HPM Directory

Kelly Devers

Health Policy and Management

Professorial Lecturer

Avi Dor
Avi Dor

Health Policy and Management

Professor of Health Policy and Management and of Economics

Milken Institute School of Public Health 950 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Office: 610 - Floor 6 Washington DC 20052
Gregory Dwyer

Health Policy and Management

Research Scientist

2175 K Street 2175 K Street, NW Washington DC 20052
Clese Erikson

Health Policy and Management

Lead Research Scientist

2175 K Street 2175 K Street, NW, Ste. 250 Washington DC 20052
Gerry Fairbrother

Health Policy and Management

Professorial Lecturer

Jennifer Ford

Health Policy and Management


Salama Freed
Salama Freed

Health Policy and Management

Assistant Professor

Leonard H. Friedman
Leonard H. Friedman

Health Policy and Management


Milken Institute School of Public Health 950 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Office: 602 - Floor 6 Washington DC 20052
Michael Glomb

Health Policy and Management

Professorial Lecturer

Sian Goldson-Desabaye

Health Policy and Management

Professorial Lecturer

Melissa Goldstein
Melissa Goldstein

Health Policy and Management

Teaching Associate Professor

Milken Institute School of Public Health 950 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Office: 211 - Floor 2 Washington DC 20052
Elizabeth Gray

Health Policy and Management

Teaching Assistant Professor

Milken Institute School of Public Health 950 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Office: 628R - Floor 6 Washington DC 20052