EOH News


EOHers Help Test Construction Safety Equipment at NIH

DrPH student Derek Newcomer and recent MPH Alumna Kelly Bruvik are testing construction blowers at NIH to ensure they work as required.

EOH Student Describes Internship on EPA Blog

Last summer, Environmental Health Science and Policy MPH student Taylor Katz completed an internship at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) headquarters in Washington, DC.  She...

McQueen & Shimamoto on the USGCRP building’s roof

EOH Students and the Third National Climate Assessment

A growing body of evidence links climate change to health concerns, but raising awareness about these connections remains a challenge.  A recent Gallup Poll showed that only 39% of Americans...

EOH MPH Culminating Experience Presentations on Disinfection Byproducts, Mercury, and Manganese

Three EOH MPH students presented their culminating experiences (CEs) in June.  Reshma Arrington’s topic was "The Occurrence of Trihalomethanes and Haloacetic Acids in Chlorine Treated Water: a...

Amanda McQueen conducting construction safety research

New Building Presents an Opportunity for Construction Safety Research

For most members of the Milken Institute School of Public Health, construction of a new building at 950 New Hampshire Avenue meant a chance to bring seven departments under one roof. For Melissa...