Daniel Chen

Daniel Chen
Assistant Research Professor; and Associate Director, CCR Research
Full-time Faculty
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
Department: Global Health
Dr. Kuan-Lung Daniel Chen is an Assistant Research Professor in the Global Health department and the Associate Director of Research at the Center for Community Resilience (CCR) at The George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health. He leads research efforts at CCR involving mixed-methods practice based research, including measurement development, community needs assessment, evaluation, and the advancement of participatory research and system dynamics modeling methods for achieving equity and improving community resilience.
Daniel is a mixed-methods public health researcher using research methods to elevate community voice and leadership, create better data tools for improving equity, and identify or develop metrics to ensure accountability for systems change towards community resilience. He is also interested in Workforce for Health and cross-sector collaborations as key drivers for achieving equity. Prior to joining the Center for Community Resilience, Daniel worked as a community coalition builder in Philadelphia, managing the Hep B United Philadelphia coalition and the national Hep B United coalition. Daniel received his bachelor’s degree in Molecular and Cell Biology from UC Berkeley, a Master of Public Health degree from Drexel University, and a Doctor of Public Health degree in Health Policy from the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health.
Dr. Chen is an affiliated faculty member of the Global Food Institute at GW.
Social Determinants of Health
Healthcare Workforce
Health Disparities
Community Health
Underserved Populations
Program Evaluation
Ellis, W., Hayes, K., Salas, E., Bultema, S.A., Gousse, T., & Chen, K.D. (2025). Addressing Systemic Inequities: An Evaluation of the Resilience Catalysts in Public Health Program. JPHMP, 31(2):p E70-E79, March/April 2025. | DOI: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000002053
Ellis, W., Dietz, W. H., & Chen, K. D. (2022). Community Resilience: A Dynamic Model for Public Health 3.0. Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP, 28(Suppl 1), S18–S26. https://doi.org/10.1097/PHH.0000000000001413
King, S., Chen, K., & Chokshi, B. (2019). Becoming Trauma Informed: Validating a Tool to Assess Health Professional’s Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 4(5), e215. https://doi.org/10.1097/pq9.0000000000000215
Chen, K. (2020). Health-Related Social Needs Workforce: Health Care Worker Tasks, Functions, and Roles for Coordinating Cross-Sector Services. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. https://www.proquest.com/docview/2333949745
Chokshi B, Chen KLD, Beers L. (2020) Interactive case-based childhood adversity and trauma-informed care electronic modules for pediatric primary care. MedEdPORTAL. 16:10990. https://doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.10990
Chokshi, B., King, S., Schulz, T., Chen, D. (2019). Institutional Assessment: Knowledge, Attitudes And Practices of Trauma Informed Practices. Journal of Adolescent Health. 64:2, S94.
Jorgensen, C.M., Chen S., Carnes, C.A., Block, J., Chen, D., Caballero, J., Moraras, K., Cohen, C. (2016). "Know Hepatitis B:" A Multilingual Communications Campaign Promoting Testing for Hepatitis B Among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Public Health Reports. 131, 35-40 6p.