Mary Ellsberg

Mary Ellsberg
Full-time Faculty
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
Department: Global Health
Dr. Mary Ellsberg is the Founding Director of the Global Women's Institute at George Washington University. Dr. Ellsberg has more than 30 years of experience in international research and programs on gender and development. Before joining the University in August 2012, Dr. Ellsberg served as vice president for research and programs at the International Center for Research on Women. Dr. Ellsberg’s deep connection to global gender issues stems not only from her academic work but also from living in Nicaragua for nearly 20 years leading public health and women’s rights advocacy. She was a member of the core research team of the World Health Organization’s Multi-Country Study on Domestic Violence and Women’s Heath, and she has authored more than 40 books and articles on violence against women and girls. Dr. Ellsberg earned a doctorate in epidemiology and public health from Umea University in Sweden and a bachelor's degree in Latin American studies from Yale University.
Women's Health
Global Health
Ellsberg, M., Bradley, C., Egan A., Haddad, A. "Violence against Women in Melanesia and East Timor: Building on Global and Regional Promising Approaches." Office of Development Effectiveness, AUSAID. Canberra, Australia, 2008.
Ellsberg, M., Heise, L. "Researching Violence against Women: A Practical Guide for Researchers and Advocates." Washington, D.C. Program for Appropriate Technology in Health and the World Health Organization, 2005.
Garcia Moreno, C., C. Watts, H. Jansen, M. Ellsberg, L Heise. (2003). "Responding to violence against women: WHO's Multicountry Study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence." Health and Human Rights 6(2): 112-127.
Morrison, A., M. Ellsberg, S. Bott. (2004). "Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Critical Review of Interventions." Washington, D.C., World Bank.