GWSPH Career Services Ambassador

November 16, 2023

Position Title: GWSPH Career Services Ambassador

Wage per Hour: $17 per hour (10-12 hours per week)

Position Type: On-Campus [Non-FWS]

Position Numbers

  • Non-FWS: (number will be assigned)

Number of Openings: 1

Position Specific Summary

As a student ambassador for GWSPH Career Services you will work on promoting Career Services events to Public Health students and alumni, assist with the creation and coordination of Career Services career development materials, projects and programming. In addition, you will also collaborate with higher education professionals at many administrative levels.

Position Description

  • Research careers across the public health industry and facilitate updates to career services materials and webpage.

  • Co-lead and support programming initiatives for Career Services

  • Source job descriptions and programming from Handshake and disseminate to relevant student populations.

  • Create and develop marketing materials and promote events and services by editing a weekly listserve to students and alumni via Handshake, GWSPH student/alumni listserv, and GWSPH social media.

  • Run monthly career counseling and programming reports on Handshake.

  • Analyze pre and post survey results to inform future program creation 

  • Assist with updating Public Health Career Services handouts.

  • Special projects or other duties may be assigned related to specific departmental needs.  

Professional Outcomes:  Teamwork, critical thinking, problem solving, technology and data analytics, presentation creation and facilitation, networking, student services appointment shadowing.

Required Qualifications: GWSPH Graduate student with a strong attention to detail, excellent organizational, written and oral communication skills, ability to succeed in a team environment and to successfully work independently on time-sensitive projects. One year commitment.

Preferred Qualifications: Familiarity with Handshake and other campus career resources available to students and alumni.
Interested applicants should email a resume and cover letter to Toy Draine at [email protected].