Environmental and Occupational Health Recognition, Presentations, and Service — Summer 2017

September 14, 2017

In Summer 2017, our faculty’s accomplishments and expertise were recognized by the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory and Environmental Health Perspectives.  Faculty served, contributed to and presented on topics ranging from the Global Reporting Initiative to coal mining in Appalachia to audiences at venues including the National Academies of Science, the National Press Club. 

Professor and Interim Associate Dean for Research Melissa Perry

  • has brought international attention to how pesticides can impact human sperm.  The Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory Frontiers in Reproduction Program recognized the significance of her achievements and the international recognition she has received for her work investigating the influence of chemical agents on reproduction.  At the event in early June when she received her award, Perry also gave a talk titled “Environmental Chemicals and Human Sperm Aneuploidy: It All Started at Frontiers in Reproduction.”  (more)
  • was named a member of the Board of Associate Editors for Environmental Health Perspectives, which has an impact factor of 9.78 and is one of the most highly ranked journals in Toxicology, Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, and Environmental Sciences (more)

Assistant Professor Ami Zota was named a member of the editorial review board of Environmental Health Perspectives. (more)​

Professorial Lecturer Herman J. Gibb is currently serving on a National Academy of Sciences Committee, “Potential Human Health Effects of Surface Coal Mining Operations in Central Appalachia.”  The committee is expected to complete its work by September 2018.

Professor and Interim Chair George Gray spoke on June 21 at the National Press Foundation’s “Understanding the Environmental Stakes” event for journalists. His talk was titled “Understanding Risk Analysis,” a topic that has long been a core component of his work. (more)

Professor and Director of the Antibiotic Resistance Action Center Lance Price spoke at the National Academies of Science on June 20 at “Combating Antimicrobial Resistance: A One Health Approach to a Global Threat.” Price’s talk was titled “The Interface and Pathways of Gene Transfer Across the One Health Domains.” (more)

‎Professor David Michaels

  • is a member of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Occupational Health and Safety work group. The group met in Amsterdam in May, as part of the process to update the GRI's sustainability reporting standards on workplace safety and health.
  • was the concluding speaker at a June conference held in France, entitled "Breaking the Invisibility of Occupational Cancer"

Associate Professor Sabrina McCormick was a featured speaker at “Symbioses: A BioSocial Network Fifth Semi-Annual Retreat” hosted at the New School in New York City. McCormick spoke at the event’s “The Environment and its Limits” session.

Assistant Professor Ami Zota was recently interviewed by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for a podcast on the "Windows of Susceptibility," exploring the wide variety of chemical and non-chemical stressors people can be exposed to in their daily lives.

Professorial Lecturer John Balbus, who serves as the director for the NIEHS-WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Sciences, gave a talk sponsored by the EOH department.  His talk, “After the CHA: Advancing the Science of Climate and Health,” focused on what happened after the release of the 2016 U.S. Global Change Research Program report, "The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment" (also known as the GCRP Climate Health Assessment). 

Professorial Lecturer David Goldsmith collaborated with colleagues from Workplace Health Without Borders--US, Albert Tien and Kate Bradford, on a session at the recent American Industrial Hygiene Association meeting in Seattle.  It addressed the importance of OSHA's new silica dust standard in the EU, in the Philippines, and in other nations throughout the world and was titled "Is OSHA's New Silica Dust Standard Relevant?"