Naomi Seiler

Naomi Seiler
Full-time Faculty
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
Department: Health Policy and Management
Naomi Seiler is a Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management. Professor Seiler’s research centers on the intersection of the evolving healthcare system with public health priorities. While at GW, she has served as a consultant for the CDC's National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention; her portfolio currently includes leading a team providing policy support for D.C.'s HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, STD and TB Administration. She worked in Congress as Counsel to Rep. Henry Waxman, helping develop public health legislation including the prevention and wellness provisions of the House health reform bill. She also served as lead House staffer on the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act and staffed hearings and legislative markups on HIV prevention, federal mental health and substance abuse programs, health disparities, and other public health topics.
Selected recent publications:
Naomi Seiler. Leveraging Medicaid Financing and Coverage Benefits to Deliver PrEP Intervention Services. CDC/Academy Health Issue Brief (forthcoming May 2019).
Naomi Seiler. Enhancing Medicaid Provider and Patient Engagement and Education to Deliver PrEP Intervention Services. CDC/Academy Health Issue Brief (forthcoming May 2019).
Naomi Seiler. Medicaid Managed Care and Asthma: A Primer (2019). For the American Lung Association.
Naomi Seiler. Medicaid Financing and Coverage Benefits Can be Leveraged to Improve Delivery of HIV Prevention Services (2019). White Paper for CDC-funded Academy Health project on Medicaid Strategies to Implement Comprehensive Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Clinical Care Services. Available online.
Naomi Seiler. Medicaid Engagement and Education Efforts Could Improve Delivery of HIV Prevention Services (2019). White Paper for CDC-funded Academy Health project on Medicaid Strategies to Implement Comprehensive Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Clinical Care Services. Available online
Naomi Seiler and Katie Horton, “The Bioethical and Legal Implications of HHS’s New Focus on Conscience and Religious Freedom.” The American Journal of Bioethics (July 2018), 18:7, 71-72.
Naomi Seiler, Katie Horton and Anya Vanecek, “A Perfect Policy Storm for Infection Among People Who Inject Drugs.” Health Affairs Blog (May 2018). Available online.
Katie Horton, Gregory Dwyer and Naomi Seiler. “Older Adult Falls—Costly But Not Inevitable.” Health Affairs Blog (April 2018). Available online.
Katie Horton, Naomi Seiler, Greg Dwyer and Anya Vanecek. Opioid Use Disorder: City Actions and Opportunities to Address the Epidemic. National League of Cities (April 2018). Available online.