Thoughts on Private Sector Funding for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Needs

March 18, 2016

Assistant Professor Jay Graham is rethinking some of the key assumptions underlying how developing nations tackle water, sanitation and hygiene problems based on what he learned in a recent article describing how developed nations got to where we are today.  He made a video blog as he contemplated the article’s ramifications while walking on the streets of Quito, Ecuador.

Graham’s comments and observations reflect the 15 years he has spent working on WASH issues in countries in Africa, Asia, and South America.  He wrote a book chapter on successful sanitation projects in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. Although a fan of market-based solutions, with academic credentials that include an MBA, he says:  “I think we’ve gone a little amuck in the WASH sector to think that the private sector is going to solve everything….”  Watch his 2:20 VLOG to find out why.