Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control - MPH
The mission of the Master of Public Health (MPH) Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control program is to prepare the next generation of global health professionals to develop and rigorously appraise infectious and chronic disease control-related programs using analytical and creative assessment skills. The ability to do so will provide students with requisite skills to effectively contribute to improving the performance of global health programs. In turn, Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control degree graduates impact underserved communities around the world.
In addition, the MPH in Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control degree coursework helps enhance students' capacity to think critically and innovatively. At the George Washington University, we are proud to educate students who are committed to improving public health on a global scale and engaging in and promoting public service. We emphasize these qualities in the MPH Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control program because they are essential for future health professionals and public health practitioners. In addition, we’re certain that Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control graduates can:
- Utilize common epidemiological tools to help generate evidence on interventions targeted to infectious and chronic disease control.
- Work in real-world settings to strengthen methodological rigor.
- Generate and use data for assessing burden of disease and determining efficacy and effectiveness of interventions for infectious and chronic diseases.
- Translate evidence to support program and health systems improvements and to make policy recommendations.
- Communicate the results of research to a broad set of stakeholders.
Flexible Programming
To help students fit graduate school into their daily life, Milken Institute SPH provides flexible course offerings, which allows Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control students to take up to 15 credits online.
Program Prerequisites
There are no specific pre-requisites for entering the Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control master’s program, other than a bachelor’s degree or higher degree. This program is a good fit for anyone with an interest in improving human health. Students who are especially interested in working with diverse populations and those who wish to study broad categories of health concerns are great candidates for this MPH in Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control.
Students should remember to follow the curriculum associated with the Academic Year in which they matriculated. All Program Guides are linked in the following Curriculum Tab.
Program Director: Christopher Mores
- MPH Core Requirements
PUBH 6000 | MPH Applied Practice Experience (0 credit)
PUBH 6002 | Biostatistical Applications for Public Health (3 credits)
PUBH 6003 | Principles and Practice of Epidemiology (3 credits)
PUBH 6007 | Social and Behavioral Approaches to Public Health (2 credits)
PUBH 6009 | Fundamentals of Program Evaluation (2 credits)
PUBH 6011 | Environmental and Biological Foundations of Public Health (3 credits)
PUBH 6012 | Fundamentals of Health Policy: Public Health and Healthcare (2 credits)
PUBH 6021 | Essentials of Public Health Practice and Leadership I: Leading Self and Teams in Public Health (1 credit)
PUBH 6022 | Essentials of Public Health Practice and Leadership II: Managing Organizations and Influencing Systems in Public Health (1 credit)
PUBH 6023 | Interprofessional Education Experience (IPE) (0 credits)
PUBH 6418 | GH Culminating Experience I: Proposal Development (1 credit)
PUBH 6419 | GH Culminating Experience II (1 credit)CORE TOTAL: 19 CREDITS
- Epidemiology and Disease Control Requirements
PUBH 6047 | Systematic Reviews to Synthesize Evidence in Public Health Practice (1 credit)
PUBH 6247 | Epidemiologic Methods I: Design of Health Studies (3 credits)
PUBH 6252 | Epidemiologic Methods II: Advanced Epidemiologic Methods (3 credits)
PUBH 6400 | Global Health Frameworks (2 credits)
PUBH 6416 | Ethical and Cultural Issues in Global Health Research and Programs (1 credit)
PUBH 6243 | Ethics in Public Health Practice & Policy (1 credit)
PUBH 6486 | Global Health Programs and Approaches to the Control of Infectious Diseases (2 credits)
PUBH 6492 | Global Health Programs and Approaches to the Control of Chronic Diseases (2 credits)
PUBH 6853 | Stat Package/Data Management and Data Analysis (3 credits)PROGRAM-REQUIRED TOTAL: 17 CREDITS
- Epidemiology and Disease Control Electives
A minimum of 9 credits - any PUBH graduate course. See program guide for sample course recommendations.
Other electives may be selected with advanced approval from the advisor.
For the most up to date list of electives, please reference the program guide and our SPH Course Descriptions.
- Non-Academic Requirements
Professional Enhancement
Students in degree programs must participate in eight hours of Professional Enhancement. These activities may be Public Health-related lectures, seminars, or symposia related to your field of study.
Professional Enhancement activities supplement the rigorous academic curriculum of the SPH degree programs and help prepare students to participate actively in the professional community. You can learn more about opportunities for Professional Enhancement via the Milken Institute School of Public Health Listserv, through departmental communications, or by speaking with your advisor.
Students must submit a completed Professional Enhancement Form to the student records department
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Training
All students are required to complete the Basic CITI training module in Social and Behavioral Research prior to beginning the practicum. This online training module for Social and Behavioral Researchers will help new students demonstrate and maintain sufficient knowledge of the ethical principles and regulatory requirements for protecting human subjects - key for any public health research.
Academic Integrity Quiz
All Milken Institute School of Public Health students are required to review the University’s Code of Academic Integrity and complete the GW Academic Integrity Activity. This activity must be completed within 2 weeks of matriculation. Information on GWSPH Academic Integrity requirements can be found here.
- Past Program Guides
Program Guides from prior Academic Years
Students in the MPH in Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control program should refer to the guide from the year in which they matriculated into the program. For the current program guide, click the "PROGRAM GUIDE" button on the right-hand side of the page.
Students in the GW MPH programs gain practical skills and knowledge through their practice experiences. It is important for MPH Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control graduates to feel confident in their skills and gain real-world experience during their studies. Students in the Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control MPH program complete both a Practicum and a Culminating Experience to practice their knowledge and skills in real-world settings.
Applied Practice Experience (Practicum)
In the Department of Global Health, the Practicum is a course designed to engage students in a Practice Activity—a planned, supervised, and evaluated experience in a public health organization. The Practice Activity can be related to either primary research or public health practice. It might include activities such as conducting literature reviews, writing proposals, or collecting and analyzing data.
The Practice Activity for the MPH Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control degree may not be directly related to the student's day-to-day work. This is to ensure that students learn and apply new skills in the context of public health. If the student does conduct the Practice Activity at his/her place of employment, it must be work for which the student is not remunerated.
- Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
- Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO)
- Peace Corps
- Population Services International (PSI)
- Save the Children
- World Bank
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Culminating Experience
The Culminating Experience (CE) integrates the knowledge and skills students acquire through their academic work and the Practice Activity. The CE requires students to identify and define a specific public health issue and formulate hypotheses to address that issue. Students work with data obtained through either primary research or from an existing dataset. The process of proposal development, data analysis, interpretation, and extrapolation of the results culminates in a written report or manuscript and an oral presentation.
Some previous CE research topics in the MPH Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control program include:
- One Year into the West African Ebola Epidemic: Analysis of Model Predictions in September and October 2014
- Risk Factors and the Descriptive Epidemiology of H7N9 Avian Influenza cases reported to WHO from December 2013 through mid-May 2016
- Associations of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes with Neonatal Respiratory Illness in southern Nepal
- Relationships between Pregnancy Morbidities and Delivery Outcomes among Native Americans and other Ethnic/Racial Groups
- Making the Grade: An Assessment of Nairobi Health Facilities' Readiness to Provide HIV/AIDS-Related Services
- Jobs You Will Be Prepared For
- Clinical Research Coordinator
- Research Analyst
- Junior Epidemiologist
- Technical Specialist
- Technical Officer
- Health Analyst
- Organizations You Are Prepared to Help
US Government Agencies
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- National Institute of Health (NIH)
- Peace Corps
- United Stated Agency for International Development (USAID)
- United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
- US Department of State
- Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- United Nations Foundation
- United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
- United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
- WHO - Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO)
- World Bank
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Care International
- Catholic Relief Services
- Center for Global Development
- Doctors of the World
- Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF)
- Engender Health
- FHI 360
- IMA World Health
- International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)
- International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
- International Medical Corps (IMC)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC)
- Management Services for Health (MSH)
- Pact
- Pathfinder International
- Plan International
- Population Council
- Population Services International (PSI)
- Relief International
- Results for Development (R4D)
- Sabin Vaccine Institute
- Save the Children
- The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
- Women for Women International
- World Vision
- Abt Associates
- Camris International
- Deloitte Consulting LLP
- The Palladium Group
- University Research Co., LLC. (URC)
Students pursuing an MPH in Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control have access to a world-class faculty with relevant expertise and diverse experience in research, governmental, and clinical settings. The many areas of interest and research experience for professors and lecturers in the Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control Master of Public Health program include chronic disease, infectious disease, disease research methods and analysis, and nutritional and environmental factors of disease. We are pleased to introduce you to these MPH Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control faculty members:
Dr. Christopher Mores, Program Director