Jennifer Trott

Jennifer Trott
Research Scientist
Research Staff
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
Department: Health Policy and Management
Jennifer Trott, MPH, is a Lead Research Scientist in the Department of Health Policy and Management at The George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health. Her focus is on improving health systems to address the social determinants of health and other drivers of health inequities within underserved communities. She brings expertise in the area of qualitative research and the development of healthcare performance metrics. Jen currently provides research and management support to the Funders Forum on Accountable Health and The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership. She also leads two studies funded by the Missouri Foundation for Health – a descriptive qualitative study of the community health worker field; and a focused analysis of the experiences of Black and Latino residents during the COVID-19 response in Missouri.
Jen’s most recent work included serving as Co-PI on an evaluation of a statewide public health response to COVID-19 and managing a 3-year, extensive evaluation of the costs of training primary care residents in Teaching Health Centers for HRSA. She has created several foundational quality improvement resources for the social determinants sphere, including a comprehensive guide to building and measuring the success of medical-legal partnership interventions within the VA and a toolkit for developing and assessing language services programs in hospitals. She was also closely involved in the first-ever performance measures for language services to be adopted by the National Quality Clearinghouse for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Jen previously served as communications director and researcher for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s flagship health care quality program, Aligning Forces for Quality. She was also the Associate Director for a statewide coalition working to advance children’s health policy and healthy communities. She holds a BA in Bioethics from Wellesley College and a Masters of Public Health in Health Policy from The George Washington University School of Public Health.
Evaluation Research
Health Disparities
Health Quality
Health Services Research
Social Determinants of Health
Health Policy
Underserved Populations
Master of Public Health (Health Policy Concentration), 2007
Milken Institute School of Public Health, The George Washington University
Washington, DC
Bachelor of Arts (Bioethics and French), 2005
Wellesley College
Wellesley, MA