Carlos Santos-Burgoa

Carlos Santos-Burgoa

Carlos Santos-Burgoa

M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D.


School: Milken Institute School of Public Health

Department: Global Health


Milken Institute School of Public Health 950 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, 4th Floor - Office 408 Washington DC 20052


Carlos Santos-Burgoa is a Professor of Global Health and Environmental and Occupational Health, and Director of Global Health Policy at GWU. He studies public health functions, and their role in equity, including the organizational development of health authorities and regulatory agencies. His interest is in toxic chemicals risk analysis, management and control of their population and climate impacts, and public health approaches to crises in epidemics and disasters in developing economies.

He works on risk factors leading to chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs), environmental conditions including chemical substances, and climate change and disasters. He has worked on risk and impact communication, and social marketing of health. He supports Latin American countries’ institutional capacity, and regional and global intergovernmental health organizations, international trade. He collaborated with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on the report “Public health regulation abroad”. He is co-convener of the regulatory working group of Children in All Policies 2030 (CAP2030) with FLACSO, UCL, UNICEF, and WHO. He was the principal advisor to the Comprehensive National Policy on Chemicals Management for Mexico’s General Health Council. He lead the study on attribution for the excess mortality from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, contributing to the knowledge required given the increased frequency and intensity of natural disasters from climate change. He contributed to the management of COVID-19 considering criteria for resource allocation and excess mortality surveillance systems at his university, at the US National Capital Region, and advising Mexico’s General Health Council.

His professional practice has led him to confront public health crises of national and international concern. This included the identification of excess mortality from air pollution in Mexico City (1991), the lead intoxication in the smelter town of Coahuila (1998-2001), the Popocatepetl eruption (2001), the cyanide incident in Hidalgo (2001), the toxic algal bloom massive intoxication (2002), the Villahermosa Industrial City flooding (2007), the Influenza A(H1N1) pandemic – from the identification to the nonpharmaceutical interventions – (2009), the excess mortality from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico (2017 and 2020), and the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-22) supporting the University intervention and policy design in Mexico. He is currently developing the Cohort of Health Workers at the IMSS in Mexico and he is on sabbatical with an initiative on Unlocking Public Health Regulatory Institutions.

He practiced clinical medicine in Mexico City´s slums, the southern indigenous and Mayan midlands communities. He co-led the Essential Health Needs on Health project in COPLAMAR, Mexico, a milestone in health systems transformation towards a universal health system and planning with an equity lens. His doctoral dissertation identified the carcinogenesis of 1,3-butadiene in a multinational occupational cohort, seminal research that generated a rigorous occupational health standard and further air pollution monitoring of this pollutant. His research includes atmospheric and indoor air pollution, mining, heavy metals, ecosystem health, pesticides, infectious diseases, and industrial environmental and occupational health. He was Dean of the School of Public Health of Mexico at the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH), Director General of the Health Environment and Work Institute, Director General at Mexico´s Ministry of Health, and Senior Advisor and Acting Department Director at the Pan American Health Organization (WHO office for Americas).

At Mexico´s Minister of Health he developed the Federal Commission for Sanitary Risk Protection, the Strategy for Health Services Provision Organizational Reform, and the Health Promotion Operation Model, seeking to empower people’s capacity on organizing and acting on health. He was a country representative to NAFTA side Agreements, to the Earth Summit of Johannesburg (2002), and to bilateral environmental, food, and drugs negotiations with the USA and Canada. As an international officer he contributed to regional strategies and resolutions (Health and Human Security, Urban Health, NCDs, Childhood Obesity, and the draft Environmental Health Strategy), and to three world summits negotiations of the outcome documents from the UN-High-Level Meeting on NCDs, the regional consultation for the World Conference on Social Determinants of Health and the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Río+20).

He holds an MD from Mexico´s National Autonomous University, and a Ph.D. in environmental epidemiology from Johns Hopkins University. He is a Graduate of the Program for Senior Executive Business Management (AD-2) at the Pan-American Institute of Business Administration.

At GWU he trained eight generations of global health policy practitioners and directly advised more than 33 master and doctoral dissertations. There he teaches Global Health Policy Analysis, Cross-Cultural Approaches to Global Health, National and Global Public Health Systems, Global Control Programs on Chronic Diseases, and in collaboration with the School of Public Health of Mexico at the National Institute of Public Health, the course on Introduction to Public Health Regulatory Institutions. This adds to his previous experience with 24 other doctoral or master’s dissertations at NIPH and extensive teaching on longitudinal epidemiological designs. He has presented multiple keynote speeches and scientific papers at multiple scientific congresses. He has published more than 74 peer-reviewed papers, 38 technical reports, and 35 book chapters. He is an elected fellow of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico, and of the Collegium Ramazzini. He has received several awards, and he appreciates especially the “2006 Distinguished Alumni Award” from Johns Hopkins University.

Cancer Policy

Children's Health

Chronic Disease

Comparative Health

Environmental Health Policy


Evaluation Research

Food and Drug Safety

Global Health

Health Disparities

Health Economics

Health Policy


Organizational Change

Population Health


Public Health Preparedness

Regulatory Science

Risk Assessment, Management and Communication

Social Determinants of Health

Strategic planning

Diploma, 2013O’Neill Institute Summer Program on Non-Communicable Diseases and the Law Georgetown University. Washington DC. June 2013.

Certified. 2004. Executive Business Management Program (AD-2).  Pan-American Institute of Business Administration (IPADE), Universidad Pan Americana, Mexico D.F.  2003- 2004

PhD. 1988, Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology

MPH, 1982, Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland Epidemiology

MD. 1979, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico.

PubH 6492 Global Health Programs and Approaches to the Control of Chronic Diseases

PubH 6447 Global Health Policy Analysis

PubH 6417 Cross-Cultural Approaches for Global Health Practice

PubH 6045 National and Global Public Health Systems

PubH 6441 Global Health Organizations and Regulations (no longer the instructor)‎

PASPE-INSP/ESPM (MOU with Mexico) Instituciones de Regulacion Sanitaria: Sistemas y ‎Desarrollos (Health Regulation Institutions: Systems and Developments)‎

Binational (US-Mexico) organizations

  • Binational Health Data Transfer Task Force (ESPM/INSP, Migrant Clinicians Network, CDC, NIH, Newport University Pennsylvania), Member (1992-1996).
  • Binational (US-Mexico) Science Foundation, Mega cities Air Quality Network, Member (1999 to 2003)

 Bulletin of Occupational and Environmental Health, TK Joshi Editor in Chief, India

  • Member of the Editorial Board, (2003 - 2006)

Colegio de la Frontera (College of the Northern Border) Tijuana, B.C., Mexico

  • Frontera Norte, Editorial Council (1992 to 1997).

CONACYT (National Council for Science and Technology), Mexico

  • Project External Reviewer (1992 – 2000).
  • Research Network on Air Quality in Large Cities. Council Member (1995).


  • Special Advisor for the Comprehensive Sound Management of Chemicals and COVID-19 (2019 to 2022)

Collegium Ramazzini, Fellow, (1994 to date).

  • Council Member (2001 to 2005).

Dr. Mario Molina Award. Mexico.

  • Member of the jury (2002).

Environmental Protection Agency, USA.

  • Advisory Member for the Evaluation of Risks from 1,3-butadiene, 1995 to 1998

Fuerza Migrante, USA

  • Health committee member (2022 to date)

Institute of Medicine, National Research Council, USA

-          Environmental Health Sciences, Research and Medicine Roundtable, Member, (2003 to 2009).

-          Participation in several workshops and consensus groups.

Interamerican Society for Environmental Training and Education, Mexico.

-          Administration Committee Member (1997 – 2000).

International Environmental Epidemiology Institute, San Francisco, California, USA.

-          Member, Administration Committee (1995).

International Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health. (USA)

  • Editorial Committee Member (1996 – 2002)

International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) (1989 to 2006, 2015 to date).

  • Founder by Invitation.
  • Council Member (1995-1997).
  • Member, Ethics Committee of the Society (1992 to 1997).
  • Member, Policy Committee of the Society (2015 to date).
  • Regional Chapter for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, ISEE (1990 to 2000).
    • Founding member (1990, officially chartered in 1995).  
    • First President (1995).

International Union for Health Promotion and Education, Member, (2008 to date)

  • Member of the Administration Board (2009 to 2013).

MacArthur Foundation.

  • Advisor to Projects follow-up Evaluation (1996).

Mexican Association of Public Health Education (1989 to 2000).   

  • President of the Association (1989-1992).

Mexican Society for Quality of Attention to Health, A.C.

  • Founding Member (1993-1995).

VIVIENDO EN UN MUNDO QUIMICO Collaborative (Living in a Chemical World), Mexico

  • Founding Member (2019 to date)

National Academy of Medicine of Mexico, Fellow (May 1995 to date).

  • Public Health Coordinator (1999 and 2000).
  • Committee on Social Determinants of Health, Member (2010 to date).

Occupational Safety and Health Administration, USA.

  • Public testimony at the informal rulemaking Public Hearing on the OSHA proposed amendment standard for 1,3 butadiene. Washington, D.C., January 14, 1991.

Rockefeller Foundation, USA

  • Public Health Schools without walls for Africa. Consultant (2005-2006).
  • Global Research Network on Urban Health Equity, Member (2009-2010).

Salud Publica de Mexico, Cuernavaca, Morelos. Mexico

  • Editorial Reviewer (1989 – 2009).

Secretariat of Health of Mexico (Ministry of Health).

  • Evaluation Commission of Researchers of the National Health Institutes. Member. Mexico (1991 – 1994).
  • National Institute of Nutrition. Member of the External Committee of Ecology (1995-1997).
  • National Health Security Committee, Member (2001 to 2009).
  • National Public Health Regulatory Committee, Mexico, Member (2005-2009).
  • Reproductive Health Committee, Member (2007-2009).

Secretariat for Environment and Natural Resources, Mexico (Ministry of Environment)

  • (SEDESOL) Technical Advisory Review Council, Mexico (1993).
  • Working Group on Climate Change. National Institute of Ecology. Member (2006).

Sociedad Mexicana de Salud Pública, Member (1988 to date).

  • Hygiene, Member Editorial Council (1992).

The Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health,

  • Alumni Association, Member (1994 to date).

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México

  • Academic Commission of the Atmospheric Science Center, Member (1992-1994).

University of Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA.

  • National Environmental Education and Training Center, Advisory Council Member (1995- 1997)

World Bank

  • Russia’s “Dying too young” report on health conditions and policies, Consultant (2005).

World Health Organization / Pan American Health Organization

  • Knowledge Network on Urban Health for the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health Member, (2007).
  • WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health, Reviewer of the final report (2008).
  • Benchmarking the Bangkok Charter, Muscat, Oman, Consultant (2006).
  • Expert Consultation on PAHO’s technical cooperation for non-communicable diseases, Member (2005 and 2006)
  • Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (PAHO) Washington, D. C. (1991).

Other associations

  • American Association for Medical Systems and Informatics, Member (1987-1989).
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science, Member (1993 to 1995).
  • American Association of Public Health, Member (1982-1988).
  • American College of Epidemiology, Fellow (1999 to 2004).
  • American College of Internal Medicine, Member (1976-1979)
  • International Society of Exposure Analysis, Member (1992 to 2006).
  • Mexican Hospitals Association, A.C., member (1989-1993)
  • Mexican Society of Occupational Medicine, Member (1996 to 2001).
  • New York Academy of Sciences (by invitation 1985-1987).
  • Society for Epidemiologic Research, Member (1985 to 1996).
  • Society for Risk Analysis, Member (1999 to 2006)

Dr. Santos-Burgoa current area of research interest include comparative public health regulatory institutions and systems as focused on chronic (non-communicable) diseases, food, obesity, environment, psychoactive substances, and health care systems. He is focusing on strengthening the regulatory capacity of national government and regional and global organizations. He is addressing the added value of regulatory institutions in fostering development, tackling inequities, including the interest to protect public health within regional trade and investment agreements.

His research also has drawn in his extensive experience in public health crisis, addressing extreme natural events related disasters as well as on pandemics such as Influenza A(H1N1) and COVID-19. He has lead research on Hurricane Maria Mortality in Puerto Rico, learning about the impact on excess mortality, the predisposing factors and inequities, as well as the impact of the health care infrastructure on mortality. 

His research has been on hydrocarbon exposure (1, 3-butadiene, he demonstrated for the first time its human carcinogenicity), pesticides (including DDT and other persistent pollutants), particulate pollution (urban air pollution and indoor), mining (lead, coal, and manganese), heavy metals and ecosystem health (including climate variability and change) in the occupational or environmental health area. He participated on the Trinational Project on Continental Pollutant Pathways. He has expanded the notion of human security into the health field. His professional interests include globalization and health within a Human Security and Health framework, pesticides risks and management, urban health, inter-sectoral action on health, health system stewardship and regulatory capacity, health systems, and social determinants of health. He has focused mainly on chronic diseases (cancer, respiratory diseases). His methodological interests are on longitudinal methods, human exposure assessment, health surveillance, risk assessment and risk communication, economic analysis, policy analysis and impact evaluation. He has experience in organizational change and development.

He is currently developing projects on:

  • Comparative Analysis of Public Health Regulatory Institutions capacity at the national and local level, in the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia. 
  • Environmental factors on structural congenital anomalies
  • Lead intoxication in childhood and adult criminal behavior 
  • Historical prospective mortality cohort study of health care workers’ occupational exposures in Mexico


Articles in Academic and Professional Journals (descending chronologic order):

Rojas-Bracho L, Farías-Serra P, Santos-Burgoa C, Talayero MJ., Epidemia de intoxicación por plomo: su atención desde las normas oficiales mexicanas para proteger la salud de la población. (Epidemic of lead poisoning: its attention from the perspective of official Mexican standards to protect population’s health)., Salud Publica de Mexico, 2023, November 13,

Talayero MJ, Robbins CR, Smith ER, Santos-Burgoa C., The association between lead exposure and crime: A systematic review., PLOS Glob Public Health., 2023, August 1,

Santos-Burgoa C, Garcia-Meza A, Talayero MJ, Kuenster N, Goldman Hawes AS, Andrade E., Total Excess Mortality Surveillance for Real-Time Decision-Making in Disasters and Crises, Disaster Med Public Health Prep., 2023, March 13,

Elizabeth L. Andrade, Amalis Cordova , Courtney Riggle van Schagen , Megan Jula , Carlos E. Rodriguez Diaz, M. Ivonne Rivera and Carlos Santos Burgoa, The impact of Hurricane Maria on individuals living with non-communicable disease in Puerto Rico: the experience of 10 communities., BMC Public Health, 2022, November 15,

Santos-Burgoa, Carlos, Five deficits to tackle by the future public health education., Salud Publica de Mexico, 2022, November 23,

Andrade EL, Mustafa AC, Riggle-vanSchagen C, Jula M, Rodriguez-Diaz CE, Rivera MI, Santos-Burgoa C, The Impact of Hurricane Maria on Individuals Living with Non-Communicable Disease in Puerto Rico: The experience of 10 communities, Research Square, Pre-print

Elizabeth L. Andrade, Megan Jula, Carlos Rodriguez-Diaz, Lauren Lapointe, Mark C. Edberg, Rivera MI, and Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Older Adult Health in Catastrophic Natural Disasters: Lessons Learned from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 2021, November 2,  

Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Re: The case for an international pandemic treaty and transforming the health authority., 2021, March 15, BMJ,

Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Good Ventilation Is Key to a Successful Reopening This Fall, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2021, April 26,

Andrade, E., Barrett, N., Edberg, M., Seeger, M., & Santos-Burgoa, C., Resilience of Communities in Puerto Rico Following Hurricane Maria: Community-Based Preparedness and Communication Strategies., Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 2021, November 2,  

Dietz, William; Santos-Burgoa, Carlos, Obesity and its Implications for COVID-19 Mortality, Obesity, Obesity (Silver Spring). 2020 Apr 1.,  

Andrade, E. L., Barrett, N. D., Edberg, M. C., Rivera, M. I., Latinovic, L., Seeger, M. W., Goldman-Hawes, A., & Santos-Burgoa, C. (, Mortality reporting and rumor generation: An assessment of crisis and emergency risk communication following Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico., Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research, 3(1), 15-48., 2020, March 5,    

Paul Ndebele, Hina Shaikh, Nino Paichadze, Imran Bari, David Michaels, Carlos Santos Burgoa, Adnan A Hyder, Commercial determinants of health: an ethical exploration, Int J Public Health ., 2020, August 25,

Sandberg J, Santos-Burgoa C, Roess A, Goldman-Hawes A, Pérez CM, Garcia-Meza A, Goldman LR., All over the place? Differences in and consistency of excess mortality estimates in Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria., Epidemiology, Epidemiology. 2019 Jul;30(4):549-552,

Sandberg J, Santos-Burgoa C, Roess A, Goldman-Hawes A, Perez PCM, Garcia-Meza A, Goldman L., The Authors Respond, Epidemiology, Epidemiology 2019;30(6):e36–e37,   

Santos-Burgoa C, Sandberg J, Suárez E, Pérez CM, Goldmann L, Mortality risk within counterfactual models: Puerto Rico and Hurricane Maria - Authors' reply., Lancet Planet Health, 2019;3(5):e209., 2019, May 1,

Refereed Article,  Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Marco General de la Regulación en Salud en el contexto Político Global (General Regulatory Framework within the Global Policy Context), Gaceta Medica de Mexico, 2018, January 1,    

Santos-Burgoa C, Sandberg J, Suárez E, Goldman-Hawes A, Zeger S, Garcia-Meza A, Pérez CM, Estrada-Merly N, Colón-Ramos U, Nazario CM, Andrade E, Roess A, Goldman L., Differential and persistent risk of excess mortality from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico: a time-series analysis., The Lancet Planetary Health, 2018, October 1,

Santos-Burgoa C, Urbina-Fuentes M, Rivera-Dommarco JÁ, Hijar M, Sanchez-Tepoz JS, Gallaga-Solorzano JC, Eden Wynter RDCA, Zuniga-Estrada A, Desarrollo de la capacidad para la regulación en salud en México. (Development of the health regulatory capacity in Mexico), Gac Med Mex., 2018;154(3):368–390.,

Santos-Burgoa, Carlos; Goldman, Lynn; Checchi, Francesco,, The global challenge of ascertaining the impact on mortality from natural disasters: The experience of Puerto Rico's hurricane Maria, European Journal of Oncology, 2018, December 1

Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Regulatory elements on marijuana, for the effective population health protection, Salud Publica de Mexico, Vol 59, No. 5, pages 592-600, 2017, September 5,

Mauricio Hernandez-Avila, Isabel Vieitez, Ana Bernal, Sofia Charvel, Carlos Santos Burgoa, Luz Maria Reynales, Laura Magaña, Juan Eugenio Hernández, Lina Sofia Palacio, Carlos Aguilar Salinas, and Lorena Viviana Calderon, Policy Framework to Develop and Improve Government Actions for Prevention and Control of NCDs, Economic Dimensions of Non-Communicable Disease in Latin America and the Caribbean. Disease Control Priorities. 3. ed. Companion Volume, 2016, June 1,

Adriana Blanco, Enrique Jacoby, Maristela Monteiro, Roberta Caixeta, Blake Smith, Ruben Grajeda, and Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Risk Factors in the Americas: The Sources of the Burden, Economic Dimensions of Non-Communicable Disease in Latin America and the Caribbean. Disease Control Priorities. 3. ed. Companion Volume, 2016, June 1,

Mújica OJ, Haeberer M, Teague J, Santos-Burgoa C, Galvão LAC. Health inequalities by gradients of access to water and sanitation between countries in the Americas, 1990 and 2010. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2015; 2015;38(5):347–54.

Santos-Burgoa C, Brownstein K, Eagin B, Galvao LA. Fostering Health and Human Security in the Americas. GLOBAL HEALTH GOVERNANCE, VOL VI, ISSUE. 1 (FALL 2012) ISSN: 1939-2389

Smit W, Hancock T, Kumaresen J, Santos-Burgoa CSánchez-Kobashi R, Friel S. Toward a research and action agenda on urban planning/design and health equity in cities in low and middle-income countries. J Urban Health. 2011 Oct;88(5):875-85.

Santos-Burgoa C, MD, PhD, MPH, Rodríguez-Cabrera L, MD, Rivero L, MD, MS, Ochoa J, MD, MPH, Stanford A, MD, Latinovic L, MD, MA, Rueda G, MD, MBA.  Implementation of Mexico’s Health Promotion Operational Model. Prev Chronic Dis 2009;6(1).

Santos-Burgoa C, Rodríguez-Cabrera L, Macedo de la Concha E, Álvarez García E, Cebrián Gómez A. Healthy Communities Program. Prev Chronic Dis 2009;6(1).

Acosta-Méndez M., Mariscal-Servitje L., Santos-Burgoa C., The present and future of Mexican Health Promotion.  Promot Educ. 2007; 14(4):224-7.

Mittelmark MB, Wise M, Nam EW, Santos-Burgoa C., Fosse E, Saan H. Hagard S. Tan. Mapping national capacity to engage in health promotion: overview.  Health Promot Int. 2006 Dec; 21 Suppl 1:91-8.

Santos-Burgoa C., Beyond managing healthcare risks: the health-promoting hospital initiative. Ann N Y Acad. Sci. 2006 Sep; 1076:624-7.

Rodríguez-Agudelo, Y., Riojas Rodríguez, H., Ríos, C., Rosas, I., Sabido Pedraza, E., Miranda, J., Texcalac, L, Santos-Burgoa, C.; Motor alterations associated with exposure to Manganese in the Environment in Mexico. 2006. Sci. Total Environ. 2006 Sep 15;368 (2-3): 542-56. Epub 2006 Jun 21.

Riojas Rodríguez H., Escamilla Cejudo, JA., González Hermosillo, JA., Téllez-Rojo, M., Vallejo, M., Santos-Burgoa, C., Rojas Bracho, L.; Personal PM2 and CO exposures and heart rate variability in subjects with known ischemic heart disease in Mexico City. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology. 2005.

Santos-Burgoa,C. A Latin American Perspective on the Risk Assessment Divide. Risk Newsletter. International Perspectives on Risk Assessment. First quarter 2003.

Santos-Burgoa,C. Adjudicating Science-Based Trade Disputes: Paradigms of Development. The Journal of the International Institute. Vol. 9(2) Winter 2002.

Carreón T; Santos-Burgoa C; Baron S, Hernandez S. Occupational Health in Mexico. Occup. Med 2002 Jul-Sep; 17(3):437-53.

Evans, J., Levy, J et al, Santos-Burgoa, C.; Risk in perspective. The Mexico Project. Harvard Center for Risk Analysis. Vol. 9(1) February 2001.

Schneider, MC, Aaron, J, Santos-Burgoa, C, Uieda, W, Ruiz-Velazco, S. Common Vampire Bat Attacks on Humans in a Village of the Amazon Region of Brazil. Cad Saude Publica 2001 Nov-Dec;17(6):1531-6

Santos-Burgoa,C. Rios, C, Mercado, LA, Aréchiga-Serrano, R, Cano-Valle, F, Eden-Wynter RA, Texcalac-Sangrador, JL, Villa-Barragan,JP, Rodríguez-Agudelo, Y, Montes, S. Exposure to Manganese: Health Effects on General Population a Pilot Study in Central Mexico. Environ Res 2001 Feb;85(2):90-104

Riojas-Rodriguez, H, Romano-Riquer, P, Santos-Burgoa, C, Smith KR. Household Firewood use and the Health of Children and Women of Indian Communities in Chiapas, Mexico. Int J Occup Environ Health 2001 Jan-Mar;7(1):44-53

Hernández-Gaytán, SI, Santos-Burgoa, C, Becker-Meyer, JP, Macias-Carrillo, C, López- Cervantes M. Prevalence and Correlates of Hearing Loss in a Cement Factory. Salud Pública Mex 42:106-111, March-April, 2000

Santos-Burgoa, C, , Downs T. Selecting Priority Hazardous Chemicals for Tri-national Control: A Maximum-Utility Method. Int J Occup Environ Health 2000 Jul-Sep; 6(3):220-37

Pilgrim, W.; Schroeder, W.; Porcella, D.; Santos-Burgoa C,; Montgomery, S.; Hamilton, A.; Trip, L. Developing Consensus: Mercury Science and Policy in the NAFTA Countries (Canada, the United States and Mexico) Sci Total Environ 2000 Oct 16;261(1-3):185-93

Santos-Burgoa C., Sanchez Monroy D., An Opportunity for Prevention and Change: The Federal Labor Law Reform in Mexico within the Global Context. European Journal of Oncology Nov. 1999

Santos-Burgoa C. Rojas-Bracho L. Modelaje de Exposición a Partículas en Población General y Riesgo de Enfermedad Respiratoria (Modeling Particle Exposure in General Population and Respiratory Disease Risk). Gaceta Médica de México.Vol.134 No.4 pp.407-418 August 1998.

Rivero Rodriguez, L. Borja Aburto V.H., Santos-Burgoa C. Waliszewskiy, S. Rios, C. Cruz, V. Exposure Assessment for Workers Applying DDT to Control Malaria in Veracruz, Mexico. Environmental Health Perspectives 1997 Jan;105(1):98-101

Santos-Burgoa C., Eden-Wyntger R., Riojas-Rodriguez H., Matanoski GM. Health Impact of 1,3 Butadiene Carcinogenesis. Annals New York Academy of Sciences, 1997, Vol. 837, pp. 176-188.

Matanoski, GM. Elliot, E. Tao, X. Francis, M. Correa-Villasenor, A., Santos-Burgoa C. Lymphohematopoietic Cancers and Butadiene and Styrene Exposure In Synthetic Rubber Manufacture. Annals New York Academy of Sciences,1997 Vol. 837 Pp.157-169.

Avila-Burgos, L., Gutiérrez-Zúñiga C., Hernandez-Peña P., Santos-Burgoa C., Silva- Aycaguer L. El Costo Social de la Bronquitis Crónica en la Ciudad de Mexico: una experiencia piloto (Social Cost of Chronic Bronchitis in Mexico City). Salud Pública de  Mexico 1996, 38(2): 128-38.

Schneider, M., Santos-Burgoa C., Aaron Munoz, B., Ruiz Velasco, S., Uieda, W. Potential Force of Infection of Human Rabies Transmitted by Vampire Bats in The Amazonian Region of Brazil, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 55(6)1996, pp.680-684.

Hernandez F., Rodriguez, R., Chacon, F., Castro, J., Branda, M., Godinez, C., Hernandez,I., Jimenez, O., Mendez, R., Oviedo, J., Santos-Burgoa C. Diseño Curricular del Programa de Maestría en Salud Pública con Sistema de Enseñanza en Servicio (Curricular Design of the Masters in Public Health Program through On the Job Learning System). Salud Pública de México. 1995;37(1):63-74.

Escobedo, J., Santos-Burgoa C. La Diabetes Mellitus y la Transición de la Atención a la Salud (Diabetes Mellitus and the Health Care Transition). Salud Pública de Mexico 1995;37(1)37-46.

Santos-Burgoa C. La Tarea a Seguir hacia la Nueva Salud Pública (The following task towards the new Public Health). Reseña. Salud Pública de Mexico 1995;37(1)88-90.

Santos-Burgoa C., Ashford, N. Hernandez-Peña, P. Regulaciones Ambientales y Laborales Como Estímulo a la Competitividad (Environmental and Occupational Regulations as a Competitive incentive). Comercio Exterior. 1995, 45(8): 615-622.

Schneider, MC, Santos-Burgoa C. Algunas Consideraciones sobre la Rabia Humana Transmitida por Murciélago (Considerations on Bat transmitted Human Rabies). Salud Pública de Mexico 1995 37(4): 354-362.

Correa, A., Walter, F., Stewart, Hsin-Chieh, Ye. Santos-Burgoa C. Exposure Measurement in Case-Control Studies: Reported Methods and Recommendations. Epidemiologic Reviews 1994; Vol. 16(1):70-82.

Sepúlveda, J. López Cervantes, M. Frenk, J. Gomez de Leon, J. Lezana, M. A. y Santos-Burgoa C. Aspectos Básicos de la Vigilancia en Salud Pública para los Noventa (Basic aspects of public health surveillance for the 90s). Salud Pública de Mexico. 1994, 36(1):70-82.

Gutierrez, C., Hernandez, P., Ortiz, C., Zurutuza Fernandez R., Santos-Burgoa C. Evaluación Económica y Toma de Decisiones en Salud Ambiental (Economic Valuation and Decision Making). Rev. de Saúde Pública 1994, 28(2):153-166.

Santos-Burgoa C., Rosas, I. Yela, A. Occurrence of Airborne Enteric Bacteria in Mexico City. The European Journal of Aerobiology, 1994. 10(1):39-45.

Rojas, M., Rios C. Santos-Burgoa C. The Use of Lead-Glazed Ceramics is the Main Factor Associated to High Lead in Two Mexican Rural Communities. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 1994, (42):45-52.

Tijerina, L., Santos-Burgoa C. Hacia una Consolidación del Sistema Nacional de Enseñanza en Salud Pública (Consolidating the National System of Public Health Education). Educación Médica y Salud. 1994;28(3):405-423.

Escobedo, J., Escamilla J., Santos-Burgoa C. Colesterol Sérico y Diabetes Mellitus: Principales Factores de Riesgo Independientes en la Mortalidad por Cardiopatía Isquémica en México (Serum Colesterol and Diabetes Mellitus). Archivos del Instituto de Cardiología de México. 1994, 64:189-195.

Schneider, MC, Santos-Burgoa C. Tratamiento Contra La Rabia Humana: Un Poco De Su Historia (Treatment against human rabies). Salud Pública de México. 1994, 28(6): 454-63.

Matanoski GM, Santos-Burgoa C. Butadiene and lymphatic and hematopoietic cancer. Epidemiology. 1994 Mar;5(2):261-3.

Santos-Burgoa C., Matanoski, G. Letter to the Editor. Lymphohematopoietic Cancer in Styrene Butadiene Polymerization Workers. Reply. American Journal of Epidemiology, 1993;138(9):766-768.

Frenk-Mora J, Pérez-Duarte F, Cebrián ME, Romero-Alvarez H, Santos-Burgoa C,Rojas-Bracho L, Alatorre R. [The environment and health]. Gac Med Mex. 1993 May-Jun;129(3):221-32.

Speizer F., (Name in List of Participants). Environmental Health Agenda for the 1990’s: Summary of Workshop. October 1-6, Sta Fe, New México. Environmental Research 63. 1-15, 1993.

Santos-Burgoa C, Alatorre, R, Carrillo, G, Rivera, L, Rojas Bracho, L, Escamilla, JA y Lara, E: Evaluación del Nuevo Programa de Maestría en Ciencias en Salud Ambiental (Evaluation of the New Environmental Health Master in Science program). Salud Pública de Mexico. 1993, 35: 202-213. ISSN 0036-3643.

Santos-Burgoa C., Rojas L., Alatorre R. Manejo Multidisciplinario de Riesgos Ambientales (Multidiscipline Management of Environmental Risks). Gaceta Médica de México 1993;129(3):229-232.

Sepúlveda, J., López, M., Frenk, J., Gómez de León, J., Lezana, M. A., Santos-Burgoa C: Key issues in public health surveillance for the 1990’s. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Center for Disease Control, US, Department of Health and Human Services. Atlanta, GA, EUA. December 1992, (41): 61-76.

Matanoski G, Francis M, Correa-Villaseñor A, Elliott E, Santos-Burgoa C, Schwartz L. Cancer epidemiology among styrene-butadiene rubber workers. IARC Sci Publ. 1993;(127):363-74.

Arredondo, A y Santos-Burgoa C: Lineamientos para la Estructuración de Protocolos de Investigación (Guideline for the Structure of Research Proposals). Revista de Educación Médica. 1992.3(1):21-26.

Santos-Burgoa C, Matanoski GM, Zeger S, Schwartz L. Lymphohematopoietic cancer in styrene-butadiene polymerization workers. Am J Epidemiol. 1992 Oct 1;136(7):843-54.

Santos-Burgoa C y Rojas-Bracho, L, Barrera, N, Escamilla, JA, Ongay, E: Métodos para Estimar el Riesgo Poblacional Atribuible a una Estación de Transferencia de Desechos Sólidos Municipales (Methods to estimate population attributable risk to a municipal waste transfer station). Salud Pública De México. 1992, 34, (5): 489-498.

Breast Cancer Prevention Collaborative Research Group. Davis, D., Hoel, D.G., Morrison, E., Santos-Burgoa C., Westing J. Founding members. Breast Cancer: Environmental Factors. The Lancet, 1992,340 (8824):904.

Matanoski, G, Santos-Burgoa C y Schwartz, L: Mortality of a Cohort of Workers in the Styrene-Butadiene Polymer Manufacturing Industry. (1943- 1982). Environmental Health Perspectives. 1990, 86: 107-117.

Indexed Books, Monographs and Reports:

ASCERTAINMENT OF THE ESTIMATED EXCESS MORTALITY FROM HURRICANE MARÍA IN PUERTO RICO, Milken Institute School of Public Health, The George Washington University, Carlos Santos-Burgoa, John Sandberg, Erick Suárez, Ann Goldman-Hawes, Scott Zeger, Alejandra Garcia-Meza, Cynthia M Pérez, Noel Estrada-Merly, Uriyoan Colón-Ramos, Cruz María Nazario, Elizabeth Andrade, Amira Roess, Lynn Goldman, This is the full report for the Puerto Rico Mortality project, 2018, August 27,

Pan American Health Organization. Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factors in the Americas: Considerations on the Strengthening of Regulatory Capacity. REGULA Technical Reference Document.  Santos-Burgoa C., Silver L., Roychowdhury I., Troncoso K., Washington, DC : PAHO, 2015.

GRULAC Interagency Group. Sustainable Development 20 years from the Earth Summit. Progress, gaps and strategic guidelines for Latin America and the Caribbean. Health Components by Ault S, Santos-Burgoa C, Carter K, Corvalán C, Crespo M, Diego Daza, Escamilla JA, Finkelman J, Galvao LA, González D, del Granado M, Morales S, Soares A, Teixeira P et al. ECLAC-UNDP, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 2013. (accessed Jan 8 2013)

Soares A, Brownstein K, Galvao L, Gomez G, Hubbard M, Khoddami J, Nieto O, Santos-Burgoa C Editors. Health, Environment and Sustainable Development: Towards the Future We Want. Collection of texts based on the PAHO Seminar Series towards Rio+20 that occurred in the period between 8 February and 13 June 2012. October 2013 ISBN: 978-92-75-31761-7. (English web access pending. Accessed Jan 8 2013

PAHO. Health and Human Security: Implications for Public Health. (Prepared by Santos-Burgoa C. at team leader) Washington DC, 2012 ISBN: 978-92-75-11692-0

Santos-Burgoa C (leader) and collaborators.  Influenza A(H1N1): Acciones de Promoción de la Salud, compartiendo nuestra experiencia (Influenza A(H1N1): Health Promotion Actions, sharing our experience).  PAHO/Ministry of Health Publication. México, 2009 

Towards a conceptual framework for urban health and an agenda for action in the Americas, First Meeting of the Regional Urban Health Forum of the Pan American Health Organization. First Edition, 2008.  Editors: Akerman M, Almazán R, Barrera I, Castillo-Salgado C, Cebrián A, Corriols M, Franceschini MC, Guerrero E, Latinovic L, Pinho K, Rice M, Rodríguez L, Santos-Burgoa C, Teixeira P. Ministry of Health. Mexico, ISBN: 978-607-460-006-3  

Acosta-Mendez, ML., Cardenas-Turrent MB, Navarrete-Sosa, G., Santos-Burgoa C, Ulloa-Hernandez MA. Compilación Nacional de Determinantes en Salud (National Health Determinants Compilation). Secretaria de Salud, 2008  ISBN 978-970-721-411-8 

Akerman M, Almazán R, Barrera I, Castillo-Salgado C, Cebrián A, Corriols M, Franceschini MC, Guerrero E, Latinovic L, de Pinho K, Rice M, Rodríguez L, Santos-Burgoa C and Teixeira P. Towards a Conceptual Framework for Urban Health in the Americas. Secretaria de Salud – Pan American Health Organization, 2008 

Hernández Ávila, M., Santos-Burgoa, C., et. al., Estrategia Nacional de Promoción y Prevención para una Mejor Salud. (National Strategy on Promotion and Prevention for a Better Health) Secretaría de Salud. 2007. ISBN 970-721-417-0

Santos-Burgoa C. (Leader) and collaborators  Modelo Operativo de Promoción de la Salud. Versión 1.0 (Health Promotion Operative Model, Version 1.0) Secretaría de Salud. 2006. ISBN 970-721-292-6

Santos-Burgoa, C., Rivero, L., Rodríguez, L.; Guía Manejo de Crisis que afectan la Seguridad del Paciente en Hospitales (Guide to Crisis Management from Patient Safety in Hospitals). Secretaría de Salud, 2003. ISBN 970-721-167-9.

Santos-Burgoa C. (Leader) and collaborators Plan Maestro de Infraestructura en Salud (Master Health Infrastructure Plan). Secretaría de Salud. 2003. ISBN 970-721-789-1. 

Santos-Burgoa, C (Leader) and collaborators. Primer Diagnóstico Nacional de Salud Ambiental y Ocupacional. (First National Diagnosis on Environmental and Occupational Health) COFEPRIS. Mexico D.F., 2002

Santos-Burgoa,C (Leader) and collaborators Programa de Acción 2001-2006: Salud Ambiental (2001-2006 Action Program: Environmental Health). Secretaría de Salud. 2002. ISBN 970-721-064-8.

Hicks B., Santos-Burgoa C, Young JWS (Co-Chairs, Expert Advisory Panel) Continental Pollutant Pathways. Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Montreal, Canada, 1997.

Santos-Burgoa C., Rojas Bracho L, Linker F., Alatorre Eden Winter R., Salud Ambiental en Mexico (Environmental Health in Mexico). Perspectivas en Salud Publica 1993, 17; INSP, Mexico. ISBN 0036-3634

Castillo C., Villar J. and Santos-Burgoa C.:  Manual of Risk Approach in Mother and Child Care; Paltex series for health services. Pan American Health Organization. Washington, D.C. 1984. ISBN 92-75-71010-4.

Boltvinik J., Santos-Burgoa C., Bay I., Mendoza Toro R., Chavez Ma. : Essential Needs in Mexico: Present Situation and Perspectives in Health up to the Year 2000. Siglo Veintiuno Editors, 1982, 4: 1-452, ISBN 968-28-1208-6.

Indexed book chapters:

US Caribbean., Fifth National Climate Assessment, Méndez-Lazaro, P.A., P. Chardón-Maldonado, L. Carrubba, N. Álvarez-Berríos, M. Barreto, J.H. Bowden, W.I. Crespo-Acevedo, E.L. Diaz, L.S. Gardner, G. Gonzalez, G. Guannel, Z. Guido, E.W. Harmsen, A.J. Leinberger, K. McGinley, P.A. Méndez-Lazaro, A.P. Ortiz, R.S. Pulwarty, L.E. Ragster, I.C. Rivera-Collazo, R. Santiago, C. Santos-Burgoa, and I.M. Vila-Biaggi,, Crimmins, A.R., C.W. Avery, D.R. Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, B.C. Stewart, and T.K. Maycock,, U.S. Global Change Re¬search Program, 2023, November 13,

Health Impacts of Global Systems from Intersectoral and Environmental Perspectives, Ecosystem Change and Public Health: A Global Perspective, C. Rebecca Robins, Maria Jose Talayero, and Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Joan Aron, Johns Hopkins University Press, accepted for publication 2023

Health and Sustainability as a Socio-Technical Enterprise Anchored in Social-Ecological Justice & Interrelationships: Insights from Mexico City-Toluca Region., Handbook of Human and Planetary Health, Downs TJ, Ogneva-Himmelberger Y, Ruelle M, Hanumantha RK, Mazari-Hiriart M, Guzman CD, Ramirez-Aguilar M, Santos-Burgoa C, W. Leal Filho, 2022, September 7, Elsevier,

Human Health in the U.S. Caribbean, National Climate Assessment 5, Pablo Mendez Lazaro, Isabel Laverne, Carlo Santos-Burgoa, Allison Crimmins, U.S. Global Change Research Program, 2021, August 11,

The influence of the Salud Publica de Mexico journal in the transformation of the School of Public Health of Mexico (in Spanish), Salud Publica de Mexico. 60 años. 100 testimonios, Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Carlos Oropeza, Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica. 2021, February 1, Mexico,

Etica en la proteccion y en el deber de planear en salud en el contexto pandemico (Ethics in the protection and duty to plan in health within the pandemic context)., Covid-19 and Bioethics, Carlos Santos-Burgoa, María de Jesús Medina Arellano and Gustavo Ortiz Millán, INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES JURÍDICAS, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2021, September 2,

Oscar J. Mujica, Jordan Teague, Mariana Haeberer, Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Luiz A. Galvão, Environmental Gradients and Health Inequalities in the Americas. Access to Water and Sanitation as Determinants of Health, Sustainable Development and Health Equity PAHO Technical Report Series, 2016, October 1, 

Urbina M, Santos-Burgoa C, Moreno L, Gonzalez Block MA, Jimenez Boleal J, Pellegrini A, Veja J ¿Se requiere un marco conceptual de los determinantes sociales de la salud y la equidad en salud diferente para los países de Latino America y el Caribe? En La importancia de los determinantes sociales de la salud en las políticas públicas. Urbina M y Gonzalez Block MA,  Editores. Primera edición, 2012. Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública. ISBN 978-607-511-081-3 (accessed Jan 8 2014,

Agua y saneamiento: derecho humano fundamental. Galvao LA, Monreal J, Santos-Burgoa C, Teixeira PF y Treasure A. Chapter 10 in: Agua y saneamiento: en la búsqueda de nuevos paradigmas para las Américas. PALTEX. Washington, 2012. ISBN: 978-92-75-11669-2

Pan American Health Organization. Health in the Americas 2012. Contributor to Chapters 2, 3 and 4. Washington D.C. 2012  ISBN: 978-92-75-11691-3 (accessed Jan 24 2014)

Santos-Burgoa C Los determinantes sociales de la salud y la equidad en salud en la reducción del gradiente social en la práctica de la salud. En La importancia de los determinantes sociales de la salud en las políticas públicas. Urbina M y Gonzalez Block MA,  Editores. Primera edición, 2012. Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública. ISBN 978-607-511-081-3 (accessed Jan 8 2014,

Santos Burgoa Zarnecki C, Rodríguez Cabrera L, Macedo de la Concha ER, Stanford Camargo A, Rivero Rodríguez L, Mesa Dávila CM, Almazán del Castillo R. Risk communication, guidelines and health promotion. Samuel Ponce de Leon, editor, "La epidemia de Influenza A(H1N1) en México”.  Editorial Panamericana, Mexico, 2010 ISBN 978-607-7743-12-5

Santos-Burgoa C (Leader) and collaborators. Programa de Acción Especifico Escuela y Salud (Specific Action Program on School and Health) Secretaria de Salud, 2008 ISBN 978-970-721-493-4

Santos-Burgoa C (Leader) and collaborators. Programa de Acción Específico de Promoción de la Salud: Hacia una nueva cultura (Specific Action Program on Health Promotion) Secretaría de Salud 2008.

Knaul, F., Santos-Burgoa, C.; Más allá de la sobrevivencia, en Knaul FM, Pérez-Fernández CJ, Suárez M., Vázquez S. Ortega Alanís X editors. Inclusión educativa para niños, niñas y jóvenes hospitalizados: un análisis basado en el programa nacional de México Sigamos Aprendiendo… en el Hospital (Beyond Survival, in Knaul FM et al editors. (Educative inclusion for hospitalized children) Fondo de Cultura Económico, México 2006  ISBN 9789681683245

Santos-Burgoa, C., Health and Environment in Legal Reform and Health. In TEMAS SELECTOS DE SALUD Y DERECHO, Munoz de Alba Medrano, Marcia Coordinator, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM, 2002: 153-163. ISBN 970-32-0100-8.

Evans, J; Levy, J; Hawwit, J; Santos-Burgoa C; y Castillejos, M. Health benefits of Air Pollution Control. Air quality in the Mexico Mega city. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge, Mass. E.U.A. 2002.

Santos-Burgoa C, Riojas H, Caballero M.  General Health Status of  the participating population of less than 15 yrs of age.  In Diaz Romo P and Salinas Alvarez S: Pesticides, tobacco and health: the case of the huichol and mestizo migrant workers and the small land owners in Nayarit, Mexico.  Proyecto Huicholes y Plaguicidas, Oaxaca Mexico, 2002: 144-179

Meneses F., Borja V., Cebrian., Hernandez., Olaiz G., Ostrosky P., Perez R., Ponciano G., Romieu I., Santos-Burgoa C., Villanueva C., Villalba J.  Health and Air Pollution. In De La Fuente JR y Sepúlveda J.  “Ten Relevant Problems in Mexico’s Public Health”. Fondo de Cultura Económico, Mexico 1999.  pp 293-346

Pilgrim W., Lucotte M., Montgomery S., Santos-Burgoa C., Ibarrola Uriarte MI., Abascal-Garrido F., Round M., Porcella D.  Mercury Case Study.  In Meeting the Challenges of Continental Pollutant Pathways.  Commission for Environmental Co-operation. Montreal, Canada, 1998

Cohen M., Commoner B., Espitia Cabrera A., Muir D., Santos-Burgoa C.- Dioxin Case Study.- Meeting the challenges of continental pollutant pathways.- Commission on Environmental Cooperation.-Montreal, Canada 1998.

Mejia GM., McTaggart-Cowan J., Hicks B., Santos-Burgoa C.- Ozone and particulate matter in the atmosphere Case Study. Meeting the challenges of continental pollutant pathways. Commission on Environmental Cooperation. Canada. 1998.

Young J. Radonjic SR., Michelangeli DV., Guzman F., Santos-Burgoa C.- Source receptor relationships case study.- Meeting the challenges of continental pollutant pathways.- Commission on Environmental Cooperation.- Canada. 1998.

Bridges T., Santos-Burgoa C , Veith G., Ecological Monitoring in North America in Meeting The Challenges Of Continental Pollutant Pathways.- Commission On Environmental Cooperation. Canada 1998.

Santos-Burgoa C., Ibarrola MI., Cohen M., MacDonagh-Dumler J., McTaggart-Cowan J. Pollution Prevention through Technology Innovation and Increased Regional Competitiveness Case Study. Meeting the Challenges of Continental Pollutant Pathways.- Commission on Environmental Cooperation. Canada 1998.

Santos-Burgoa C., Alatorre Eden-Wynter R.  Water contamination and population's health:  supporting our efforts. In  Biotechnology for water use and conservation. OECD-CONACYT, Paris, France 1997; pp. 191-198

Avila L., Gutierrez C., Hernandez P., Santos-Burgoa C., Economic Valuation of Chronic Bronchitis associated to Particulate Matter exposure.  In Health Effects of Environmental Pollution in Mexico City.  University Program on Environment.  UNAM.  Mexico, 1997

Santos-Burgoa C., Rodriguez Cabrera L., Cruz Rivero C., Lopez Cervantes M., Castro Albarran J.M., Rivera Domarco J., Castro Perez R., and Conde Gonzalez C.: Research on Health in Mexico City. Development and Practice in Public Health: The Mexican Experience. National Institute of Public Health, 1995 pp. 52-78, IBSN 968-6502-19-X.

Santos-Burgoa C.: Regulation Alternatives of Technology in relation to lead. Hernandez and Palazuelos, Editors. Perspectives in Public Health, No. 21. National Institute of Public Health, Cuernavaca, Morelos. 1995, pp. 245-255. ISBN 968-6502-21-1.

Binational Health Data Transfer Task Force (Name in list). Binational Health Care for Migrants. The Health Data Exchange Pilot Project and the Binational Health Data Transfer System.- Children of the border. Effort to serve Mexican Migrant and Immigrant Students.- ERIC Clearing house of Rural Education and small School. Pennsylvania, 1994

Santos-Burgoa C. and Rodriguez L.: Human resource development for health research. In : Lezana M., Faba G., The Scientific Production of Health in Mexico, Ministry of Health, 1992, 71-84, 1992. ISBN 968-811-167-8.

Santos-Burgoa C. and Rojas Bracho L.: X1. Effects of Air Pollution on Health. In: Restrepo I. (Editor), Air Pollution in Mexico; Its Causes and Effects on Health. National Commission on Human Rights, 1992, pp. 205-250. ISBN 968-805-831-9.

Santos-Burgoa C. : Health and Social Security. In : Narro J., Moctezuma J., Social Security and the Modern State. IMSS-ISSSTE. Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, 1992, pp. 299-333. ISBN 968-16-3938-3.

Matanoski G., Santos-Burgoa C., Zeger S. and Schwartz L: Epidemiological data related to health effects of 1,3 butadiene. In: Mohor U. (Editor), Assessment of Inhalation Hazards, ILSI Monographs, 1989, pp 201-214, ISBN 0-387-17822-8.

Selected Institutional Technical Reports:

Hospedales J and Santos- Burgoa C. with the PAHO NCD Technical Workgroup. Technical Reference Document on Non-communicable Disease Prevention and Control PAHO/WHO. Washington D.C., July 2011.

Santos-Burgoa, C., Rojas Bracho, L., Rodríguez Cabrera, L., Cedillo, L., et al; Children’s Environmental Health, Mexico’s Profile. CEPIS, PAHO/WHO, 2003.

Scholarly Editorships:

The General Health Council towards the intersectoral and sound management of chemicals, Cebrian A, Farias-Serra P, Riojas H, Rojas-Bracho L, Santos-Burgoa C, Talayero MJ, This is a contribution to the positioning document of the General Health Council on the policy. It is included in its periodic publication ACUERDOS., 2022, April 15

Lead on the table (El Plomo en la Mesa), Cantor D, Fuller R, Carvajal V, Trevino B, Figueroa D, Santos-Burgoa C, Rojas-Bracho L., 2022, July 15,

Harmful commercial marketing and children's health, Girardi G, Benassi MP, Ganlath L, Santos-Burgoa C, Campbell A, This is the final report of the WHO/UNICEF/OCHR/CAP-2030 Expert meeting held in December 2021. 2022, December 1, 

Cognition, Collective Action, and COVID-19: Managing Crises in Real Time, Louise Comfort editor, I was a supporter for some chapters, and peer reviewer for twoo book chapters, 2022, March 13,

The development of the health regulatory capacity in Mexico, Cano-Valle F., Hijar M., Rivera-Domarco J., Urbina M., Sanchez y Tepoz JS, Santos-Burgoa (Editor) 2018, January 1, 

Science, health regulation, institutional capacity: a Collegium Ramazini Forum., Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Karel VanDamme, Daniele Mandrolli, 2017, October 29

Congenital anomalies in Guatemala: causes and actions, Ann Goldman, Carlos Santos-Burgoa, 2017, June 1,

Work in Progress:


Hurricane Maria National Construction Safety Team Investigation: Characterization Of Deaths And Injuries (di) In Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria Hospital Interviews, Ralph Rivera Gutierrez, Heriberto Marin, Alejandro Rodriguez Putnam, Tom Kirsch, Judith MItrani-Reiser, Ann Goldman, Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Accepted,

Hurricane Maria National Construction Safety Team Investigation: Verbal Autopsy and Socio-Environmental Survey Full Implementation, Bernardo Hernandez, Pablo Mendez-Lazaro, Laura Cabrera-Rivera, Leslie Zaragoza, Judith Mitrani-Reiser, Ann Goldman, Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Accepted,

A public health approach to legalizing cannabis for medical purposes: a resource and guide for policy makers. Consensus report, Linblom, EN., Walsh J, Santos-Burgoa C, et al., Working Paper, 2022, May 1, This publication has been on hold because of FDAclearance

Economic Valuation of the total health impact of COVID-19 epidemic in Mexico., Sergio Bautista, Arantxa Colcheiro, Maria Jose Talayero, Carlos Santos-Burgoa, In Preparation; Not Yet Submitted

Caveats in the methods for Blood lead levels in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review, Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Paulina Farias, Leonora Rojas,, In Preparation; Not Yet Submitted, This is a critique to the estimation of exposure in LMICs, checking on the conditions for exposure in Mexico. Ericson B, Hu H, Nash E, Ferraro G, Sinitsky J, Taylor MP. Blood lead levels in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review. Lancet Planet Health. 2021 Mar;5(3):e145-e153.,

The system of Frontal Public Health Services: building on what has been shown in COVID-19., Carlos Santos-Burgoa, In Preparation; Not Yet Submitted

"HEALTHY" Social Distance in COVID-19 pandemic, and settings codes for reopening., Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Lilia Rivero-Rodriguez, Leonora Rojas-Bracho, Submitted

Effect of Health Regulatory Institutional Capacity on NCDs and Economic Growth in the Context of Globalization and Trade in the Americas, Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Maria Jose Talayero, Revising to Resubmit,

Journal Article, 2019, August 15, Demonstration of the feasibility of a registry and studying structural congenital birth defects at a Community Hospital, Santos-Burgoa L, Pallares ME, Rosenthal J, Santos-Burgoa C, In Preparation; Not Yet Submitted

G-LO-CAL ONE Health dimensions of aflatoxin-fumonisin impacts, Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Bernadette Dunham, Ann Goldman, In Preparation; Not Yet Submitted

The Death Certification Process in Public Health Emergencies: Failures in the Health System to Adequately Account for Death Tolls in Disasters, Ann Goldman, Alejandra Garcia-Meza, Amira Roess, In Preparation; Not Yet Submitted, To be submitted to Public Health Reports

Strategic Mapping of Public Health Systems and Institutions. Differential assessment of capacity and performance, Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Jeff Levi, In Preparation; Not Yet Submitted


Critique and Review,  Santos-Burgoa C., Ross J., Critical Contribution to the Draft Report for Public Review of the WHO High-Level Independent Commission on NCDs, WHO High Level Commission on NCDs, This is a policy analysis contribution., 2018, May 16

Borja, V., Braul, W., Dube, D., Foley, G., Hernandez, O., Inskip, M., Santos-Burgoa, C. and Vallero, D. “Decision Document on Lindane under the Process for Identifying Candidate Substances for Regional Action under the Sound Management of Chemicals Initiative,” NAFTA Publication, 2000.

Santos-Burgoa C, Caballero RM. 2000. Situational diagnosis for the use of DDT and Malaria Control in Mexico and Central America. Guide. Report on a consulting for the Commission on Environmental Cooperation Representation in Mexico. CEC – GEF 2000

Avila, A., Borja, V., Braul, W., Foley, G., Inskip, M., Lloyd, K., Rampy, L., Santos-Burgoa, C. and Vallero, D. “Decision Document on Hexachlorobenzene to Recommend Regional Action under the Sound Management of Chemicals Initiative,” NAFTA Publication, 1999.

Avila, A., Borja, V., Braul, W., Foley, G., Inskip, M., Lloyd, K., Rampy, L., Santos-Burgoa, C. and Vallero, D. “Decision Document on Dioxins and Furans to Recommend Regional Action under the Sound Management of Chemicals Initiative,” NAFTA Publication, 1999

Santos-Burgoa C and Alatorre R.  Challenges from the Mexican Perspective:  Climate Variability, Climate Change and the Persistent Organic Pollutants movement in the Americas.  National Water Research Institute.  Contribution Number 98-128.  Canada  1998, pp 61-64

Santos Burgoa C, Alatorre R., Sanín L.H., Borja-Aburto V.H.- Persistence of Hygiene Factors in the Transmission of Cholera in Mexico. Mexican Institute of Technology. 1996

Santos-Burgoa C., Alatorre Eden Wynter R., Rascon P.: Health risks associated to chemical pollutants in water.  In Mexico City/ Aquifer 1995, National Academy of Sciences/National Academy of Scientific Research. 1995

Santos-Burgoa C.: Decision-Making in Environmental Health based on Recent Scientific Evidence. In: Urban Sustainability and the Management of the Atmospheric Basin of the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City and the State of Mexico. Volume 1; Metropolitan Commission, Mexico, D. F. 1995, pp. 127-134.