In the wake of the mass shooting tragedy in Orlando, Florida, Milken Institute School of Public Health (Milken Institute SPH) at the George Washington University came together to grieve, process, heal and move forward. The school worked with students to produce a series of videos that allow their voices to be heard. In an effort to focus on how we can move forward with an emphasis on change, understanding and love, students were asked to share what love is to them.
The series launched with a video from Lynn R. Goldman, MD, MS, MPH, Michael and Lori Milken Dean of Milken Institute SPH, where she expresses her grief at the horrific events, and also calls attention to the need for increased gun violence prevention efforts.
The school will continue to release videos through the week of June 20, and invites others to share their own videos or thoughts using the hashtag #LoveIs and the school’s handle @GWpublichealth on Twitter or GWpublichealth on Facebook.
Students, if you or a friend needs help or support, reach out to GW's CARE Network.
GW Employees and their family members seeking information on counseling and trauma support should call GW's Wellbeing Hotline toll-free at 1-866-522-8509. GW's Wellbeing hotline is staffed by highly trained master’s and doctoral level clinicians who will listen to your concerns and quickly refer you to in-person counseling and other resources at no cost. Along with the the toll-free hotline emotional-support resources and information are available online at