public Health
- Doubova SV, Arsenault C, Contreras-Sánchez SE, Borrayo-Sánchez G, Leslie HH. The road to recovery: an interrupted time series analysis of policy intervention to restore essential health services in Mexico during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Global Health 12, (2022)
- Dinsa GD, Dessie E, Hurlburt S, Gebreyohannes Y, Arsenault C, Yakob B, Girma T, Berman P, Kruk ME. Equitable distribution of poor quality care? Equity in quality of reproductive health services in Ethiopia. Health Systems & Reform 8, no.1 (2022): e2062808
- Arsenault C, Gage A, Kim MK, Kapoor NR, Akweongo P, Amponsah F, Aryal A, Asai D, Awoonor-Williams JK, Ayele W, Bedregal P, Doubova SV, Dulal M, Gadeka DD, Gordon-Strachan G, Haile Mariam D, Hensman D, Joseph JP, Kaewkamjornchai P, Kassa Eshetu M, Kassahun Gelaw S, Kubota S, Leerapan B, Margozzini P, Derseh Mebratie A, Mehata S, Moshabela M, Mthethwa L, Nega A, Oh J, Park S, Passi-Solar A, Pérez-Cuevas R, Phengsavanh A, Reddy T, Rittiphairoj T, Sapag JC, Thermidor R, Tlou B, Valenzuela Guiñez F, Bauhoff S, Kruk ME. COVID-19 and resilience of healthcare systems in 10 countries. Nature Medicine 28, 1314–1324 (2022)
- Kruk ME, Lewis TP, Arsenault C, Bhutta ZA, Irimu G, Jeong J, Lassi ZS, Sawyer SM, Vaivada T, Waiswa P, Yousafzai AK. Improving health and social systems for all children in LMICs: structural innovations to deliver high-quality services. The Lancet 2022;399(10337):1830-1844
- Kim MK, Arsenault C, Atuyambe L, Kruk ME. Predictors of job satisfaction and intention to stay in the job among healthcare providers in Uganda and Zambia. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2021; 33(3), p.mzab128
- Doubova SV, Leslie HH, Kruk ME, Pérez-Cuevas R, Arsenault C. Disruption in essential health services in Mexico during COVID-19: an interrupted time series analysis of health information system data. BMJ Global Health 2021;6:e006204
- Arsenault C, Yakob B, Kassa M, Dinsa G, Verguet S. Using health management information system data in a low-income country setting: a case study and verification of institutional deliveries in Ethiopia. BMJ Global Health 2021;6:e006216
- Arsenault C, Rowe SY, Ross-Degnan D, Peters DH, Roder-DeWan S, Kruk ME, Rowe AK. How does the effectiveness of strategies to improve healthcare provider practices in low-income and middle-income countries change after implementation? Secondary analysis of a systematic review. BMJ Quality and Safety 2021
- Arsenault C, Yakob B, Tilahun T, Girma T, Dinsa G, Woldie M, Kassa M, Berman P, Kruk ME. Patient volume and quality of primary care in Ethiopia: findings from the routine health information system and the 2014 Service Provision Assessment Survey. BMC Health Services Research 2021; 21(1), pp. 1-10
- Hategeka C, Arsenault C, Kruk ME. Temporal trends in coverage, quality, and equity of maternal and child health services in Rwanda, 2000-2015 BMJ Global Health 5.11 (2020): e002768
- Arsenault C, Kim MK, Aryal A, Faye A, Joseph JP, Kassa M, Degfie TT, Yahya T, Kruk ME. Hospital-provision of essential primary care in 56 countries: determinants and quality. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2020; 98.11 (2020): 735
- Arsenault C, Harper S, Nandi A. The effect of vaccination on children’s learning achievements: findings from the India Human Development Survey. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2020; 74.10 (2020): 778-784
- Kim MK, Arsenault C, Macwan'gi M, Kruk ME. Determinants of provider confidence in their clinical skills in Uganda and Zambia. BMC Health Services Research 2020; 20, no. 1 (2020): 1-10
- Cazabon D, Pande T, Sen P, Daftary A, Arsenault C, Bhatnagar H, O’Brien K, Pai M. User experience and patient satisfaction with tuberculosis care in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 2020; 19 (2020): 200154
- Arsenault C, English M, Gathara D, Malata A, Mandala W, Kruk ME. Variation in competent and respectful delivery care in Kenya and Malawi: a retrospective analysis of national facility surveys. Tropical Medicine and International Health 2020; 25, no. 4 (2020): 442-453
- Weldearegay GH, Medhanyie AA, Abrha MW, Tadesse L, Tekle E, Yakob B, Girma T, Arsenault C. Quality of kangaroo mother care in Ethiopia: implications for policy and practice. PLOS One 2019; 14(11): e0225258
- Arsenault C, Roder-DeWan S, Kruk ME. Measuring and improving the quality of tuberculosis care: a framework and implications from the Lancet Global Health Commission. Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 2019; Jun 19: 100112
- Arsenault C, Jordan K, Lee D, Dinsa G, Manzi F, Marchant T, Kruk ME. Equity in antenatal care quality: an analysis of 91 national household surveys. Lancet Global Health 2018; Nov;6(11):e1186-e1195
- Kruk ME, Gage AD, Arsenault C, Jordan K, Leslie HH, Roder-DeWan S, Adeyi O, Barker P, Daelmans B, Doubova SV, English M, Elorrio EG, Guanais F, Gureje O, Hirschhorn LR, Jiang L, Kelley E, Lemango ET, Liljestrand J, Malata A, Marchant T, Matsoso MP, Meara JG, Mohanan M, Ndiaye Y, Norheim OF, Reddy KS, Rowe AK, Salomon JA, Thapa G, Twum-Danso NAY, Pate M. High-quality health systems in the Sustainable Development Goals era: time for a revolution. Lancet Global Health 2018; Nov;6(11):e1196-e1252
- Al-Janabi A, Al-Wahdani B, Ammar W, Arsenault C, Asiedu EK, Etiebet MA, Forde I, Gage AD, García-Saisó S, Guanais F, Hansen PM, Hovig D, Jhalani M, Kruk ME, Maliqi B, Marikar K, Matsoso MP, Pate M, Peterson S, Roder-DeWan S, Schulze A, Somers K, Shiozaki Y, Thapa G. Bellagio Declaration on high-quality health systems: from a quality moment to a quality movement. Lancet Global Health 2018; Nov;6(11):e1144-e1145
- Ng-Kamstra JS, Arya S, Greenberg SLM, Kotagal M, Arsenault C, Ljungman D, Yorlets RR, Agarwal A, Frankfurter C, Nikouline A, Lai FYX, Palmqvist CL, Fu T, Mahmood T, Raju S, Sharma S, Marks IH, Bowder A, Pi L, Meara JG, Shrime MG. Perioperative mortality rates in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis BMJ Global Health 2018; Jun 22; 3(3):e000810
- Arsenault C, Johri M, Nandi A, Mendoza Rodriguez JM, Hansen P, Harper S. Country-level predictors of vaccination coverage and equity in Gavi-supported countries. Vaccine 2017; Apr 25; 35(18):2479-2488
- Arsenault C, Harper S, Nandi A, Mendoza Rodriguez JM, Hansen P, Johri M. An equity dashboard to monitor vaccination coverage. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2017; Feb 1;95(2):128-134
- Arsenault C, Harper S, Nandi A, Mendoza Rodriguez JM, Hansen P, Johri M. Monitoring equity in vaccination coverage: A systematic analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys from 45 Gavi-supported countries. Vaccine 2017; Feb 7;35(6):951-959
- Johri M, Pérez MC, Arsenault C, Sharma JK, Pant Pai N, Pahwa S, Sylvestre MP. Strategies to increase the demand for childhood vaccination in developing countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2015; May;93(5):339-346C
- Huchon C, Arsenault C, Tourigny C, Coulibaly A, Traoré M, Dumont A, Fournier P. Obstetric competence among referral health care providers in Mali. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2014; Jul;126(1):56-9
- Traoré M, Arsenault C, Schoemaker-Marcotte C, Coulibaly A, Huchon C, Dumont A, Fournier P. Obstetric competence among primary health care workers in Mali International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2014; Jul;126(1):50-5
- Arsenault C, Fournier P, Philibert A, Sissoko K, Coulibaly A, Tourigny C, Traoré M, Dumont A. Emergency Obstetric Care in Mali: Catastrophic Spending and its Impoverishing Effects on Households. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2013; March;91(3):207-16
Global Health
Health systems
Health care quality
Maternal and child health
PhD Epidemiology, McGill University School of Medicine, 2017
MSc Health Services Administration, University of Montreal, 2012
PUBH 6412: Global Health Quantitative Research Methods (Fall)
PUBH 6478: Health System Quality Measurement in Global Health