US Roadways More Deadly for Pedestrians at Night: Expert Available

December 18, 2023


WASHINGTON (Dec. 18, 2023)-According to a New York Times analysis pedestrian deaths at night have been on the rise since about 2009 in the United States.  In 2021, more than 7300 pedestrians died on US roadways–over 75% of those deaths occurred in the dark. The trend runs counter to what is happening in other countries like Canada–where a lower share of pedestrian fatalities happen at night.


Adnan Hyder, a professor of global health at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health is available to comment on the deadly trend. 


Hyder was one of the lead authors on a series of articles on road traffic safety published in The Lancet last year. That research showed that up to 540,000 lives could be saved worldwide by targeting speed and other road safety measures.


Hyder can discuss how to make US roadways safer, who’s most at risk and what can be done to reverse the trend.


To schedule an interview with Professor Hyder, please contact Kathy Fackelmann, [email protected]

