Pre-Award Unit

The Office of Research Excellence (ORE) has compiled useful resources for the initial phase of proposal submission here for principal investigators and research support staff.

Questions: [email protected]

       - Research Faculty
       - Students
        - Proposal Process Flow
        - Rate Agreement
        - Requesting Cost Share
   + CAYUSE 424


The George Washington University Research Pod 2 Intent to Submit is a system created to increase productivity by simplifying communication between administrators and PIs in proposal preparation. This nine question form will replace having to complete and submit the more intensive “Intent to Submit a Proposal” form to GW Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP). The tool will also be useful in increasing utilization of staff resources; the internal database will allow Pod managers to identify areas of need for allocation of staff, additional support, or management of high submission activity. After a sponsored research administrator (SRA) is assigned to the proposal, the SRA will reach out to the principal investigator to collect the remainder of the information needed to begin work on the proposal. This is a Proposal Intake, and can take the form of a meeting, a phone call, or an email. Collection of both intent and intake for proposals will allow our Pod to analyze pre-award proposal information to better service research efforts.

All GWSPH proposal applications must complete an entry

Questions: [email protected]


In order to streamline the budget building process, GWSPH designed a simplified template that can be adapted to most use cases (eg. proposal submission, rebudgets, budget modifications, etc.). To receive a copy of the template, contact the ORE.

Template request: [email protected]


The ORE has compiled a document with descriptions of all facilities and other resources available at the George Washington University for proposal preparation. To receive a copy, contact the ORE.

Document request: [email protected]

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Department Directory

Biostatistics & Bioinformatics

Environmental and Occupational Health


Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Global Health

Health Policy and Management

Prevention and Community Health

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GWSPH Intramural Funding


Intramural funding available for GWSPH students.

  1. Expenditures made during the course of the project.
  2. The award's contribution to the student's dissertation research.
  3. The student's success in the program.

*Please note that unspent funds will remain with ORE.*

Doctoral Professional Development Award


Doctoral candidates (DrPH or PhD) currently enrolled in the GWSPH who have successfully completed their comprehensive exams may apply for funds from the GWSPH Office of Research Excellence (ORE) to support expenses associated with their dissertation research and dissemination of findings. 

Note: This award can only be granted once during a Doctoral candidate's studies, having met all of its requirements.


Doctoral candidates must submit a brief application summarizing the primary aims, research questions, hypotheses, proposed methodology, strengths and limitations, and a timeline. Each application must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation/support from the student's dissertation committee chair. Individuals may only receive one Doctoral Professional Development Award while at GWSPH.


Funds may be used to support the following types of activities.

  • Dissertation-related travel (e.g., data collection site visits, meetings with collaborators)
  • Purchase of research equipment
  • Purchase of research supplies and software
  • Research-related professional membership fees
  • Professional journal subscription costs
  • Publication fees
  • Software costs


Application submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis contingent on the available ORE budget. Applications must be submitted to ORE ([email protected]) at least two months before funds are needed.


Up to $1,500 in funding will be awarded per applicant. 

Notification of decisions will be sent from ORE via email to the awardee, his/her dissertation Chair, and Departmental Finance Manager. Award spending information and requirements will be included in the notification. Students who do not receive awards will also be notified.


A completed Doctoral Professional Development Award Application must be submitted and contains the following.

1. Completed application form.

2. The application should include a two-page, single-spaced Project Description (font size 11 points with one-inch margins). Figures and references are not included in the two-page limit. The Project Description should be written for a general audience using non-technical language whenever possible to be understandable by research faculty in other fields. It should consist of the following components:

  • Summary of the Primary Aims and Research Questions
  • Hypotheses
  • Proposed Methodology
  • Strengths and Limitations
  • Proposed Timeline

3. Letter of recommendation/support from the student’s dissertation Committee Chair.

4. Budget and budget narrative using the template.


The required forms and components should be merged into a single PDF and submitted via email to [email protected]. Use the following format for the file name: Lastname_Firstname_Application_Doctoral_Professional_Development_ Award_Date of Submission.


Awardees must submit a two-page Final Report within 30 days of the award end date or 30 days before graduation (whichever comes first) outlining the following points.




Capital Connection Fund


Scholarships, assistantships, and various other funding opportunities are available through several different groups.

Link: Funding for current students


For Master's students:

The GWSPH Alumni Association established the Capital Connection Fund to provide financial assistance for students engaged in off-campus research, internship, conference and other professional development activities. Contributions of alumni, faculty, and other friends of the Milken Institute School of Public Health help to make these opportunities possible (Make a Gift).

Link: Download the CCF guidelines and application (PDF)

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Proposal Development & Submission


What are the differences between Sponsored and Non-Sponsored projects?

  • Grant funds are restricted funds and are used in accordance with an agreed upon statement of work or proposal.
  • Project deliverables, project reports, and financial reports are usually required. 
  • Sponsored projects are subject to review and approval by the Office of Sponsored Project (OSP) within OVPR before submission to sponsor for funding consideration.
  • PIs are encouraged to contact their department grant administrators as early as possible for support.
  • Proposals not meeting the criteria outlined above may be considered and/or classified as gifts.
  • These can be unrestricted funds, most often do not require deliverables, project reporting, or financial reports.
  • Gifts are coordinated through GW's Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations within the Division of Development and Alumni Relations.


The Do's and Don't of NIH Applications

NIH R01 Applications

Watch this recording to follow two of our senior GWSPH faculty as they share their knowledge and expertise on writing, submitting and winning NIH R01 grants.

Link: The Do's and Don'ts for NIH R01 Applications 

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The following are four different categories of proposal. Determine the type of proposal that is being submitted as they have different requirements.

Solicited Proposals
  • Submitted in response to a program announcement (PA) or request for proposal (RFP) released from a sponsoring funding agency
Unsolicited Proposals
  • No specific request from the sponsoring agency
  • Application submissions may be accepted on a rolling basis may have no specific deadline
Invited Proposals
  • No specific request from the sponsor
  • May or may not have a specific application deadline
Limited Submission
  • Limited number of applications accepted by sponsor
  • GW OVPR will initiate an internal competition to determine the proposal(s) that will move forward

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Roles & Responsibilities

Levels of Responsibility and Eligibility

  • Defining Principal Investigator (PI) Responsibility

The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for overall management of the scientific, technical, financial, compliance, and administrative aspects of the sponsored project in accordance with relevant sponsor regulations, university policy, the Faculty Handbook, and the OVPR Sponsored Projects Handbook.

  • Defining PI Eligibility

The GW Faculty Handbook states to be eligible as a PI they "... must be a regular or research  professor (rather than in limited-service status) or have an appointment as a research scientist or higher."

PI Eligibility Exception Request
Exceptions to Eligibility

n the rare circumstance in which an individual affiliated with GW wishes to serve as a PI but does not meet the eligibility criteria set forth above, a formal request for an exception to this guidance must be submitted to the Senior Associate Dean for Research for consideration (please see application process below to request an exception -- Obtaining an Approval for PI Eligibility Exception Request). Requests for exceptions are project-specific, and approval applies only to the project specified in the request form.

Link: PI Eligibility Form

Obtaining an Approval

When a PI Eligibility Exception is needed, please follow the steps below using a PI Eligibility Exception Request Form. Review and signature approval from the Senior Associate Dean for Research is required.

Please be mindful of the process and plan accordingly to meet sponsor submission deadlines. If needed, PI Eligibility Exception Request forms should be submitted to the Office of Research Excellence (ORE) at least 7 days before the sponsor's submission deadline. To facilitate processing, especially for requests requiring a quick turnaround for approval, please forward a note to the ORE mailbox ([email protected]).

  1. Principal Investigators (PIs) are encouraged to work with their department administrators to facilitate completion of the PI Eligibility Exception Request Form.
  2. On the form, PIs must already obtain approval from their Department Chair before sending to ORE for review and approval.
  3. Send the request form via email to [email protected] with the below format:
    1. Email subject line: PI Eligibility Exception Request -- PI Name
    2. In the body of the email, include:
      • Deadline when proposal is due to the sponsor;
      • Name of OVPR Pre-award Sponsored Projects Administrator (SPA) assigned to work with the PI.
    3. Attach the completed "PI Eligibility Exception Request" along with (a) Current letter of appointment, (b) Curriculum Vitae or Resume, (c) proof of completion of Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) course on protection of human subjects and (d) any other essential supporting documents to the email.
    4. Copy Lauren Scannelli, Administrative Coordinator, Office of the Senior Associate Dean for Research.
    5. Copy Department Chair (PI's designated department chair).
Timeline for PI Eligibility Requests

Department Research Administration

Engagement of Research Administration (RA) early in the process is highly encouraged. RAs are responsible for assisting PIs with the proposal development and facilitation of electronic routing for approval consideration.

Other institutional signing officials

The Signing Official (SO) or Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) has institutional authority to legally bind the institution in grant-administration matters by providing signature approval on grant application submissions.See the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) for more in-depth Institutional Information.

Proposal Process Flow

Start early, plan ahead, and be organized. To help facilitate sponsored project application process review from our Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) within the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR), it is expected that Principal Investigators (PI) and their departmental administrator provide a complete application package in advance of the sponsor deadline date for review and approval through GWSPH and for OVPR.

Proposal Tracker

The George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health (GWSPH) Proposal Tracker is a system created to increase productivity by simplifying communication between administrators and PIs in proposal preparation. This form will replace having to complete and submit an “Intent to Submit a Proposal” form to GW OVPR. The tool will also be useful in increasing utilization of staff resources; the internal database will allow researchers to identify areas of need for allocation of staff, additional support, or management of high submission activity. Collection of intent-to-submit proposals from all GWSPH departments will allow our School to analyze pre-award proposal information to better serve research efforts.

All GWSPH proposal applications must complete an entry

Link: Proposal Tracker

Pre-Application Requirements


  • Letter of Inquiry - General presentation of a program idea and generally does not require AOR/OVPR approval
  • Concept Paper - Would highlight key features of an anticipated proposal
  • Letter of Intent - Express the intention to submit a proposal. Some sponsors may require AOR approval. If budgeting information is required, standard OVPR routing procedures apply.

Questions: [email protected]

Proposal Kick-Off Meeting

As soon as a PI is interested in submission of a proposed project for sponsor consideration, a kick-off meeting is highly recommended to establish the following:

  • What’s in the RFA? Identification of sponsor requirements and proposal components
  • Discuss and establish a timeline for submission
  • Schedule future proposal follow-up meetings leading to application submission
  • Discuss proposed project
    • What activities are anticipated and who would likely staff the project?
    • Will there be domestic or international collaborators and in what capacity will their contribution be to the project; programmatic or provision of services?
    • Are Human Subjects involved? Animals? Radioactive material?

Link: Proposal Kick-off Meeting Roadmap

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GW is a member of the FDP Expanded Clearing House Initiative. 

Effective January 2019, GW implemented the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) Expanded Clearinghouse Initiative. This initiative authorizes FDP member institutions to use online organization profiles in lieu of subrecipient commitment forms. Pass-through entities can utilize this publicly-available information when issuing subawards or monitoring subrecipient organizations.

To find out more information, and to check if the collaborating organization is a member, go to GW OVPR Subrecipients.

Complete supporting documentation for each proposed subaward

  1. Subrecipients that are non-Federal Demonstration Project (FDP) member institutions, or foreign entities, must  complete the GW Subrecipient Commitment Form (PDF).
  2. Letter of intent (statement of collaboration)
  3. Scope of work to be performed (describing the Subrecipient’s specific role within the GW project)
  4. Budget
  5. Narrative Budget Justification
  6. Biosketches of Key Personnel/Technical Representative, in agency required format (if required by sponsor)
  7. Small Disadvantaged Business Contracting Plan, in agency required format (for federal subcontract budgets exceeding $750,000 only)
  8. Negotiated F&A

Consultant Inclusion

  • Consultant letter(s) of commitment (to include consulting rate, if paid consultant) and Biosketch (if required, sponsor specific).
  • Check proposal application guidelines for sponsor specific requirements for consultants.

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Rate Agreement

The University negotiates F&A cost rates with the federal government annually (, in keeping with the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200-Subpart A-§200.56). These rates should be applied consistently to all federally-funded research projects.

It is expected that investigators seeking external funding for proposed projects will employ the full F&A cost rate on proposal budgets, as stated in the federally-negotiated rate agreement maintained by the University Controller. There are, however, circumstances where consideration may be given to reduce the negotiated F&A or indirect cost rate (IDC). IDCs that fall below the GW published F&A rates may occur when either the F&A rate is restricted by federal statute or regulation, or when the sponsoring organization limits these rates.

To locate the current F&A rates visit Institutional Information within the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP).

To determine which F&A rate to use and apply within a proposal project application for sponsor consideration, see OSP Categorization of Sponsored Projects.

Exceptions to the GW Approved Rates

Federally negotiated F&A cost rates generally will be applied on all proposals for sponsored projects unless:

    1. The F&A rate is limited by federal statute or regulation.
    2. The sponsoring organization has a published, consistently applied policy limiting F&A

    Any investigator planning to use an F&A or IDC rate other than the GW-approved F&A rate or the sponsoring organization’s published rate will require to submit a request for exception

    For an exception to be granted, the following are required:

    1. sponsor documentation

    2. approval by the GWSPH Senior Associate Dean for Research, and

    3. approval by the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) Associate Vice President for Research.

    Information on IDCs published in the sponsoring organization’s funding announcement, or acknowledgement from the sponsoring organization via email is sufficient to document the sponsors position on IDC rate.

    Timeline for Request

    Please be mindful of the process and plan accordingly to meet sponsor submission deadlines. If needed, IDC Reduction/Waiver Request forms should be submitted to the Office of Research Excellence (ORE) at least 5 days before the sponsor’s submission deadline. To facilitate processing, especially for requests requiring a quick turnaround for approval, please forward a note to the ORE mailbox ([email protected]) alerting staff that an IDC Waiver request is impending.

    Indirect Cost (IDC) Reduction Request

    In the rare circumstances when a request for IDC reduction is needed, please follow the steps below. Review and signature approval from the Senior Associate Dean for Research is required, and ORE staff will route to OVPR for final approval.

    1. Principal Investigators (PIs) are encouraged to work with their department administrators to facilitate completion of the IDC Reduction/Waiver Request Form.
    2. On the form, PIs must provide a strong rationale for the request, such as strategic alignment, expected return on investment, etc.
    3. Send the form via email to [email protected].
      1. 3.1  Subject: IDC Reduction/Waiver Request—PI Name

        3.2  In the body of the email, include:

        3.3  Rationale for waiver; 

        3.4  Deadline when proposal is due to sponsor

        3.5  Name of OVPR Pre-award Spnsored Projects Administrator (SPA) assigned to work with the PI.​

    4. Attach the completed “IDC Reduction/Waiver Request Form” to the email
    5. Copy Lauren Scannelli, Administrative Coordinator, Office of the Senior Associate Dean for Research ([email protected])
    6. Copy Department Chair (PI’s designated department chair)

    It is the mission of the GW Milken Institute School of Public Health (GWSPH) to encourage “individual faculty and staff research productivity for GWSPH as a whole, as measured by: extramural direct research support, F&A support, and average proportion of faculty time devoted to research.” Sponsored research projects provide a means of achieving these objectives through direct costs, as charges attributable to individual projects to fulfil project goals, and indirect costs. These indirect costs, also known as Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rates (or overhead) represent research-related costs that cannot be allocated to a sponsored project or activity. Indirect or F&A rates support lab space, utilities and centralized administrative staff, among other things. See GW Policy Statement for further information.

    Sponsored Research and Procedure Guidance: The Office of Sponsored Projects provided an in-depth Sponsored Projects Handbook detailing policies and procedures pertaining to sponsored projects.

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    Cost sharing is an institution’s contribution to the total cost of a sponsored project. These are costs not covered by the sponsor and can be in the form of cash, equipment, in-kind contributions by GW and third parties, and/or faculty effort. Some sponsors prohibit cost sharing, check the sponsor guidelines carefully prior to considering its inclusion within the application. Additional information may be found on the OSP site. The GW Cost Sharing on Sponsored Agreements Policy may be found on the Office for Ethics, Compliance, and Privacy site.

    Cost Sharing: The portion of the cost of a sponsored project borne from either university funds or another allowable source of funds (such as a separate non-federal sponsored project award), or some combination thereof, rather than by the external sponsor.

    Additional information covering cost share may be found on the OVPR site under Institutional Support.

    Mandatory Cost Sharing

    A requirement for Cost Sharing identified by the sponsor in the sponsored project, notice of award, program guidelines or other written communication. A good example of mandatory cost-share is an executive salary cap where the sponsor specifies a fixed amount of salary that may be included and charged against the sponsored project. 

    Voluntary Committed Cost Sharing

    Voluntary Cost Sharing that is committed to by the university in the proposal for a sponsored project.

    Voluntary Cost Sharing

    Cost Sharing provided by the university other than in fulfillment of a Mandatory Cost Sharing requirement.  Voluntary Cost Sharing may be either committed or uncommitted.

    Voluntary Uncommitted Cost Sharing

    Voluntary Cost Sharing that the university undertakes without having committed to do so, either in the proposal for a sponsored project or otherwise.

    Cost Sharing on Sponsored Projects

    Requests for voluntary cost sharing are more likely to be approved if the project utilizes full Facilities and Administrative Cost Rates and clearly supports the school’s overall mission.

    Note that requests for cost share are to be well in advance of the proposal deadline.

    Requesting Cost Share

    Here are guidelines to be followed in order to request institutional cost-share:

    1. PIs are to complete a request for cost sharing and notify their Department Chair.
    2. Requests must originate from the senior associate dean for research for GWSPH.
    3. The school(s) must confirm its portion of the cost share before requesting approval from OVPR or the Provost.

    Steps involved: Request a Cost Share

    Include the following information:

    • Brief overview of the project (3 to 4 sentences)
    • Amount of cost share being requested
    • Break-down between entities (OVPR, Provost and School(s))
    • Confirmation of the school’s portion of the cost share
    • What expenses will be covered by the cost-sharing
    • Reason for the cost share, such as:
    • Sponsor mandates it;
    • Makes the proposal more competitive; or
    • Insufficient funds to complete the project without cost-sharing
    • Sponsor name
    • Total project amount
    • Indirect cost rate used and dollar amount
    • Duration of proposed project
    • Other supporting information, or documents, that may be relevant to the request

    Cost share requests must to be submitted by GWSPH’s senior associate dean for research to the Vice President for Research and GW’s Provost directly and copy the following:

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    All proposal packages are required to include the Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure Form completed by all principal investigators (PIs), and senior/key personnel. According to GW’s policy on COI, faculty and investigator activities shall be conducted in a manner that avoids inappropriate conflicts of interest and commitment.

    Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI)

    Federal regulation regarding public health service (PHS) funds mandates training, disclosure, and proposal/award management requirements. Supplemental disclosure forms must be submitted by PIs submitting applications for funding consideration. A list of PHS funded agencies is found within OVPR.

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    A multi-school routing form (MSRF) is used when GWSPH Principal Investigators (PIs) are collaborating with another school or entity within GW but outside of GWSPH. MSRF requests Key Personnel to declare whether there is a Conflict of Interest (COI) or not and to confirm the last Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) supplemental disclosure date with GW if the application will be submitted to a Public Health Service sponsor. Submit forms to the Office of Research Excellence (ORE) at least 5 days before the sponsor’s submission deadline.

    When an outside GWSPH entity is requesting approval of a MSRF from the Senior Associate Dean for Research (SADR), please follow the steps below:

    1. Principal Investigators (PIs) are encouraged to work with their department administrators to facilitate completion of the MSRF.
    2. On the form, PIs or the departmental administrator, must obtain approval from the department Chair prior to sending to ORE for request for SADR signature approval. 
    3. Send the form via email to [email protected] (see below for email format).

    Email format for the MSRF:

    1. Subject line: Multi-School Routing Form - PI Name
    2. Include deadline when proposal is due to the sponsor and name of OVPR Pre-award Sponsored Projects Administrator (SPA) assigned to work with the PI in the body of the email
    3. Attach the cmopleted "Multi-School Routing Form"
    4. Copy Lauren Scannelli, Administrative Coordinator, Office of the Senior Associate Dean for Research ([email protected])
    5. Copy Department Chair (PI's designated department chair)

    Link: Multi-School Routing Form

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    Submission Deadline to OVPR

    The Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) within the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) provides pre-award review for all proposal application packages for sponsor consideration. All proposals are required to use Cayuse 424 for either a system-to-system submission or for submission directly to sponsor specific systems. All proposal packages are required to be routed through Cayuse 424 for compliance review and GW approval.

    Prepare EARLY to submit early to OVPR at least 5 BUSINESS DAYS prior to sponsor deadline.

    A completed proposal package is expected to be routed and approved in Cayuse 424 prior submission to sponsor. The expectation from OVPR is to have a complete proposal package reach OVPR electronically 5 full business days prior sponsor deadline and adjust the timeline to accommodate for holidays that would impact the review and approval process. Please be aware that in certain circumstances, OVPR may ask for supporting budget documentation in the event that the sponsor’s format is not consistent with institutional practice.

    Cayuse Access

    Cayuse 424 is GW’s web-based system-to-system application tool for creating, reviewing, approving and/or submitting sponsored project proposals for sponsor support consideration. Cayuse integrates with many federal application systems such as and is used for routing of non-federal research proposals.

    CAYUSE 424

    To gain access to the system you will need the following:

    Login to Cayuse 424 using your GW UserID and password

    Unable to log-in? Contact your designated OVPR Office of Sponsored Projects Research Administrator

    Cayuse Support

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (503) 297-2108 x 201 (Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 8:00 pm ET, except Cayuse company holidays)

    Cayuse Help Center (registration required)

    Add a Professional/Institutional Profile in Cayuse

    Working with an institution or organization not found in the Cayuse Institutional profile? Send the following information to your designated OVPR Office of Sponsored Projects Research Administrator:





    Email Address:


    Sponsored Projects Approvals

    Requires approvals: Agreements that include the following are considered Sponsored Project Agreements (most cases). For additional information about the deferrization between grants and gifts visit GW Corporate & Foundation Relations

    1. Required progress, technical, milestone, or final reports or other deliverables, excluding stewardship reports on gifts or routine updates to the awarding entity.
    2. Detailed financial reports to the grantor/sponsor at any time during the life of the project and/or the right to perform a detailed financial audit of the award expenditures.
    3. Requirement or stipulation that spending must align with proposed budgets as it creates a level of accountability beyond stewardship reporting.
    4. Federal government or federal pass-through funding, subject to audit and other compliance requirements issued by the Office of Management and Budget (excluding federal student financial aid programs handled through the Office of Student Financial Assistance).
    5. Funds that will be re-granted or subcontracted by the university to non- university entities.
    6. The use of animals, human subjects, recombinant DNA or hazardous agents requiring the review of the Office of Research Integrity and Compliance in the Office of the Vice President for Research.
    7. Intellectual property provisions, indemnification or hold harmless provisions, provisions containing restrictions on publication of research results, and/or other contractual provisions that place risk on the university.
    8. Intellectual property provisions, indemnification or hold harmless provisions, provisions containing restrictions on publication of research results, and/or other contractual provisions that place risk on the university.

    Signing Authority for MOUs (More content coming soon!)

    The Dean of our school is the ONLY signing authority

    Templates have been vetted by Office of General Counsel (OGC)

    Process for approval:

    • MOUs establish a relationship between GW and other organization
      • Basis for specific contracts

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    More coming soon!

    Institutional Information for GW

    What you will find:

    • GW Institutional Codes and Numbers such as;
      • Entity Identification Number (EIN/IRS)
      • Animal Welfare Assurance Number (OLAW)
      • CAGE Code: The Commercial and Government Entity Code
      • Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number
      • And more…
    • GW Current Fringe Rates
    • GW F&A Rates for Organized Research and Other Sponsored Activities
    • GW Official Contacts
    • GW Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR)
    • GW Business Official or Financial Officer
    • GW Payment Information
    • Cognizant Agency for Audit
    • Cognizant Agency for Indirect Costs
    • GW Annual Reports
    • Other Financial Documents

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    Award Negotiation & Acceptance


    Coming soon!


    Coming soon!

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