Avi Dor

Avi Dor
Professor of Health Policy and Management and of Economics
Full-time Faculty
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
Department: Health Policy and Management
Dr. Avi Dor, a health economist, is a Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University (GWU), and Director of its Health Economics and Health Policy PhD Programs. Having joined GWU in 2007, He previously served as the Mannix Medical Mutual Professor of Health Finance, at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Research Fellow at the U.S. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, currently known as AHRQ, and Research Associate at the Urban Institute. He is highly experienced in large data base analysis and econometric modeling of health care costs and outcomes, pharmaceutical pricing, and well as cost-effectiveness and return-on-investment analyses applied to health care settings. The recipient of numerous NIH award, he is currently PI of a large multi-site R01 award investigating determinants of hospital pricing. His research has been published in leading economics journals (e.g., American Economic Review, European Economic Review), leading field journals (e.g., Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Regulatory Economics, JEMS), medical journals (e.g., NEJM, JAMA, Cancer), major health policy journals (Health Affairs, Health Services Research, Inquiry). His teaches graduate health care economics courses at the Masters and PhD levels, and has supervised numerous doctoral level dissertations.
Avi Dor has consulted for a variety of organizations, including the World Bank, Amgen, GlaxoSmithKline, and Teva Pharmaceuticals, and patient advocacy organizations. In addition, he frequently serves on NIH and AHRQ grant review panels. His work has been cited by major media and trade press outlets including the New York Times, CNN, NPR, US News and World Report, Modern Healthcare, and Kaiser Health News. Dr. Dor’s other affiliation include the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and a joint faculty appointments at the GWU Trachtenberg School of Public Policy.
Health Economics
Bachelor of Science (Economics and Political Science), Queens College, CUNY, 1976
Doctor of Philosophy, Graduate Center of the City University of New York, 1987
Professor Dor is a member of the International Health Economics Association and has refereed submissions for numerous peer-reviewed journals. He was also on the Scientific Advisory Committee of the U.S. Renal Dialysis System, a combined Medicare-NIH program, and continues to advise large national and international health care organizations, including the World Bank, on policy-related issues.
Dr. Dor's current research focuses on novel aspects of medical pricing, particularly endogeneity of insurance choice; cost-sharing in pharmaceutical insurance and spillover effects, and the role of management contracts in the locally competitive positions of American hospitals. He served as principle investigator of a multi-year Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality grant, studying medical outcomes and pricing. In 2005, Professor Dor was awarded the MedStat-Thomson Best Investigator Award in Health Services Research for his work on insurance databases. He has published widely on health economics in a broad range of leading journals, including the American Economic Review, New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, and the Journal of Health Economics.
Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals
Dor A, Luo E, Gerstein MT, Malveaux F, Mitchell H, Markus AR. 2018. Cost-effectiveness of an Evidence-Based Childhood Asthma Intervention in Real-World Primary Care Settings. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management 41(3):213-224.
Castle, A., S. Choi, A. Dor, J. Sklilcorn, J. Peterson. “Comparing cost-effectiveness of HIV testing strategies: Targeted and routine testing in Washington DC”. In Press, PLOS One, 2015
Cooper, G., M. Shcluchter, S. Koroukian, A. Dor "Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Screening Mammography and Colonoscopy in Medicare Beneficiaries" Journal of the National Cancer Institute, forthcoming, 2015.
Dor, Avi, W., Encinosa, K. , Carey, Medicare’s Hospital Compare Quality Reports Appear To Have Slowed Price Increases For Two Major Procedures. Health Affairs, 34(1), 71-77, 2015.
Li, S., Dor, A. How Do Hospitals Respond to Market Entry? Evidence from a Deregulated Market for Cardiac Revascularization. Health Economics appeared first on line July 2014, in press, 2015.
Dor, Avi, Koroukian, S., Xu, F., Stulberg, J., Delaney, C, Cooper, G. “Pricing of surgeries for colon cancer”. Cancer, 118(23), February 2013.
Richard, P., Ku L., Dor, Avi, Tan, E., Shin, P., “Cost savings associated with the use of community health centers”. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 35, Sept. 2012.
Oleen-Burkey M, Dor, Avi, J. Castelli-Haley, Lage M. "The relationship between alternative medication possession ratio thresholds and outcomes: evidence from the use of glatiramer acetate". Journal of Medical Economics , 14 (6), 2011.
Dor, Avi and W. Encinosa. “How Does Cost-Sharing Affect Drug Purchases? Insurance Regimes in the Private Market for Prescription Drugs” Journal of Economic Management and Strategy, 19(4), 2010.
Dor, Avi M. Lage, M. Tarrants, J. Castelli-Haley. “Cost Sharing, Adherence, and Benefit Design: The Case of Multiple Sclerosis’’ Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, vol. 22, 2010
Encinosa W., D.Barnard, A. Dor, “Does Prescription Drug Adherence Reduce Hospitalizations and Costs? The Case of Diabetes“. Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, vol. 22, 2010
Carey K., A. Dor: “Expense Preference and Contract Management: “Contract” and Non-Contract Hospitals in a Quasi-Experiment: A Test of the Expense Preference Hypothesis” Journal of Productivity Analysis, 29(1) 61-75, 2008
Carey, K. Avi Dor “Contract Management in US Hospitals: Service Duplication and Access within Local Markets” Health Services Management Research 21(3): 161-167, 2008.
Dor, Avi,. MV. Pauly, MA. Eichleay, PJ. Held, “Economic Incentives in the Delivery of Technology-Intensive Modalities in the Case of End Stage Renal Disease: The International Study of Health Care Organization and Finance (ISHCOF)” International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 7(2/3), 2007.
Koroukian, S, F.X. Fang, A. Dor., G. Cooper “Colorectal Cancer Screening in the Elderly Population: Disparities by Dual Medicare-Medicaid Enrollment Status”. Health Services Research, 41(6), 2006
Dor, Avi, J.J. Sudano, D.W. Baker. “The Effect of Private Insurance on the Health of Older, Working Age Adults: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study”. Health Services Research, 41(3), 2006.
Koroukian, S, D. Litaker, A. Dor., G. Cooper. “Use of Preventive Services by Medicare Fee-For-Service Beneficiaries: Does Spillover from Managed Care Matter?” Medical Care 43(5), 2005.
Bridges J., A. Dor, and M. Grossman “A Wolf Dressed in Sheep's Clothing: Perhaps Quality Measures are Just Unmeasured Severity. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 4(1) 2005.
Carey, K, A. Dor, “Trends in Contract-Management: The Overlooked Evolution of the Hospital Industry”, Health Affairs, 23(6) 2004.
Dor, Avi, M. Grossman, S. Koroukian, “Transaction Prices and Managed Care Discounts for Selected Medical Technologies”, American Economic Review, 94(2), 2004.
Dor, Avi., S. Koroukian, M. Grossman, “Managed Care Discounts: Evidence from the MarketScan Data”, Inquiry, 41(4) 2004.
Dor, Avi, “Administrative Prices and Suboptimal Prevention: Evidence from a Medicare Program”, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 25(1), 2004.
Baker DW, JJ Sudano, EA Borawski EA, J. Albert, A. Dor, “Loss of Health Insurance and the Risk of a Decline in Self-Reported Health and Physical Functioning: The Intermittently Uninsured”. Medical Care 40(11), 2002.
Sehgal, A. A. Dor, A. Tsai, “The Morbidity and Cost Implications of Inadequate Dialysis” American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 37(6), 2001.
Baker DW, JJ Sudano , EA Borawski, J. Albert, A. Dor, “Risk of a Decline in Self-Reported Health and Physical Functioning in Older Adults” New England Journal of Medicine: 345(15), 2001.
Baker DW, Sudano JJ, EA Borawski, A. Dor J. Albert, “Risk of Major Decline in Self-Reported Health Among Uninsured Adults in Late Middle-Age.” Journal of General Internal Medicine: 52-53, Suppl. 1, April 2000.
Calem, P., A. Dor, J. Rizzo, “The Welfare Consequences of Mergers in the Hospital Industry”, Journal of Economics and Business: 51(3), 1999.
Hirth R., Held P., A. Dor “Practice Patterns, Case-mix, Medicare Payment Policy and Dialysis Facility Costs, Health Services Research, 33(6): February 1999.
Whitehouse PJ, B. Winblad, D Shostak, A. Bhattacharjya, M. Brodaty, A. Dor, H Feldman et al: “First International Pharmacoeconomic Conference on Alzheimer's Disease: Report and Summary”. Alzheimer Diseases and Associated Disorders 12(4) December, 1998.
Dor, A. and H. Watson “The Welfare Implications of Insurance Contracts in the “Mixed” For-Profit/Nonprofit Hospital Market”, Southern Economic Journal, 64(3), January 1998.
Dor, A. , S.Q. Duffy, and H. Wong, “Expense Preference Behavior and Contract-Management: Evidence from U.S. Hospitals, Southern Economic Journal, 64(2), October 1997.
Brooks, JE. A. Dor, H. Wong, "The Hospital-Insurer Interaction as a Nash Bargaining Model: An Empirical Investigation of Appendectomy Pricing” Journal of Health Economics, Vol.16, No. 4, August 1997.
Dor, A. and S.Q. Duffy. “Préférence pour le Dépense et Gestion Franchisée des Hopitaux”, in Economie de la Santé: Trajectoires du Futur, ed. Stéphane Jacobzone, INSEE Méthodes No. 64-65, Paris, France, 1997.
Dor, A. “Review of Hospital Cost Analysis”, Southern Economic Journal, 64(1) July 1997.
Dor, A., and D.E. Farley, “Payment Source and the Cost of Hospital Care: Inferences on Quality from A Multiproduct Cost Function,” Journal of Health Economics, 15(1), 1996.
Dor, A., and H. Watson. “The Hospital-Physician Interaction in U.S. Hospitals: Evolving Payment Schemes and their Incentives,” European Economic Review, 39(3-4), 1995.
Dor, A “On Stochastic Frontiers and Non-Minimum Cost Functions for Health Care Providers,” Journal of Health Economics, 13(3), 1994.
Dor, A and B. Friedman. “Mergers and Acquisitions of Not-for-Profit Hospitals on the 1980’s: Who Were the Likely Targets?” Review of Industrial Organization, 9(3), 1994.
Bishop, C., and A. Dor. “Urban-Rural Differences in Nursing Home Costs: Some Policy Implications,” Inquiry, 31(2), Summer 1994.
Dor, A., P.J. Held, and M.V. Pauly. “The Medicare Costs of Renal Dialysis: Evidence from a Statistical Cost Function,” Medical Care, 30(10), October 1992.
Holahan, J. A. Dor, S. Zuckerman. “Has PPS Increased Medicare Expenditures on Physicians?” Health Politics, Policy and Law, 16(2), Summer 1991.
Bovbjerg, R.R., F.A. Sloan, A. Dor, C.R. Hsieh. “Juries and Justice: Are Malpractice and Other Personal Injury Cases Created Equal?” Law and Contemporary Problems, 54(1,2), Winter/Spring 1991.
Dor, A. and J. Holahan. “Urban-Rural Differences on Medicare Physician Expenditures,” Inquiry, 27(4), Winter 1990.
Holahan, J., A. Dor, and S. Zuckerman “Understanding Recent Growth in Medicare Physician Expenditures” Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 263(12), March 1990.
Dor, A. “Can `One Country, Two Governments’ Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? Some Second Thoughts,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 8(4), no.4, 1989.
Holahan, J., L.C. Dubay, G. Kenney, W.P. Welch, C. Bishop, and A. Dor “Should Medicare Compensate Hospitals for Administratively Necessary Days?” Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, vol. 67, no. 1, 1989.
Dor, A. “The Costs of Medicare Patients in Nursing Homes in the United States: A Multiple-Output Analysis, Journal of Health Economics, 8(3), 1989.
Dor, A., P. Gertler, and J.van der Gaag. “Non-Price Rationing and the Choice of Medical Care Providers in Rural Côte d’Ivoire”, Journal of Health Economics, 6(3), 1987.
Book Chapters
Dor, Avi and E. Umapathi: The Causal Effect of Insurance on Health. Encyclopedia of Health Economics. Anthony Culyer, Ed. Elsevier Publishing, Oxford UK, 2014.
Dor A., “Pharmaceutical Markets and Health Insurance Worldwide: Overview” Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, A. Dor ed, 2010.
J. Hunt-McCool, T. J. McCool and A. Dor, and. Employer-Provided versus Publicly Provided Health Insurance. In Employee Benefits and Labor Markets in Canada and the United States, 2000. William T. Alpert and Stephen A. Woodbury, Editors, pp. 325-349.
J.E. Brooks, A. Dor, and H. Wong, "The Impact of Physician Payments on Hospital-Insurer Bargaining in the US”: in Governments and Health Systems, John Wiley and Sons; D. Chinitz and J. Cohen Eds, 1998.
Dor, Avi and J. der Gaag, “Health Care Provider Choice in the Ivory Coast”, in Anne Mills and Kenneth Lee (eds.). Health Economics Research in Developing Countries, Oxford University Press, 1993.
Book Edited or Written
Dor A., “Pharmaceutical Markets and Health Insurance Worldwide” Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, vol 22, 2010.
“The Multiple Sclerosis Fact Book: A Statistical Portrait” with S.L. Minden and W.D. Marder, Plenum Medical Publication: New York, New York, 1996.
“AIDS in Developing Countries: Cost Issues and Policy Trade-Offs,” with M. Lewis, G. Kenney, and R. Dighe, Urban Institute Press: Washington DC, 1989.
Papers in Non-Refereed Journals / Working Paper Series
Dor, Avi, Deb, P., Grossman, M., Koroukian, S, Xu, F. “Impact of Hospital Mortality Scores on Hospital Pricing: the Case of Colorectal Cancer”. NBER Working Paper 18447, 2013.
Li, S., Dor, A. How Do Hospitals Respond to Market Entry? Evidence from a Deregulated Market for Cardiac Revascularization. NBER Working Paper 18926, 2013.
Strengthening Primary Care to Bend the Cost Curve: The Expansion of Community Health Centers Through Health Reform. Geiger Gibson/RCHN Community Health Foundation Research Collaborative Policy Research Brief No. 19, 2010.
Wood, S. F., Dor, A., Gee, R. E., Harms, A., Mauery, D. R., Rosenbaum, S., & Tan, E. (2009). Women's health and health care reform: The economic burden of disease in women. Washington, D.C.: George Washington University, School of Public Health and Health Services, Jacobs Institute of Women's Health Issue Brief, 2009.
Dor A., P. Richard, E. Tan, et al. ‘’Community Health Centers in Indiana: State Investments” RCHN Community Health Foundation Research Collaborative Policy Research Brief No. 12, 2009.
Dor A, Pylypchuk Y, Shin P, Sara Rosenbaum. Uninsured and Medicaid patients' access to preventive care: comparison of health centers and other primary care providers. Geiger Gibson/RCHN Community Health Found Research Brief , No. (4):1-16, 2008.
Dor, Avi,. MV. Pauly, MA. Eichleay, PJ. Held “End-Stage Renal Disease and Economic Incentives: The International Study of Health Care Organization and Finance” NBER Working Paper 13125, 2007.
Dor A, T Burke, R Whittington, T Clark, R Lopert, S Rosenbaum. 2007. “Assessing the Effects of Federal Pediatric Drug Safety Policies”. George Washington University, DHP Policy Brief, June 2007.
Maeda, A. A. Dor et al, and World Bank Mission Team. “Croatia Health Finance Study”, World Band Sector Report 27151-HR: Washington DC, 2004.
Dor A., W. Encinosa, “Does Cost Sharing Affect Compliance?: The Case of Prescription Drugs”, NBER Working Paper 10738, 2004, revised and issued August 2009.
Dor, A, M. Grossman, S. Koroukian, “Transaction Prices and Managed Care Discounts for Selected Medical Technologies: A Bargaining Approach” NBER Working Paper 10437, 2004.
Dor, A., S. Koroukian, M. Grossman, “Managed Care Discounts: Evidence from the MarketScan Data”, NBER Working Paper 10377, 2004.
Dor, A., J. Sudano, D.W. Baker “The Effects of Private Insurance on Measures of Health: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study”, NBER Working Paper 9774, 2003.
Carey, K. and A. Dor, “Managerial Outsourcing and Expense Preference Behavior: A Comparison of Adopters and Non-Adopters” NBER Working Paper 9128, 2002.
Dor, A. “Administrative Prices and Sub-Optimal Prevention: Evidence From the Medicare Dialysis Program” NBER Working Paper 8123, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge MA, 2001.
Dor, A . “The Impact of Changes in the Financing and Structure of Health Care on Voluntary Health Organizations: National Health Council, 1998”.
Dor, A. “Contract-Managed Hospitals: Are They More Efficient?” AHCPR Research Notes, April 1994; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Dor, A. “Medicare Assignment Rates in the Post-Participation Era: A Reduced Form Model,” Urban Institute Discussion Paper No. 3839-02-03, 1989.
Dor, A. , J. Holahan and S. Zuckerman, “Medicare Physician Expenditures: Sorting Out the Reasons for Growth,” Urban Institute Working Paper No. 3650-06, 1989.
Dor, A., P. Gertler, L. Locay, W. Sanderson, and J. van der Gaag, “Health Care Financing and the Demand for Medical Care in Developing Countries,” Living Standards Measurement Study, No. 37, Washington D.C.: The World Bank, 1987.
Dor, A. and J. van der Gaag, “The Demand for Medical Care in Developing Countries: Quantity Rationing in Rural Côte d’Ivoire,” Living Standards Measurement Study, No. 35, Washington D.C.: The World Bank, 1987.
Saad Shire and Dor, A., “The Distribution of Health Care Consumption in Urban Côte d’Ivoire: Some Equity Considerations with Respect to Income and Age,” with Saad Shire, Working Paper, The World Bank, 1987.
Dor A. “Production Functions and Cost Functions in Peruvian Hospitals,” Washington D.C.: Pan-American Health Organization, Technical Seminar Series, 1986.
Manuscripts in Progress/Journal Submission
Suhui Li; Avi Dor; Jesse M. Pines; Mark S. Zocchi; Renee Y., Hsia, Factors Associated with Market Entry and Exist of Primary Care Clinics in California. Submitted to Medical Care Education and Review. Under revision, 2015.
Dor, Avi, Partha Deb, Michael Grossman et al, Impact of Mortality-Based Performance Measures on Hospital Pricing: the Case of Colorectal Cancer. Manuscript, 2015. To be submitted to American Journal of Health Economics.
Dor, Avi,, Encinosa W., Carey K., “Impact of Hospital Compare on Cardiac Pricing: Did it Reward the Best Hospitals?: A Quasi-Experimental Approach” Preliminary manuscript, under preparation, NBER Working Paper series , 2015.
Deb Partha, A. Dor, Michael Grossman. Quality and Hospital Prices: An Application of Finite Mixture Models. Manuscript, (2015).
Dor, Avi, Koroukian, S, E. Steinmetz, T. Sanses. Cooper, G.. “Pricing Hysterectomy: Cancer versus Non-Cancer Procedures”. Manuscript. To be submitted to Cancer (2015).
Tan (Umapathi) Ellen., Dor, Avi, C. Ferguson, “Obesity and the Patient –Physician Relationship: Results from the GW-Harris Survey”. Manuscript (revised 2014), planned submission: Obesity Review.
Deb, P., Dor A., Grossman, M.. “Accounting for Endogeneity of Hospital Choice in Predicing Mortality:Shortcomings in the Hospital Compare Methodology. Preliminary Manuscript (2013). Target submission: Health Services Research. Presented at ASHecon Annual Meetings, June 2012.
Dor, A., Choi S., Richard, P. “Does Mental Health Affect Unsecured Household Debt?”. Preliminary Manuscript, in preparation for the NBER Working Paper series. Presented at iHEA World Congress, July 2011.
Dor, A, Koroukian, S, Xu, F, Gregory C. "A Nested Logit Model of Hysterectomy Treatment Choices: Role of Market Factors “. Research in progress.
Deb, P., Dor, A, Grossman, M. “Endogenous Hospital Choice and Impact on Hospital Performance Measures.” Research in progress.
Frogner, B., Dor, A., Jacobs, M., Parsons, D. Veteran Earnings Loss Due to Disability: Evidence from the American Community Survey. In progress.