EOH Latest Newsletter: Climate Change at the White House and GW, Alumna Honored, Antibiotics Action, Another Architecture Award

June 1, 2015

In May 2015, Dean Goldman and Professor and Chair Perry both participated in a White House Roundtable on Climate Change and addressed attendees to a symposium hosted by the department featuring authors of the U.S. Global Change Research Program’s report on climate change and human health.  Recent Global Environmental Health Alumna Cassie Phillips received an award for a research poster.  Professor Lance Price wrote an influential commentary and op-eds raising concerns about antibiotics in food animals, and Tyson Foods announced that it was eliminating the use of antibiotics.  Students and recent alumni received awards and had their research published.  See the latest Department of Environmental and Occupational Health newsletter for details and more, including many faculty publications and why a MPH student received a $450 award from GW’s Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service.